Another Day, Another Rejection

Mr. Perfect Is A Robot?

Another Day, Another Rejection


{You're POV}

I was typing on my computer on my desk, writing out a drama for the next episode. I was collaborating heads with my best friend Kreestal. We took about from early morning to seven at night finishing up the episode script, and for the entire day Hyun-Joong was acting out the drama as the main lead. So he was only outside of the building filming the play I came up with with Kreestal. I hated how he had the easy life.

"I'll be going to get something to drink." Kreestal said, going to the vending machine. "Want something?" She asked, looking at me with a I-Hope-You-Say-No expression.

I ignored her expression and shook my head, "No, I'm fine, I have something to do anyway." I got up from my desk and grabbed my light pink purse. I walked out of the empty office and walked towards the night sky outside. I looked around my surroundings and waited for Lee Yoo-Chun. A handsome and very respected man in the building.

When I heard a casual whistle coming towards me, I looked to my side and smiled. I saw Yoo-Chun walking towards the entrance, but I blocked his way in and smiled softly, "Annyeong, Lee Yoo-Chun." I said in my cute voice. I blinked my Aegyo Blink move and gave him a small wave.

Yoo-Chun looked at me with disgust, as if he'd almost barf. I always got that kind of reaction from guys since the moment I was born. I mean, my own father left me with my aunt when I was a baby because I was too horrifying to look at, and only all the women said I was beautiful. The women always boosted up my confidence, but the men always broke it back down.

"Uhm, annyeonghase-yo Noogeuna-shi." He said formally, bowing as quickly as he could and tried to walk into the building.

I kept blocking his entrance and sighed, "I want to tell you something, Yoo-Chun." I looked at him grabbed a small bag of cookies that I knew he loved, "Please accept my feelings." I bowed my head, waiting in torture for his response.

"Cheosohabnida." He said quickly and pushed me out of the way. He ran inside the building and towards the elevator.

I staid outside in the cold, I felt my whole life shatter again. I truly do have a curse upon me, but its not that I'm ugly, it's that every man is destined to dislike me no matter how much I try!


{Hyun-Joong's POV}

I was just finished with filming when I heard Devil Reincarnated talk about Nooguena.

"Did you hear? That ugly girl went to talk to Lee Yoo-Chun. Can you imagine her confession with cookies? How old fashioned." Said Devil Reincarnated.

"Aigoo, aigoo...and how embarrassing. Wanna go watch? I bet you their just starting the love confession." Said D-P.

"Uh, girls, we have work to do. I mean we have to start piling paperwork and all-" started Jin Mae.

"Aish-" Said Devil Reincarnated, "Leave the work alone, we have desperate men to do that. And plus, get my camera, I want to put this in my collection of 'Nooguena Rejects.' I've already got about a dozen of them. All in a row." She laughed.

I didn't exactly know what to do, but I decided to follow them. As I watched them go to the lobby of the building, we all looked out through the pained glass window, letting us have a clear view of Nooguena and Yoo-Chun, the supervisor at Building-A.

The girls didn't know I was even following them, so I walked past them to get closer to the wall-window and laid my back against it. My ear was perked up to hear whatever was going on outside.

"-Cheosohabnida." I heard the guy say quickly. I saw a flash of light and saw that Devil Reincarnated had taken a picture of Nooguena's rejection moment. I turned my head and watched as Yoo-Chun quickly ran to the elevator, and saw Nooguena watching him too. When I looked at her expression, she was pained and hurt.

She looked like a puppy that got hurt on its way to find home. I felt my own heart sink at the view. I displayed my hand on the window and looked at her, pleading silently for her to look at me. Because it was obvious that the rejection made her loose vision, because the only one she seemed to see was the blank elevator doors and herself.

When I was about to walk outside, Nooguena began to cry and quickly ran away from the building. I heard laughter come from where the girls were. When I turned around to look at them clearly, the girls gasped and staid quiet and quickly ran towards me.

"Ah, Kim Hyun-Joong! You are much more handsome in person!" Said Devil Reincarnated.

I walked away from their grasp and smiled softly, "Mianhae, I have somewhere to go." I quickly rushed outside and to my car to drive to the apartment building to see if Nooguena had gone home. I never knew the reason why any guy didn't like Nooguena, she was obviously gorgeous. It wasn't like she had a bad complexion and shabby short hair. I saw her with long hair and a beautiful white complexion, but it seemed as if she was the total opposite when guys described her.

