16 - we're back.

the second chance.

I could only remember explosions, sharp sounds of electric devices going crazy, and people screaming. The suddenly my energy just left me and I felt like I fell to the ground and hit my head.

I probably went unconscious, because I woke up in a different place. The surface below me was soft and cozy. I shifted slightly and rubbed my eyes to see clearer.

I was in a room. It had plain walls that were painted a warm grey. I saw a small window and the sun was shining in brightly. Its probably morning.

I looked at myself. I had bandages on my hand and leg, but I wasn’t in the battle suit anymore. I was in my old shirt and jeans. They were strangely familiar. I think it was the outfit I wore when I was first captured to exoplanet for my first battle.

I lifted my head up and I saw somebody sitting on a chair, leaning forward and resting his head on his arms.

“…Hello?” I called.

Immediately, the person lifted his head up to look at me. Baekhyun.

“Jeongna?” he reached out to take my hand. A smile emerged, brighter than any smile I’ve ever seen on his face.

“Baekhyun!” I yelled out in excitement and flung myself forward into his arms. I’ve missed being able to do this. And I’m so glad to be my normal self again. I remember my energetic and powerful self before all this and in all honesty, I’d rather be like this.

He pulled his face away and gave me a gentle peck on the lips. “Are you feeling alright?” he looked at me with his concerned puppy eyes.

I nodded. “What happened though?” I asked, still confused.

Baekhyun let me rest on the bed. He explained that something I did wrecked the whole exoplanet, and although nobody really knows what happened for sure, he suspects that the control box had been destroyed and everything was undone, leading to everyone being sent back to earth and having their powers taken away. Apparently I had completely destroyed exoplanet. And we crashed back into earth as abruptly as we crashed into exoplanet. Everyone was conscious and well except me. I was in a mini coma for about 3 days, and Suho offered his apartment here.

“We’re on earth now?” I asked, looking out of the window.

“Yes, Jeongna. Yes we are!” Baekhyun said gleefully.

“But, but how about M?” I asked, worried at the sudden realization.

Baekhyun giggled. “Everything was undone, Jeongna. Everything.”

“So… they’re here? Alive? And safe?” I almost couldn’t believe it.

Baekhyun didn’t answer, but just smiled, leaving me dying to confirm it. He got up and opened the door.

“Hey guys, Jeongna’s up!” he yelled out.

“MWOH?” I heard many voices from outside the room.

Were they all here?

I heard a barrage of footsteps running up a flight of stairs and soon many people barged into the room.

All of them were here. The whole of K. I hugged each of them dearly, I missed my brothers so much. But my heart was dying from wondering where M was.

My hope was diminishing with each second of silence.

But suddenly, somebody flung the door open.

“Gosh Xiumin, you need to stop tripping over your own foot!” Tao yelled playfully.

“JEONGNA!!” Luhan gleefully ran to me and hugged me.

My eyes were still wide open in surprise and it only sank into me that M was really here when Luhan hugged me like a teddy bear. I embraced him tightly. M was alive!

“Blame Xiumin for being so clumsy that we came here so late.” Chen laughed while joining in the hug.

“Seriously guys?” Xiumin frowned and rubbed his ankle.

Sehun poked Xiumin, causing him to puff out his cheeks and flail his arms. That had everyone rolling on the floor laughing.

“Roll like a buffalo, Baozi.” Kris said cooly.

“Guys, I’m just so sorry for killing you, I am really am.” I said, hugging tightly to the whole bunch of boys.

“DUDE WE SHOULD BE THANKING YOU!” Lay said out loud. “Without you we’d still be dead in that crazy exoplanet.”

I shivered at the thought, but yes, I was extremely glad I managed to bring all of us back.

“You don’t know how epic their faces were when we told them how you owned the officials.” Chanyeol laughed loudly.

Immediately, the whole of M started buzzing about how amazing I was. I just shrugged because really, I myself couldn’t believe what happened either. K was gleefully boasting about how they handled the elites in the initial part of our second battle. I laughed at all of their child like behaviour, but I couldn’t be more glad to have us all reunited.

Wait, why am I dividing them into K and M anymore?

We are one.













~~~that's all folks.
TT_________TT I'll really miss this story and all your adorable comments!!!!! kekeke
you all are really lovely readers. thank you all for encouraging me!!

here's a few interesting things about this story.

1) I didn't even plan to include romance in the story, but it'd be too dry and boring. So I decided to put my feels into the story ^^

2) I was actually going to write Jeongna with Kai, but Baekhyun's innocent face wouldn't let me.

3) I was actually going to end off "this crazy exoplanet" with M dead just like that, but hahaha all of you wanted M to come back so badly I felt too bad. So I wrote this sequel! ^^

4) I was considering killing Baekhyun off in this sequel. I wanted to make Baekhyun get killed by an official after Jeongna detroys the forcefields. WHY AM I SO CRUEL.

5) I didn't think I'd actually let M come back in this story, I was planning on a sad story for a sequel with Baekhyun dying and M never returning. But nope. I saw an exo tumblr and I decided that'll just be too cruel. (Baekhyun is actually my ultimate bias but I have no idea why I wanted to be so cruel to him in this story)

6) I was *this* close to writing Sehun and Luhan as a couple at the end. HunHan forever <3


I might do a final sequel. Might. But I'm not sure if I can continue the story well. Should I? :/

Plus, can anybody tell me when Exo will come back TT_TT

Finally, I have a new fic thats up, and the first 2 chapters have been published as well!
Its about infinite. Do go and see it ^^ I prepared alot for it.
Once again, thank you all for reading this exoplanet series.
See you again in my next fics!


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 18: Ooo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 16: Yay! happy ending!! Me like!! totally crazy but i like crazy stuff! thanks for the awesome story.. and i dun see why u should be so hard on Baekhyun from Ur planning.. Keke.. he is Ur is after all.. Keke..
nicole1999noon #3
Chapter 17: Oh gosh can't wait for the sequel ><
quatervois #4
Chapter 17: Is it B.A.P? Keke am anticipating the sequel ~!
Chapter 17: *GASP* where are they
What is happening
Can't wait for the sequel
idontevencare #6
Chapter 17: you know you're driving me nuts T__T i just can't wait for the sequel ._.
Chapter 17: Let me guess , B.A.P will be their enemy in the final sequel ?
Gigi_L #8
Chapter 16: Write a 3rd and final pweaasseee
It could be like that exoplanet managed to survive and the people of exoplanet rebel :D
nicole1999noon #9
Chapter 16: TT.TT the story is sooooo good it's sad that its finished
quatervois #10
Chapter 16: Aw... It ended... and I have absolutely no regrets! Hehe.. who knows, I might even dream of this XDDD