The meeting

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Seul Yong is, yet again, reading another book in her room:

While reading, her cousin/bestfriend Shin Mi barges in

Shin Mi: Seul Yeong-ah, Come out of this room for once. You always face your books. Oh, before I forgot, uhmma said that you're borrowing her book, so here. (hands the book) I gotta go.

Seul Yeong: Thanks Shin Mi-unnie. Oh, and, where are you going?

Shin Mi: I'm going to BAP's concert. Someone said that they'll perform tonight

Seul Yeong: Wait, if they're gonna perform tonight, why come so early?

Shin Mi: ~sigh~ Seul Yeong-ah, don't you know the saying, 'The early bird gets the worm' ?

Seul Yeong: I know that but still....

Shin Mi: No buts. So what, you're gonna come?

Seul Yeong: Hmm, okay. I'll just go to my favorite cafe


Once outside the house, Seul Yeong immediately went to her favorite cafe. To her dismay, the cafe's full of people. She ordered her food first. After buying her food, she saw an old lady getting up and leaving, but a man her age beats her to the table. Sighing, she gathers up courage to ask the person.


Seung Yeol: Can I.....can I sit here?

???: Let me think. Hmmm, ok

Sung Yeol: Thank you. Hmm, this guy's strange

???: ~smirk~ I really am strange

They didn't talk after that. Suel Yeong just keep reading her book while eating. But she can't help herself from staring at the boy in front of her. She continues her stare until the strange man caught her, causing her to look at another direction.


???: The book that you're reading is a good one.

Seul Yeong: Are you talking to me?

???: ~laughs~ Of course I'm talking to you, there's no one else in this table right?

Seul Yeong: ~sarcastically~ Gosh, I sorry

???: As I was saying, that book is really good but in the end the girl will die

Seul Yeong: ~shouting~ Why did you say that!!!!

???: I'm sorry, sorry. Shhhh, lower your voice, they're staring at us

Seul Yeong: ARGHHH! Now I know the ending. You're such a spoiler

???: I said I'm sorry, Ok, I'll just make it up to you.

Seul Yeong: In what means?

???: Come here tomorrow at 2pm. I have something to give you, Ok? Bye

Seul Yeong: (to herself) Will I go? But, I don't even know his name.


When Seul Yeong came home she told her story to Shin Mi

Shin Mi: Why didn't you ask for his name!! I'm sure he's handsome

Seul Yeong: I forgot :P but, I'll introduce you to him if I get to see him again

Shin Mi: Really?!?!?!AHHH Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Seul Yeong: Geez, stop already. My ears are bleeding from your screaming.


That night, Seul Yeong can't sleep. She kept being curious about the starnge guy at the cafe.

Seul Yeong: ~sigh~ Mr. Mystery guy, I don't know but you're the first person that made me this curious. I wonder what you'll bring tomorrow.

And with that one thought, she drifted to sleep.

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