I really felt at a loss this time, I wanted to comfort Nooguena at this moment, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.


{You're POV}

I was crying as miserably as I could. I stood at a bar drinking the strongest and most expensive wine there was. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, because they just came one after the other.

"I'll be forever alone." I wailed, "No one thinks I'm pretty, and girls only say I am because they feel pitty." I cried.

A women in a black waitress uniform heard me and walked up to me, "Oh, sweety. You are absolutely gorgeous! If any guy views you as ugly, they just don't deserve you. God probably did this so that only one man on this earth, human or not, can view you as more beautiful and gorgeous than any other women on this earth. But of course, there really is no perfect boyfriend like that." The waitress said, leaving another glass of wine on my table.

"Did I just hear, 'No perfect boyfriend?'" Said a really handsome guy. "How do you know that there is no boyfriend that is perfect if you never looked to try?"

I looked up from my cup and wiped my nose with a napkin, "I've looked, I've tried, and I never found." I cried more.

When this guy looked at me in the face, his eyes opened wide and grabbed a tissue, wiping my face as if he were horrified, "Girlie, if you only put on some acne cream and lotion with a bunch of make-up, maybe you would find your perfect boyfriend." He shrugged and looked at the waitress as if it were common knowledge for me to do what he said.

I touched my cheeks and sniffled, "But I don't have acne." I said, feeling my smooth skin. "And I do have makeup on, and lotion." I argued.

The guy looked a bit astounded and held his hands up, "Look, being in denial is fine with me. If being in denial makes you feel beautiful, then go ahead girrrrrrrl." He said, and then looked at me with a serious gaze. "If I were to grant you one wish, what would it be?" He whispered, his golden brown hair toppling over his eyes.

I didn't even hesitate, "A boyfriend. That what I wish. But since your not a genie, then you can't grant it." I said knowingly.

The guy threw his hands up in the air and laughed, it seemed itchingly familiar, as if I heard his laugh before. "If that was what you wanted in the first place, why didn't you say so?" He handed me a black card and smiled, "My name is Lei WuWu, also known as-" He put his hands to his face and seemed to be playing peek-a-boo by himself, "T.O.P from a very popular band. Pleased to meet you little missy."

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "If your from a band, then what are you doing here in this bar, at this time of night, and handing out website cards?" I asked.

T.O.P or, Lei WuWu put a finger to my lips, "Handing those things out are just an extra job, missy. Being a singer is just something to entertain me." He said, looking at his fingers, and blowing on the tips of the nails. "Whenever you have time, check the website out. And if you have any problems with the product, send it back or call me. But don't tell anybody else about the site. Or you and your family-" He slowly moved his hand from left to right on his neck. "Got it?"

I nodded and felt a bit buzzed to actually get it. When Lei WuWu magically disappeared, I got up and walked out of the bar, feeling horrible and dizzy. I lost track of time, but by the moment I got home, I saw that the windows of Hyun-Joong didn't show any light in them, as if no one was home. I felt it a bit weird and went to my doorstep and opened the door, when I entered the lonely apartment I began to cry again.

"Hold it together! You know that crying isn't the answer, Nooguena. Remember what mom said, 'A Lotus flower grows under the water, but blooms and lives on ground. No one stays attatched to their surroundings or to people for long.'" I reminded myself.

When I went to my laptop on my computer desk, I sat down on the chair and felt something pointy cut my hip skin. When I got a card out of my pocket, I looked at it and saw the card, it said, '' and at the bottom it showed, 'Are you living under depression because of Love Neglect? No worries! Just try out our website and new product and live your life with love for the rest of your life! -By Lei WuWu Call Back Number: #333-5206'

I sighed and thought the card was a joke. I laughed lightly and opened the laptop, when everything loaded I searched for the website on Google Chrome. When the website popped up, I had to read instructions, but I just skipped and kept pressing the Next button. When I finally got to the real home page, it showed me a picture of a man and said, 'Click One', but it only showed one guy who looked amazingly cute with brown hair. When I did, it sent me to a poll&questions page. Asking me exactly how I want my Perfect Boyfriend to be, or how I want his personality. I must have been really upset because I kept clicking on 'Yes' or 'No' on a few personalities for this 'Perfect Boyfriend'. I even wrote at least a ten page paragraph about how exactly I want my Perfect Boyfriend settings to be and how I exactly wanted his personality, feelings, and thoughts towards me.

