Second crazy COURT

Our Love Based On 'LAW'


"Em.. Miss Choi got a point there.."Hyoyoen rub her chin.

"Your honor, I still got my second point here.."Sunny said.

"I don't know about it.. Miss Choi, are you still wanna tag along?"Hyoyoen look at Soo Young.

"Bring it on then.. I am cool with it..."Soo Young smirk.

"Secondly is Miss Kwon here cheat on Miss Jung! I demand to present Miss Kim Taeyeon come forward.."Sunny said.

Taeyeon come forward and sit in front of judges.

"Miss Kim, please stand up and take your vows.."Hyoyoen said.

Taeyeon stand up and held her right hand.

"I am Kim Taeyeon shall not lie in front of everyone here but if I do.. I did it for some purpose."Taeyeon chuckled.

"MISS KIM!"Hyoyoen shout.

"Owh.. Dea.. Peace.."Taeyeon look at Hyoyoen and give her dorky smile.


"Miss Kim, can you explain your relationship with Miss Kwon?"Sunny asked.

"Sure. She is my buddy.."Taeyeon smile.

"Buddy in what? Have fun? Flirt? Crime??"

"Erk.. Buddy in DORK..?"Taeyeon grin naughtily.

"Okay.."Sunny furrow her eyebrow think of something.

"Anything else Miss Lee?"Hyoyoen ask.

"No, your honor.."Sunny sit.


"Miss Kim, since you two are buddy.. Can you describe what is Miss Kwon personality like?"Soo Young asked.

"Yul is a cool person.. Naive.. Playful.. Popular.. Nice tanned skin body. Almost perfect.."Taeyeon explain.

"Then.. What could be her weakness then since she is so perfect?

"Oh, Jessica is her weakness.."

"It is so? How and why?"

"1st Sica is hell scary when she is on her HellSica mode.. Another one is they are being too TOUCHY with each other.."

"YAH!"Both YulSic shout and point at Taeyeon.

"See.. They are perfect for each other... Miss Jung, whats the point of this demanded for divorce actually?"Soo Young said.

"Objection.. Thats is personal matter and  Miss Choi didn't have right to questioning it."Sunny protest.

"Miss Lee is right Miss Choi.."Hyoyoen nod.

"I am sorry your honor.. You turn Miss Lee."Soo Young sit.


"Miss Kim.. How long you two know each other?"Sunny ask.

"Long enough.. Arrgghh.. My memory is weak.. I can't remember it..."Taeyeon scratching her head.

"Well.. Just leave it then."Sunny sigh.

"Sorry.."Taeyeon pout.

"Em.. According to Miss Jung.. You have a bachelor party last week isn't it right?"Sunny ask.

"Not mine. But our friend Yoona.."Taeyeon explain.

"What happen to that party?"

"Em.. We have some alcohol.. A striper.."

"A striper?"

"Yep.. Provide by our friends.. Siwon and Donghae.."

"It is a guy or a girl?"

"Girls exactly.."

"Girls?? How many of them?"

"Plenty much.."


Just then something pop in Taeyeon mind and she stare at Jessica.

"Say.. Sica ah.. Do you know what that striper do to Yul on that night?"Taeyeon grin.

Jessica shook her head innocently.

"The dancer was seduce her..."

"WHAT?!"Jessica stand up.

"YAH! TAENGOO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"Yuri stand up too.

"Sshh.. Kwon! Sica, think again about this.. If only Yul-"


"MWO?! KIM TAEYEON!!!"Someone shout.

"YAH! KWON! I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU OUT HERE.. Fany ahh.. Its not what you think it is...."Taeyeon look at Tiffany with a nervous expression.

Tiffany look away and crossed her arms in anger manner.

"Err.. Miss Kim.. I think enough with this. You can go now.."Sunny said.


"Anyone else were you like to call Miss Choi?"Hyoyoen look at Soo Young.

"Yes, I would like to call out Miss Hwang over because she is Jessica best friend."

"Miss Hwang, come over please.."Hyoyoen called out.

Tiffany walk forward and took her vows as well.

"Miss Hwang, can you tell me about Miss Jung personality?"

"Sure.. She is kinda jealousy type."

"Oo.. It is true that Miss Jung have once make Miss Kwon.. Diarrhea?"

"Oh, that.. That happen when Yul didn't pick up her phone so Sica punishing her by eating her cooked."

"Can Miss Jung cook Miss Hwang?"

"Unless if you have a death wish.."

"Your honor, I don't see any point here.."Sunny protest.

"Yeah, whats you point Miss Choi?"Hyoyoen look at Soo Young.

"My point is.. Miss Jung is naturally a jealousy type of person so it must be her overreact response by accuse Miss Kwon cheat on her. Lets see Miss Jung, do Miss Kwon here still going home after the party?"

"Yes, she did..."

"Exactly! She DID going home so the so called CHEAT is not relevant here your honor..."Soo Young smile.

"Em.. We will take a rest for an hour break.. Any question everyone?"Hyoyoen ask.

"I got a request..."Tiffany raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Hwang?"Hyoyoen look at Tiffany.

"I want Miss Lee here fight for my divorce case! I demanded a divorce from Kim Taeyeon!"Tiffany stare angrily towards Taeyeon.

"Well.. If its okay for both side..."Hyoyoen look at SooSun.

"I am okay with it.."Sunny smile.

"Me too.. Miss Kim, I'll take you case then.."Soo Young smile.

"Nice one Kwon.. Now I have my own divorce case!"Taeyeon pout.

"Sorry Taegoo.."Yuri give a peace sign.

"Okay.. Dismissed.."Hyoyoen said.

"Owh.. My head.. Everyone wanna gets divorce. If this continuing I am afraid.. One day I'll have to hire those lawyer too because Nicole gonna kill me for broke my promise again.. Aish..."Hyoyoen sigh.

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musicart772 #1
Chapter 5: I've been laughing reading this story, hahahahaha I love your story author-nim
Chapter 5: I dont mind...
But this is daebak!