Chapter 2

Bitter Love


Minho finally made it home. Mina hadn't said a word the whole way and neither did he. Whatever happened had to be bad. He never saw her like this before.... Well he barely saw her at all but when he did she was always smiling or listening to music. He opened the front door and lead the way into the apartment.
 "Come on. I'll give you some dry clothes to change into." Minho said going to get a towel, shirt and sweatpants. He handed them to Mina and showed her the way to the bathroom. "Just hang your things up here" He said pointing to the shower.
~Mina's point of view~
I changed and hung up my things. I came out and Minho seemed to be in the kitchen cooking. I made my way in. "Umm... Thank you... For letting me change." I said awkwardly. Since the little walk my head had began to clear.
 "No problem. I made some dinner... Just wait in the living room it will be done in a sec." he shrugged. I nodded and headed back out. It was a pretty big house. I looked around the big living room and spotted pictures. I headed over to them. I saw pictures of friends and family. I'm guessing the photos also belonged to his friends They all looked very happy together it made me want to give a smile. "Food is done!" Minho said from behind. I jumped at the sound of his voice breaking the silence... Or was it just me zoning out again? 
"Sorry... Come lets eat!" he said showing the way to the table. We took our seats and I suddenly didn't feel like eating. I always got like this after something stressful happens. I started to eat tiny bites to not be rude.
~Minho's point of view~
I started eating and soon was almost finished. I looked up from my food and noticed Mina had barely touched the food I had given her. "Do you not like it?" I asked slightly frowning. Maybe it tasted weird.
 "Oh no! I just don't have much of an appetite right now." she said eating a bit more and pushing the plate away.
 "I really do think I should be going though..." with that she stood and went to the door to put on her shoes.
"Wait!" I yelled and she stopped for a second to look at me confused. I ran to the bathroom to get her clothes and put them in a bag. "Here... Since their still wet just go ahead and borrow my clothes." I handed the bag to her and she bowed. 
"Thank you. I owe you one... Really." and with that she left.
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Going to try to update this story soon ~


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