Chapter 2: Drama Queen

She's A Gangster?

After learning the news, you ran out the door of the warehouse. Sunggyu could tell you were upset with him and he really felt sorry. He honestly didn’t want you to live your life like you had been. He wanted you to have a future, unlike him.

 When you ran out he began talking with the others about his reasons for all seven of them to go into a school. Question after question he answered but finally became sick of it.

 “Listen you guys! I am doing this for OUR sister! She is smart even though she only could be put through three years of high school! I don’t want her to continue living the gangster style of life. She is already nineteen and she has only had one boyfriend, which happened to be in a rival gang! And-” Sunggyu was cut off by Sungjong.

“Hyung, then why do we have to go if its only for her?” Sunggyu was taken a back. He looked around at the others, who were nodding along with Sungjong’s statement,

“I didn’t mean it like that…. I managed to get us into one of the top schools in Korea you guys. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a nice school on your record instead of you being in a gang?” This made all six of them change their viewpoint and agree with him. Now he just had to go out and find where you went.
 Storming out of the house may not have been the best idea because the moment you shut the door, lighting struck across the sky. You stood and watched in amazement before leaving the building. Deciding not to run in the rain you just walked and took in mother nature, trying to forget about the university.


'Why does oppa want me to go back to school? Does he not like me being around Infinite?’ thoughts crossed your mind and before you knew it, you were in front of a small coffee shop.

Walking into the small business one of your friends came out; Ren. He had been your best friend for quite a while now, even knowing that your were a gangster. Ren looked at you as if you were just a normal pretty girl. You really admired him for that. His parents owned the coffee shop.

“~~~~~~! You’re soaked! Why didn’t you bring an umbrella?” His worried voice took over and he went to get you a towel and a vanilla cappuccino; your favorite. Ren slowly eased into the topic about why you were here.

You explained to him about how Sunggyu was making you go back to school along with the others.

“~~~~~~…….. Think about it… I do feel sorry that you have to go back to university but honestly, why are you over-reacting? Did the others react like this? They too have to go back, not just you.” Realization hit you and automatically you knew he was right.

 ‘I’m such a drama queen…’

“R-Ren…….. You’re right… Thank you.” You jumped up and gave him a big hug. This is why he was your best friend. He would always tell you straight forward if you were being stupid.

“Hey, that's what bestfriends are for right? Now come on and I’ll take you home, okay?” you nodded and went out to the car with him. As you stepping into the car  you saw Sunggyu running towards the shop. You glanced at Ren and he nodded telling you to go back home with your brother. Thanking him once again, you hopped out and bid him goodbye.

“S-Sunggyu oppa….” Sunggyu snapped around to see you standing there in the rain again. He ran over and snatched your wrist and hugged you.

“Don’t run out again.” He stated with a firm voice. You just nodded and he released you.

 “If you do well in university for the first week I’ll give you tickets to the Inkigayo concert for next Sunday…..” You perked up and vigorously nodded.

You apoligized for being a drama queen and soon succeded in making the mood happy again.

 But would concert tickets be enough for what you may go through and who you may meet at Woolim?


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sarang_kpop1015 #1
Chapter 11: Just started reading this today and I love it author-nim ^^ I love the story! Ahh can't wait to find out in what B.A.P has to do with the plot
DJTrix00 #2
Chapter 10: Ahhh!! What happened two years ago?!? And yonguk why you do that?? D: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 10: yongukkie how could you!!
Chapter 9: Why???? Yongguk????
ailisu #6
Chapter 9: D:
why yongguk??? ;_____________;
you make me cry:'((
wait, he doesn't want to deal with gangs anymore? does that mean he knew of or was in a gang?(perhaps...BAP?!?!) D.O I DUH SO CURIOUSSS, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~
wintxry #8
Chapter 8: To be honest I really don't know what to say,
but I did enjoy your update!
I was really glad you updated!
But saadly i don't really know exactly how to express my disappointment in Yongguk
Chapter 7: LOL now it its her that Yonggukie doesn't know where she lives
wintxry #10
Chapter 7: OH CRAP!! That only come in you head now? Wow ~~~~~~ i expected better in you.

well i really enjoyed the update if that make you feel better compare to the comment up there^.

Well hope you update soon.