Throughout the whole night I kept typing personalities and features for my perfect boyfriend, and when I finished and slept, morning had come.

Ding, ding, dong. The bell rang.

I immediately awoke from my slumber and yelled, "Hyun-Joong, I can make my own breakfast! Just because my parents asked you to feed me, doesn't mean you should do it!" The door bell kept ringing and I felt that I had no choice but to open it.

When I walked towards the door and opened it, I saw a women and a man in black, and from the moment I opened the door, they were hustling a huge- Well, I don't even know! It looked like a tube that was about eight feet tall and four feet wide. When the people hustled out the women in black smiled.

"Good luck with our lastest product, Perfect Boyfriend. If you have any questions, just call the number on the card that WuWu gave you." The women then closed the door behind her, leaving me stunned.

I had to blink a few times, not that I was hungover, because I definitely was, but because I felt like I was just invaded by ninjas and was left with an alien tube.

When I walked over to the tube that stood in the middle of my living room, I looked at it and thought it did kind of look like a movie tube that could have an alien in it. When I inspected it, the tube was made of metal and the top and bottom of the tube glowed light blue. And when I saw writing on the middle of the tube, it said, 'G-D 01'.

"G-D...01?" I said aloud. When I touched the metal, a metal button popped out of the side of the writing. Out of curiosity, I pushed it and a door seemed to be sliding in a circle to open what was inside the tube. When I stood in front of the opening, a limp male body fell on top of me.

I screamed my lungs out and threw the body onto the floor and huddled myself behind the couch. "What the hell is that?!" I yelled. When I finally got my heart under control, I went to go look at it. When I inspected the body, it was definitely male, and he looked just like what the picture had shown on the site. But the only thing was, was that he wasn't breathing. When I touched his wrist for his pulse, I felt nothing and screamed harder.

"Soi Eun Doricho" My SHINee ringtone came on and I looked at the caller ID, and it said, 'Private'. When I answered, my throat felt clogged.

"Ann- annyeong?" I stuttered.

"Ahhh, annyeonghase-yo, little miss. How are you enjoying our product? Fabulous isn't it?" Said Lei WuWu.

"Look here Ee Moo Moo-" I said.

"It's Lei Wu Wu!" He yelled.

"I don't care! You sent me a corpse to my house! A corpse isn't a product! It's a CORPSE!" I yelled.

Lei Wu Wu laughed and I heard him cough to keep from laughing, "Miss, did you read the instructions inside the capsule? In the instructions it will tell you how to activate your Perfect Boyfriend." He said, "Oh, well I have to go!"

"Wait!" When he hung up I looked at the phone, dumbfounded.

I sighed and slapped my forehead, when I looked at the dead body, I instantly grabbed a thin blanket and covered up the male corpse from his waist down. It was my first time looking at 'that' and I was afraid of it.

As I walked into the capsule, I found the instructions book and flipped to 'How-To-Activate-Mr-Perfect.' When I read it, I felt stunned.

"It can't possibly be..." When I looked at the book, it definitely said I had to do that in order to wake it up. So when I got closer to the bodies face, I kissed it lightly and felt my first kiss being wasted on something that had to be activated.

I gasped as the corpse's eyes opened and looked at me with a bright smile, "Annyeong, Darling." He said, sitting up. "Did you sleep well? It's still only morning, would you like me to cook something for you?" He got closer to me and wrapped his arms around me affectionately, "Or would you like to seal me as yours forever by doing 'that'." He smiled seducingly.

I screamed and felt horrified. I felt both attracted to this guys looks, but terrified on how he even wanted to do 'that' without even knowing me.

"No!" I yelled. "What are you?! WHO are you?!"

This guy smiled and put his cheek against mine, "I'm your Perfect Boyfriend, Darling." He said.

I felt my heart stop and I looked at the open kitchen for no reason, "My...Perfect Boyfriend?"

"Your Absolute Boyfriend." He said, hugging me tightly until I pushed him away. At that moment I felt a huge haze cover my vision and I fainted.


Well? How was it? I hope you liked it, because there is obviously more to come!



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lilyjudina #1
Chapter 4: Soo good....cute jiyongie!!!!