

How its feel to die when its not even your time yet?

Can you simply accepted the fact that the person that close to your heart is already gone?

Would it affect the whole team?

The broken promise..

A secret admirer..

I can make it angst or a happy ending one..

Its all depends on your comment reader!! ^^



I stuck in between the earth and the other side world..

But they thought that I betray them and leave the group because of the fame that I received.

I wants to show them the truth but how?

The 'devil' still hiding with them and happily live on..

I can feel that he will make some move towards the others too which I can't make it success..

All I needs is one more chance to appears again and bring down the 'devil' myself..



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HungryDog #1
Chapter 7: Update author shii! Tae is great leader! Aside her forgetfullness... Now update and bring Tae to life again. And kick This Max new manager!
mari0010 #2
Chapter 7: update juseyo ><