While we slept


In the middle of the night, the seven were still in the same room, but now everybody, except Sasha, was fast asleep. Then Neko blinked and sat up. At some time in the discussion with Taeyang and Seungir, she sat down on the bed and apparently had fallen asleep there. She forgot about what they have talked but she didn’t think that it has been very important. Seungri sat at the desk, his head laying on the tabletop and was fast asleep like TOP and Taeyang, just that the first sat in an armchair and his younger band mate lied on the other side of the bed. Between him and Neko sat GD, with his back leaning at the bed head. He still had a pad on his knees and a pen in his hand, although his head lent against the wall and he was fast asleep. Neko rose up and as she looked around she noticed that nobody was awake expect herself and Sasha. Her friend sat on the window sill and stared out into the night, but turned her head as she heard something and smiled. Her hand rested on Daesungs shoulder who sat on the floor under the window, the head laying against Sashas upper leg and was so fast asleep that he didn’t even blink an eye as his sister moved.

“Tell me, do you even need sleep?” Neko asked thoughtful and quiet, trying not to wake the others up. “Not really. But I don’t think that my dear brother is interest in this fact at the moment”, answered Sasha quiet as well and inspected her brother from above. “Maybe you should sleep a little bit more. I’m going to take care of everything.” Neko nodded and took the pad and the pen from GD before she curled up on her side and closed her eyes again. Half asleep, she noticed that he moved beside her but didn’t think about that any more.

Sasha watched her friend falling asleep again and noticed again, how well she fit in the group. It was as if they spent years with each other and not just two days and she began to get used to the feeling of having them around her. Then she shook her head about her thoughts, turned her gaze back to the window and continued to observe the sleeping city around her.

The next time Neko woke up because something lightly hit her shoulder. She blinked, still half asleep, and turned her head until she could see Sasha who bended over her. “There is someone at the door”, she hissed and backed off a step so that Neko could stand up. Still sleepy as hell she walked to the door and opened it while Sasha changed into a tiger. In front of the door stood the manager and looked at her with a puzzled look but didn’t say anything to the fact that she slept in a room with the band for the whole night. “Wake the boys up. They have to be dressed and fully awake in two hours, and  they take a little bit longer sometimes.” “Ok”, the young woman answered and closed the door before she turned around again.

All persons were in the same position like earlier in the night, just GD didn’t sit on the bed anymore but he lied. Judging by Sashas look, who sat in front of the bed, Neko useed his shoulder as a pillow for a majority of the night and that fact let the young woman blush hard. “Don’t look like that!” She hissed at the tiger and went to the bed to wake GD and Taeyang up, while Sasha chanced her luck at the other three.

The manager had been right: It really took some time until the five were fully awake and able to go to their rooms to change. Neko went to her room as well and to her surprise, she found new clothes, lying on the bed. Neko would bet her that it has been the manager and it was good that he was so afraid of a scandal because Neko didn’t had time to pay her flat a visit and take some clothes from there.

Around nine, as they met the manager in the hotel lobby, all were somewhat awake and fit to play. The manager pushed them out because the band had an interview at half past nine and as Neko reminded them that she had to be at the vet with Sasha at half past nine as well, he didn’t seem very sad. Au contraire, Neko had more the feeling that he was relieved what showed that he still was afraid of the tiger what seemed quite normal after just two days. They agreed that Neko and Sasha should come back to the concert hall after they visited the vet. It was no problem to get into the hall because Neko got her backstage pass already the evening before from the manager and the tiger didn’t need one.

The first meters they went together but then their ways separated. With every step they came closer to the vet, Sasha became more nervous and pulled her tail between her legs. “I’m not sure if this was really a good idea”, Sasha murmured as nobody could hear them and Neko just grinned. “You don’t want to back out now, do you?” She had to pull her friend at the collar but after they sat down in the waiting room of the office, she had to agree: there were only a few persons because it was early in the morning but those were full of mistrust and everyone who had a dog pulled them back immediately. Fortunately, they were called in after a little while, probably because the vet didn’t want to cause so much stress to her other patients.

see next chapter ^^

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bigbangisawesome6 #1
Chapter 1: Wow nice start~!!!!
If you need any help with the translation, dear, I could do some of that as well! :D
itsBABYramyun #3
Sounds really cool! Update soon ^^