
Time Machine.

-Chanyeol's POV- 

       4pm. Time to eat. I took my coat and I left the house. The weather was perfect. The sun was shining behind some cloud, and the  sky was blue. I like days like that. I can do whatever I want. I felt the wind, and my hair flying. It was a perfect day. I wanted to go to the café but since it's far, so normally I go there by bus, but now I'm in a too good mood to take the bus. So I'll walk. Children were playing in the grass. They were happy and they shouted. I remember my childhood, I wasn't like this. I never left my house and I was so sad. But now, it's over, so I know how to enjoy life.

        But I'm sad right now. My childhood had been bad, and I've never been happy. Until something happened. But I can't think about it. It's so much pain. So much regret. I was finally happy. This feeling that I waited for I don't know how long. I think I was waiting for it during 10 years. This feeling of happiness. But I broke it. I broke my happiness. Myself. I regret it. So much. I wanted it to continue. But it was too late. I wanted to explain myself. But I didn't dare. I couldn't. I just couldn't. It was too late for it. For everything that I wanted to do. So much regret. So much pain. I hope one day I'll dare to explain myself. I want to restart everything from the beginning. I don't know if I can. But I hope one day I will do it.

   I took my phone, and I listened to music. I didn't know what to listen. But I chose something relaxing. I felt very good. I love the wind. Because you can't see it. But you can feel it. When it's cold, you hate it. When it's hot, you love it. The sun was also shining, but not so much. I wasn't so hot. Maybe still a bit. But just a bit. I took my bottle of water, and my phone fell. I thought it will be broken, but it wasn't. Then, I listened to music again, and there were Time Machine from Girl's Generation. I remember I loved this song. The lyrics of the song are like describing my situation right now. I listened to it so often.

Just one mistake,
Just one regret.

       It's like me. I did one mistake. And you don't know how much I regret it. Firstly, I didn't regret it. But then, I started to think. If only I didn't do it. If only I didn't say anything. If only I didn't want to show I'm a cool man. If only I didn't do anything. It woud be so much better. And right now, I'll be happy. But I was stupid and I didn't think of my future. I just did it, and now I'm suffering so much. I remember, in the music video of Time Machine, they are crying at one moment. I never understood why. But I was like them. I cried. The day I finally realized my fault, I cried suddenly. Maybe I should stop talking about it or I'll cry right now.

Give me a Time Machine.
I need a Time Machine.

Oh how much I wanted a Time Machine. If only I had a Time Machine.. my life would be much more happier and easier. How can I be forgiven now? I think during all my life I was only thinking of it. I stopped the music and I continued to walk. I had tears in my eyes. But I didn't want to cry. It was ridiculous. I went in this park, filled with beautiful flowers. With a little bridge, with a little river with lotus. It was beautiful. I loved this park. 
       Then, I finally arrived. At this café. My favourite. It was his favourite too. I wanted to sit at my habitual sit outside, but there was someone. Someone was sitting at my sit. I kept my head down. I entered the café, and I asked for a tea. I sat behind the window. Where I can see this person very precisely. I looked at him very attentively through the window. It was him. The reason I did my best to avoid depression. Him. Byun Baekhyun. He knew exactly my sit. And my favourite café. It was his too.

       We went out together. I was so happy to go out with the person I love. But quickly, I didn't love him as much as the beginning. And it's been only 2months, and I broke up with him. At first, it didn't bother me, but I started to think about it. He told me he was in total depression. He didn't even eat. Then, I started to regret it. At first a bit. But then, a lot. I wanted to go out with him again. But I knew it wasn't possible. He was already going out with another guy. Tao. And I knew him ver well too. He was my friend. He always told me he liked Baekhyun but in a friend way. He told me he didn't love him and he'll never go out with him. But he still does. I wanted to cry. I realized, if only I went out with him again, everything would be better. But I couldn't. Because I broke up with him. I didn't know how much it could hurt me. I didn't know it could affect me that much. Now, I'm feeling like I'm him. I cry everyday. I don't even eat. Then I took my phone and I put Time Machine. I always did this when I saw him. I did my best to keep my tears. I didn't want to cry. 

       I kept watching him. I didn't realize he was just here. In front of me. Drinking something with a snack and reading a book. I was happy he has a normal life after we broke up. He was suffering so much. But now,he has another boyfriend. And it's me, who is suffering right now. suddenly, the wind stopped. He stopped reading his book and he lifted his head. He was awesome. This eyes.. when I think that I went out with him.. I can't even breath. His phone rang and he picked up. He was so happy when he talked. I think it was his boyfriend. I was jealous. So jealous. But it's all because of me. Myself. I'm suffering because of myself. And I regret. I regret so much. 

       I drank my tea very quickly, I paid and I quickly left the café. I couldn't support to see his face once again. When I left, I also walked on foot. I wanted to change my brain. I must forget him. I took another way to come back to my house. There was flower everywhere. I walked in the grass. It was beautiful, and I.. no. I must stop. I didn't enjoy. For me it wasn't beautiful. It was ugly. Everything for me was ugly. Because of him. No. Because of me. I must admit. I can't support it anymore. I fell on my knees, in the grass. I was crying so much. Tears fell like my eyes were sinking. I love him.

       I must admit. I can't avoid this subject at each time. I must admit it. I love Baekhyun. So much. So Baekhyun, if you hear me, I don't know how you could, but if you hear me, I want you to know I love you.

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Chapter 1: *cries* very sad story :'(
댓글 퓨퓨
MishaRen #3
So sad TT.TT
For exo!
For exotics!
For exo ff!
For ff world!
Mostly, for yourself.. :)
Good luck!