Chapter 14



                Minho was down at the hospital cafe getting food after Key had yelled at him for starving himself. It’s been almost a day since Taemin was admitted to the hospital but he still hasn’t woken up. Minho was eating his food while walking back to Taemin’s room when he received a text from Key saying that Taemin woken up. Minho immediately ran back to the room and flung the door open.

                “Minho hyung!!” Taemin was awake, he was sitting on his bed and happily smiling at Minho, Taemin opened his arms and waited for Minho as he slowly walked into them.

                “How are you feeling, Minnie? Are you hurting anywhere?” Taemin cutely shook his head, Minho felt that something was off since Key and Jonghyun didn’t say anything since he stepped into the room.

                “Taeminnie is hungry! Taeminnie wants banana milk, can Minho hyung get some?” Taemin pouted, he acted like 6 years old. That’s when Minho realized what was wrong.

                “Was he like this when he woke up?” Key nodded, the doctor left just before Minho came back.

                “The doctor said that Taemin must be trying to hide some bad memories so he’s reverted back to his child phase. His mind right now is like a little boy, so we’ll have to be extra careful with him. We checked him out and it turns out that Taemin doesn’t remember anything about the fight you guys had. He just remembers the good times” Jonghyun smiled and patted Taemin’s head who pouted and fixed his hair.

                “Hyung! Where is my banana milk? Taeminnine’s hungry!” Taemin whined until Jonghyun went to get the milk. Taemin pulled Minho into a hug and cuddled his head into Minho’s chest, giggling when Minho ruffled his hair.

                “Hyung, you shouldn’t mess up my hair or umma’s going to get mad at me” Taemin released Minho and went to fix his hair, Key smiled as he went over to his side and gently used his fingers to brush Taemin’s hair.

                “Umma, I don’t want to stay here, when can I leave?” Taemin pouted as he tried to get off the bed but Key stopped him and pushed him back on. Taemin started to whine until Key gave him a look that immediately quieted him down. The doctor came in the same time as Jonghyun and he explained that as long as Taemin stays out of trouble and doesn’t get hurt anymore, he can leave the hospital and just have to be back by next week for his check up.

                “Yay!! Taeminnie can leave this hospital; he doesn’t have to be alone!” He immediately jumped on Minho and wrapped his arms and legs around Minho’s body, making him blush. Minho gently pulled Taemin off of him and carried him bridal style instead, he carried him out of the room and into the car. As soon as they got home, Taemin ran into their room and started jumping on the bed. Key and Jonghyun pulled Minho aside.

                “Now, I know Taemin is a child right now, but remember what I said about his parents, don’t ever tell him that he’s childish or immature. Also, keep your hands to yourself! If I ever find out that you’re taking advantage of our baby, I won’t let you go, you e!” Key smacked Minho’s head until Jonghyun pulled him back.

                “If you actually do that, I won’ hold him back next time” Jonghyun quickly pulled Key out of the house and drove home. Minho decided to make lunch for Taemin and himself; he checked up on Taemin and saw that he was quietly sitting down on the couch watching television. Minho never thought there would be a day where he would be the one cooking and taking care of Taemin. He decided to make spaghetti, something simple and delicious as he called Taemin into the dining room.

                “Minnie, time for dinner!” Taemin bounced in and sat down on the chair; Minho placed the plate of food in front of him and watched him as he ate. Sometimes, Minho wonders if Taemin was actually faking it or not, he watched as Taemin seductively the sauce off his face, his tongue darting in and out of his mouth. Minho couldn’t help but stare, he only stopped staring when he saw Taemin reached forward and took a meatball off of his plate.

                “Hey, that’s hyung’s! You should eat your own meatballs!” Minho laughed as he tried to get it back from Taemin.

                “No! Your balls taste better!” Taemin whined, Minho froze, and he never thought that a 6 year old taemin saying it could be so y. Minho watched as Taemin the sauce off of the meatball before he bit into it. He heard Taemin moan as he chewed the meatball and watched him swallow. Minho felt himself get hard so he excused himself and went to the washroom. Minho started relieving himself, he didn’t want to stay in the room with a hard on, just in case he’s going to do something that he regrets.

                “Hyung! What are you doing in the washroom? Come out, Taeminnine wants to play!” Taemin tried turning on the knob but Minho had locked it, he started to pout so he decided to press his ear against the door, trying to hear what his hyung was doing in the washroom. He heard Minho groan and moan as if he was in pain, then suddenly; he heard his hyung moan out his name.

                “Minnie! I’m coming!” Minho moaned out, not knowing that Taemin was on the other side of the door.

