Love Is A Battlefeild That Requires Some Heavy Artiliry

It Starts With No And Ends In Yes


When I got home it was almost one. Everyone had left Minho's house and I thought it would have been nice for me to leave at a reasonable time. When I opened the door there stood key... . in. my. house. I was kind of starstruck by the whole thing but he only smirked whe  he saw my face.

"I love how I get that reaction from you whenever I do things like this he pointed to his body and then got up.

"k-k-key wh-wh-what are you doing in my house?"

"Oh dont be stupid Onew you know that flimsy little kid can't satisfy you like / can." he walked twoards me so so slowly.

"Key y-you don't. know. that." I was griting through my teeth trying to keep my calm. I knew I wasnt completely over key but, I was over him enough to not want him in my house.

"Oh yes I do and you wana know what else I know?" he came closer.

"Your parents won't be coming home for a long time."

"where. are. they.?" I was furious and I could tell becasue I could feel the blood rushing to my head.

"Baby" he started "Don't you worry about that. You should be worried about is me."  after he said that  I snapped.

"That's it key!" get out I saw his clothes and threw them at him.

"Onewwww" he whined.

"SHUT THE   AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE DAMMIT" key grew queit as I yelled, He jerked back around and got dressed.

"Don't ever come back." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. When he walked twoards the door he stopped and looked at me.

"Lee Jinki, I will assure that you are going to regret letting me go." He looked at me then leaned in "Once i'm done with you you'll be begging me to take him away." he smirked and left with a slam of the door.

When he left I let out a huge huff of air then sat down on the couch. I realxed a while then I thought back to what key said. I treid to ignore it or at least not relic on it so much but then it hit me. The him he was reffering to was Taemin.

"oh god taemin!" I whipped out my phone and dialed him number it rang a couple times before he picked up the phone.

"he-" i cut him off

"Where are you?"


"I need you to come to my house, and bring some clothes with you"

"Why? Whats wrong?"

"Its key .. he was over here and i think he might just be coming after you, and.. the only way I know you'll be safe is in my arms ." The phone was


"Hello! Hello?"

"I'm still here." I took a deep breath when he reasponded.

"Ok but give me like ten minutes  cuz I just got home."

"Ok!" my heart was racing when he said agreed  and just like that he hung up.

The feel of a new love in my arms was somthing I could get used to.


hey guys just a quick update sorry for such a wait school stated for me and this week has been kinda hectic but i apologize for futre wait and any dissapoinment but please be expeting some pretty soon and more drama i PROMISE i wont let you guys down >3<

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Chapter 11: yes so glad that Onew is gonna get revenge, and that the others are so willing to help him, update soon.
Chapter 10: OMO KEY SHOT TAEMIN, but coz he rejected Ming, I can't wait for more, I hope that Taemin will be ok, and that Onew's careful this Ming is crazy, and is Key just sitting there with Jonghyun all normal and calm after shooting Taemin, update really soon hun.
Chapter 9: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 8: OMO what did Key do; I really hope that Taemin is ok, update really soon. <3
OMO, aagghhhh well done Onew on kicking Key out; my god what is Key gonna do, he better not hurt Taemin, I really hope that Taemin gets to Onew's ok, oohh poor OnTae, Key should just leave them alone and let them be happy, if he wants Onew so bad then he should have treated him better and not cheated on him; can't wait for more, looking forward to some hot OnTae , keke; I'm glad that my comment helped put you in a good mood, update really soon, can't wait. ;-D <3
im sorry what confused you
MiyuLisis #7
I'm a little confused o.o
Thanks, im now in a good mood thanks to you comment i think ill update hmmmm maybe three times
poor Onew and Taemin, Key is a real ____ in this, how dare he treat Onew and Taemin like that after what he did to Onew, he doesn't deserve him, I really hope that OnTae stay strong and happy and together, OnTae fighting, OnTae forever, keke, update really soon. <3
poor Jinki, I hope that he can find happiness and that someone stops him from doing it.