Chapter 10

Idol High

Surprisingly, it was the sunlight that woke me up the next morning. Surprisingly because the way Kiseop was pressed up against me should have resulted in subconscious . I lied facing the wall, one arm tingling under my pillow. Kiseop, however, had one arm under me, one arm resting on my side, and The entire length of his body was against my back. My response to this was something that could only be described in GIF format:



I was entirely incapable of thought, movement, or breathing. I felt my face flushing red and I began to make an escape attempt, trying to wiggle free from his arms.

“Wha—” Kiseop’s arms vanished and I saw him sit up.

Ah, sorry,” he said, sounding awkward for the first time. “I do that in my sleep a lot, just ask Kevin.”

VINSEOP!!’ I took a second to compose myself and remember I was a boy. When my face no longer displayed any sign of a flustered fangirl, I turned to Kiseop and yawned, “That’s okay, I didn’t really notice until you moved.” Not meeting his gaze, I crawled over him (‘ASDVNI’MONTOPOFHIMAJD’) and headed for the bathroom.

I was getting better, I reflected thoughtfully. When I first came here, if Kiseop had slept in the same bed as me, he would be chained, to the bed right now. Instead, I tried to wiggle away without waking him. I had even felt embarrassed!

The hot water of the shower was almost enough to wash away the memory of Kiseop’s body along the length of mine. I had a feeling I would never completely forget, meaning I would occasionally curl on the floor and hyperventilate for several seconds. I could tell people I had epilepsy or something. Why had he insisted I sleep in his bed? This thought made me slow, wondering. Perhaps he was too used to having someone sleep in his bed? Yeah, that was probably it. Completing my shower, I went back out to the room where Kiseop was practicing dance moves in front of our mirror.

I stood still, watching his body flex and bend with the imagined music. Even if I wasn’t a raging, screaming, creepy, obsessive (etc etc) fangirl, it would still be incredibly cool to watch him dance. The boy had such amazing control over his body. When he performed a slow body roll, I instantly forgot my musings on his dance talent and began plotting to get his shirt off next time he practiced.

“Oh,” he said, noticing me and straightening up, “Are you done in the bathroom?”

“Yeah, you can have it.” I took a few steps toward my desk. “Was that your new dance?”

“Yeah,” he said, sounding weary. “We have been practicing it for a long time.”

“Would I be allowed to watch? Like Hoon said, I could give you guys feedback.” This exchange could have been casual to someone listening from our door but I was pretty sure my eyes were conveying something along the lines of, ‘I am a rabid fangirl and if I do not get to see the rest of this dance, I can and will you in your sleep.’

Clearly, Kiseop didn’t get the eye-message and rubbed the back of his neck, looking hesitant. “I could ask our manager but I don’t know if he would be willing to risk it.”

“That’s okay, I understand!” ‘If your manager know what’s good for him, I will be viewing this dance from a couch, with a video camera, and you all will be shirtless.’

“I’ll talk to him later. I’m going to take a shower.”

“Ah, I’m going to go take a walk,” I said quickly, stuffing my arms into my coat. When I had shut the door to the room, I heaved a sigh of relief and slumped against the wall. If he kept showering with the door unlocked, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. I drifted mindlessly down the stairs, replaying the snippet of Kiseop’s dance in my head.

“Watch it!”

I had walked into Jonghyun.

“Sorry! Sorry!” I exclaimed, taking a hasty step back. Jonghyun snickered, “I’m messing with you. You’re so light, it feels like a breeze came through the window.”

I pushed out my lower lip and glared at him playfully.

“Punk,” he laughed, putting an arm around my neck. A strange look crossed his face and he let me go.

“Um, should we go to breakfast?” he asked, not meeting my eyes.

“Sure,” I responded cautiously, wondering what had happened.

Jonghyun POV

The moment my arm had gone around his neck, my heart started to pound. I had a wild urge to pull him against my chest and put my arms around his thin shoulders. I quickly released my grip on him and moved a fraction of a step away. He looked up at me, the confusion in his jade eyes hidden by choppy brown hair. I wanted to sweep the messy hair from his brow. Food, food would distract me.

“Um, should we go to breakfast?” I said, unnerved.

“Sure,” he said slowly.

I turned and led the way into the cafeteria, feeling Ki Joon’s gaze burning into my back.


(Sorry it's short! I will get another one up tonight, hopefully)

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Chapter 25: Yay! Finally the MC ended up with the person I wanted her to! &&& a sequeal??? Happy Times <3 but thanks for writing this I've loved the story so far :3
haha unnie you put the backround where the poster was supposed to go and the poster where the backround suppossed to go ^^ did u do that on purpose?
hi im a new reader !!
i need your help...
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thank you... love you~~!!!
Chapter 24: oooooooooooooooooooooooooo poor kiseop, dont worry theres always me :-)
Chapter 10: ok so im only up to what ever chapter im up to right now (and i plan on reading the rest now) but i have laughed so much im crying i love this story since its exactly what i would think and do and say, thank you for writing this
Chapter 21: I think i say this on behalf of every reader; Thank you Very Much for the new chapter 20 (21) ;)
jessicat97 #7
Chapter 24: Kiseopie~~~ hope the sequel will do him justice!!! Great jobs btw ;) loved the story <3
#1 I left the ending like this so that it was set up for a sequel.
#2 The whole reason I wrote this fanfic was because in the drama I was watching at the time, I wanted her to end up with the secondary guy but that never happens. So, I made it happen!
Chapter 24: *runs away sobbing uncontrolably*
Chapter 24: But!!!! But!!!!! But!!!!! But what about Keisop??????????? From UKiss I wouldn't have minded if she ended up with Eli or Kevin or Soohyun, but Jjong got her??? That was SOOOO NOT expected.. You had better make a sequel to this:/