15 - power.

the second chance.


I was a little puzzled as to why my K brothers would suddenly be so fearful of me. Let alone Baekhyun. And I was even more baffled as to why the heck my eyes would be glowing.

“Glowing eyes? What are you talking about?” I awkwardly laughed.


“Not just your eyes, Jeongna - oh gosh you entire body is glowing – what happened to you??” D.O fearfully pointed out.

“Did you just destroy the forcefield?” Suho asked with a concerned face.

I nodded, trying to get closer to them but they kept stepping back each time I moved forward. Then it hit me. Was it all that energy from the forcefield?

“I just wrecked the forcefield. Maybe that’s why my energy is messed up.” I said, noticing my arms that had an eerie glow.

Just then, we heard loud rumbles and crashes from behind. I turned to look. The layer of densely packed trees was being bulldozed. I stepped back, confused at everything. The trees were cleared and the seven of us faced a huge army of officials, ready to rip my throat out for wrecking the exoplanet.

“Im Jeongna, you’ve intentionally destroyed the battle arena and caused serious interruption in the exoplanet technologies. You, therefore, need to be executed, along with all your teammates.” said the official who stood in front of all the other officials. He must be the head official.

Hm. Why not just capture me and behead me like what you did to your previous hostages? Why bring an entire army to face me then?

They must be afraid of me. The energy from that huge forcefield was going to help me out in this for sure.


I felt my skin tingle. I suddenly felt so confident. I felt really energetic, without any bit of exhaustion, unlike previously when I got tired very easily. I was very ready to fight.

“If I’ve caused you all that trouble, then deal with me. Don’t you dare touch my teammates.” I said loudly. I subtly noticed that my voice was a little different. It was more hollow and deep, as if it had a lot more power.

The head official gulped but kept a very stern face. I smirked a little. I felt like a different person altogether.



The head official must have given some sort of cue, because the army started charging at us. They walked very briskly and held out their rifles.

I was a little stunned by the sudden action, but my insane energy took over and Im Jeongna became some freakishly powerful lady.

I turned sharply and instantly, with my hand outreached, my 6 teammates were in a reflective forcefield. I used to make that forcefield in minutes, but now it just took a second. I saw Baekhyun running forward and shouting something to me, but I couldn’t hear it.

I turned back to the army of officials and they were really close to me. They pointed their rifles at me but I made a reflective forcefield around myself before they started firing. The bullets were shot back at them and almost instantly the several rows of officials fell dead. I charged forward in my forcefield, without feeling tired one bit. If I didn’t have the energy, I’d probably be tiring out right now and my forcefield would be gone. But no.

I felt a huge strike on my forcefield from behind, and from the shock my forcefield disappeared. I turned around. The head official was holding a huge stone club. It’s a wonder how he can handle it so swiftly. It was extremely heavy and bulky and I remember D.O training with that before.

The head official swivelled the club and swung it straight at me. I wasn’t thinking straight and I didn’t make a forcefield, but instead I lifted my hand to grab it. And strangely, I caught it effortlessly. The club was in my palm and I was unharmed. The head official looked stunned. He probably expected me to die from a broken neck, or break my hand at the least. But I wasn’t normal right now. I was powered by my energy.

I took the club from his hand and it was strangely light. I remember not being able to lift one side of the club during training because it was that heavy. But now I was swiftly swinging it around, making the surrounding officials cower back.

I glanced at my K team who were still enclosed in my forcefield. Half my concentration was set on maintaining their forcefield. I saw their shocked face from my sudden change. I really wanted to just run to the comfort of their hugs and brotherly encouragement. But my job wasn’t done.

I ran to the building in sight. It was the headquarters of the exoplanet, where the governors all stayed. It’s forbidden to everyone except officials, but who can stop me now? I needed to destroy this entire exoplanet. And to do so, I needed to find something from the governor house.

I reached the entrance and barged in, running into any room I could find. It seemed like everyone had already fled. There were papers strewn everywhere. I picked one up from the floor, near a fax machine. It was an emergency message, telling everyone to report at the 5th room on the 6th level.

I sprinted up the stairs and reached the sixth level within a very short time. I scanned the door numbers but all I could find was 4 rooms. It was the top level and there were no more levels above. I frustratedly barged into the first room.


All of the governors stood there in a clump, looking at me fearfully.

I randomly grabbed the man nearest me by the collar. “Tell me, where my team and I can return to earth and leave this bogus planet.” I said angrily.

The man was breathing hard and staring into my eyes in immense fear. Maybe because they were glowing like what Baekhyun said. He glanced at the other governors for help. I looked at the other governors, and they were imperceptibly shaking their heads at him, telling him not to.

He kept silent and my energy must’ve made my temper short. I intended to release him but my powerful arms made it a lot more serious. I ended up flinging him to the wall. He slid down and groaned from the pain in his back.

The governors stared at the huge rock club in my other hand.

“Maybe you guys should tell me.” I said, gritting my teeth.

There was a woman who stood at the side. I think she was the leader, being the only one in a blazer and heels. “There is a control box in the opposite room, but you cannot handle it, only the professionals can.” She said, her voice shaking.

“Oh yeah? Well where are they? They’d better do it or I’ll handle them alright.” I said angrily.

“They are in the room with the box.”

Without thinking further I walked to the opposite door and barged in. Two people stood there in fear, blocking the huge control panel from my sight.

“I want you to bring K and M back to earth. Safe. And without having to be captured again by you people in future.” I said, holding up my stone club.

They glanced at each other, unwilling to do it, but obviously fearful.

I felt my energy decreasing. One reason being all that fighting just now, and the other because I could feel the forcefield protecting my K teammates getting attacked.

“I don’t have time for you to stare at each other. Do it, if you want to live.” I said.

They still stood there, not moving.

“For pete’s sake, I’ll do it.” I shoved them away and looked at the control panel, scanning for the switches that controlled K and M.

“No, you can’t handle it, if you destroy the box the whole exoplanet is going to go haywire!!” one of them screamed.

I paused.

“Well then, that’s perfect.” I said.

And impulsively, I slammed my huge stone club onto the box.











hi guys, this story is ending very very soon!!! :( :(
I just wanted to thank all of you for subscribing and reading this fic.
All your comments are really really encouraging and they always make my day ^^
and guys if you want a second and final sequel~~~ i might try ^^
once again i love you all and really jeongmal kamsahamnida -bows-


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 18: Ooo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 16: Yay! happy ending!! Me like!! totally crazy but i like crazy stuff! thanks for the awesome story.. and i dun see why u should be so hard on Baekhyun from Ur planning.. Keke.. he is Ur is after all.. Keke..
nicole1999noon #3
Chapter 17: Oh gosh can't wait for the sequel ><
quatervois #4
Chapter 17: Is it B.A.P? Keke am anticipating the sequel ~!
Chapter 17: *GASP* where are they
What is happening
Can't wait for the sequel
idontevencare #6
Chapter 17: you know you're driving me nuts T__T i just can't wait for the sequel ._.
Chapter 17: Let me guess , B.A.P will be their enemy in the final sequel ?
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 16: Write a 3rd and final pweaasseee
It could be like that exoplanet managed to survive and the people of exoplanet rebel :D
nicole1999noon #9
Chapter 16: TT.TT the story is sooooo good it's sad that its finished
quatervois #10
Chapter 16: Aw... It ended... and I have absolutely no regrets! Hehe.. who knows, I might even dream of this XDDD