                “Ok hyung! Hurry, Taeminnie wants to play!” Taemin gently knocked on the door as he heard the sink turn on and off. Minho finally opened the door and saw Taemin lying on the floor, trying to peek through the little gap under the door. He immediately jumped up and hugged Minho tightly.

                “Hyung, let’s play!” Minho didn’t finish his dinner yet so he told Taemin that they’re going to play hide and seek, he told Taemin that he’s going to count to 100 and that he’d better be ready. Taemin ran away giggling and Minho quickly went to finish eating his meal. After a few minutes, he decided to start looking for Taemin.

                “Ready or not, here I come!” Minho yelled throughout the house, he knew that Taemin went upstairs so he checked the guest rooms first; he left their room for left. After 5 minutes of searching, he walked into their room and saw the bathroom door slightly open. Minho opened it and saw the shower curtain opened, he quietly crept towards it and then flung it open, he saw little Taemin sitting down and smiling as he saw Minho.

                “You found me, hyung!” Taemin jumped up and down, just as he wanted to get out, he slipped on the tub and grabbed onto the shower handle, turning it on.

                “Ahh!! Cold!!” Taemin was soaked when Minho finally turned it off. Taemin wanted to get out but he was dripping out so he decided to use this chance to tell Taemin to take a shower.

                “Minnie, time for you to take a bath, comes on” Taemin pouted and whined, he didn’t want to take a shower.

                “I don’t want to! I don’t like baths!” Taemin was starting to throw a tantrum; Minho knew to be patient with him since Taemin was still a child.

                “Hyung will give you banana milk if you take a bath, do you want any?” Taemin cutely nodded his head as he raised his hands. Minho stared at him.

                “You’re going to help me, hyung. I want hyung to help me take a bath!” Taemin stared at Minho with his innocent doe eyes; Minho couldn’t reject him as he slowly slipped the shirt off of him. He saw Taemin’s milky white skin and his pink s. Minho looked away and was about to turn on the water when Taemin slipped his arms around his neck and pulled himself up.

                “Hyung, you didn’t take my pants off” Taemin wiggled his as he hugged Minho koala style (I think you know what style I’m talking about haha) and giggled as Minho slowly pulled the pants off of him, he finally placed Taemin on the tub and the water, Taemin picked up the bubble bath bottle and squirted some into the water, giggling and laughing as he saw the bubbles building up. Minho smiled and thought that Taemin looked extremely cute, being a 6 year old.

                “Minho hyung! It’s fun, help wash me, please?” Taemin pouted as he sat there, continuing to play with the bubbles, Minho rolled up his sleeves and started to clean Taemin, he tried to avoid the more ‘sensitive’ spots but he quickly finished and dried Taemin. He carried Taemin out to the bed and placed him on it, as Minho went to get the clothes, Taemin began to roll around on the bed, giggling to himself. When Minho had come back out, Taemin had rolled himself up in the blanket, similar to what he did before he got into the accident.

                “Minnie, you need to put your clothes on, you don’t want to catch a cold, do you?” Taemin shook his head; he was having too much fun. Minho decided to be more patient with him this time around. He pounced on Taemin and began to tickle his sides, making Taemin laugh so hard tears were falling down.

                “Minho hyung! No more, I give up!” Taemin panted as he unrolled himself and allowed Minho to dress him. Not long after, both of them were wrapped up in blankets and Minho was reading Taemin a story after he begged Minho to. Halfway through the story, Taemin had fallen asleep on Minho’s chest and his hands had grabbed onto Minho’s shirt. Minho gently placed the book on the side table as he pulled the blanket up to cover Taemin’s body, he laid down and wrapped his arms protectively around Taemin’s waist, taking in his scent before slowly falling asleep. What Minho didn’t notice was the tear that slid down Taemin’s face as he shifted and grabbed onto Minho even harder. 

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Iminthezone #1
Congratulations for being featured as the story of the day =)
Yuuki here! Rereading it again and again! Cant help myself
Hope that you will write more so i can read more hahahaha
Chapter 25: author-sshi i really like the way you make your stories.i like the humor in it.this is the second i story that ive read that youve written next i will read truly madly deeply

keep on writing
uhh, I just re-read this story today and wanted to tell you that you did great job :) I really liked it and enjoyed it ^^ thanks a lot for writing and sharing this with us ^^
Chapter 5: i really love minho's parent

yes taem is a special boy
Chapter 4: ouwa
protect him as a bodyguard
Chapter 3: come on minho you start to like taem, don't you
Chapter 1: oh no key why you're late?
Chapter 2: hate minho