Chapter 3

Bitter Love
~Mina's point of view~
I didn't want to be a burden to that guy, so I left as quickly as possible. I walked on, the cool air of the night hitting my face. My phone rang. I didn't want to answer. I knew who it was. The vibrating stopped long enough for me to let out a sigh then started again. This time I answered. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone.
"Mina where have you been?! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Yong Guk asked angrily into the phone. I swallowed hard not answering him. "I'm coming to get you. Where are you!?" I looked around.
"I don't need you to get me. I'm fine on my own." I said sternly.
"Come on babe, dont be like this..." I hung up and marched up the steps to my apartment cursing Yong Guk. I unlocked the door and let myself in and headed for my room.
"YAH! Dont you know I've been waiting up for you? That guy comes over here again looking for you I'm going to- good lord what are you wearing..." InHee eyed my clothes.
"Don't ask... I'm going to get a shower. It's late and we have to get up bright and early. You should go to bed." I said rolling my eyes and getting my things for a shower.
"Fine... See you bright and early!" InHee said heading to her room as I headed to the bathroom for a nice, warm shower.
As I laid in bed I couldn't help but think of the past. I took out my journal and decided to write in it:
I'm not feeling too well today, maybe it's just not my day. It's already so hard getting over someone you care about so much... It's even harder when everything you do reminds you of them. Every memory seems to play like a movie inside your head with the slightest bit of remembrance. That's how I felt today... Sometimes I think "Maybe he suffers the same problem I do." The problem of not being able to let each other go.
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Going to try to update this story soon ~


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