Better With You


A few days after we saw Joon Myun and Ahiru hugging, we’ve been seeing them together more often. No, I’m not jealous, I’m just being observant.


“You’re too slow Yixing! Look, your little ducky is being taken away by mister sunshine!” Rei said to me one day.

“Well, good for them.”

“Whatever Yixing. If you’re not gonna make a move, I’ll do it for you!”


Rei have been telling me to make a move on Ahiru, but personally, I’m not yet sure on what I actually feel for her. Every day we would see Joon Myun come up to Ahiru and they would end up talking and all. Of course she would still hang out with us but she would end up getting calls or text messages from Joon Myun. Rei even deviced a game when we are together just so Ahiru won’t touch her phone. Again, I’m not jealous, I’m being observant.


One rainy day, Ahiru arrived in school a little later than usual. She had and umbrella but her jacket was pretty soaked.


“I forgot my umbrella at home then it started raining as I was a few steps away from home, so I ran back and got my umbrella.”

“Oh my little ducky is soaked.” Rei said patting her head.

“And you didn’t think of changing your jacket?” I asked.

She nodded. I was about to get my jacket to give to her when Joon Myun came and put his jacket on her.

“We don’t want someone getting sick, do we?” He said with a smile.

“Thanks” Ahiru said with a smile. She took her wet jacket off and replaced it with Joon Myun’s.


As the day went by, the sun started to show. The rains stopped and the weather was fine. Rei and I were asked by our club advisers to stay to remind us of a few things about the upcoming events. Ahiru excused herself from waiting for us because she needed to get some groceries.


As we were going back to the classroom to get our bags, the rain started. The winds were strong and the rain was starting to get heavy. Rei and I walked into the classroom and found that Ahiru has forgotten her umbrella just like this morning. Rei took out her phone and dialed her number.


“Ahiru~ are you okay? You forgot your umbrella at school” Rei said. “OMG Dear, don’t move. Stay there.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“She’s soaked. She’s at the bus stop near the grocery.”

I took the umbrella and ran out of the room. Along the hallway, I took my jacket of and kept it inside my bag so I could let her use it. I ran to the bus stop and saw a soaking wet Ahiru. I gave her her umbrella and got my jacket out and let her wear it.

“Thank you, Yixing.” She said smiling.

“Next time always check if you have everything with you, okay?” I said.

“I will.” She said.

“I’ll walk you home.” I said.

“No need.”

“I insist. You forgot your umbrella twice in one day, I don’t know what else can you do.”  I insisted.

She laughed a little and said, “Okay.”

As we walked our way to their house, I asked her,

“Are you cold?”

“A little. But I’m okay.” She said smiling.

“Err… are you and Joon Myun… you know…?” I tried asking.

“Oh. Nothing. We’re good friends… but you know?” She chuckled looking at me. “Why you ask? You jealous?” she said laughing.


“I was just kidding!!” She continued laughing.

I’m not jealous. I’m not jealous. I’m not jealous. I kept repeating to myself. I can’t be jealous. I shouldn’t be jealous.

We arrived at their house. It was huge. She must not be just a normal girl you’ll meet, her parents must be something. We don’t know anything other than her parents have business as she would say.

“So, we’re here!” She said “Come in!”

“Uh… No. I gotta go.”

“oh, okay. Thanks and see you tomorrow!” She said. “Take care!”

“Take care too.” I said. “And dry yourself”

“I will.” She said. “I’ll bring your jacket after it’s washed.”

“Okay.” I said. “Bye!”







The next day, Ahiru didn’t come to school. Rei was worried the whole time. Me too. Rei tried to call her but she won’t answer, which made Rei more worried.


“What if something happen? What if she’s sick and she’s alone???” Rei said.

“Try calling her again.” I said calmly

“I’ve been calling her since morning and she’s not picking up.” Rei said. “What should we do Yixing?”

“Calm down. Let’s wait first.” I said.


By the end of the class, I’ve decided to visit Ahiru at their house without letting Rei know. As I arrived to their house, I rang the doorbell. It took a while before Ahiru opened the gate. Her eyes looked tired and her face was pale. She is sick.

“Hey. You’re here.” She said. Even her voice was different.

“I figured you needed some notes and the homework…” I said.

“Oh great!” she said trying to smile. “Come in.”

As we were walking, Ahiru lost her balance, good thing I was able to catch her before she completely fall on the ground.

“Are you okay?” I asked helping her stand up.

I put my hand against her forehead and realized that she was burning with fever.

“You’re burning!” I said.

“I’m okay.” She said.

I helped her walk inside the house but I could feel that she might pass out anytime. I put one of her arms around my shoulder and carried her bridal-style. I asked her where her room was and went upstairs. I put her into her bed and covered her with her blanket.


“Do you have medicines?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s in the bathroom. There’s a medicine cabinet inside.”

I went inside her bathroom and found the medicine cabinet. I took some medicine for her fever and took the cooling gel with me. I went back to her and put the cooling gel on her forehead.

 “Have you eaten yet?” I asked her. And she shook her head. Her eyes are half open and she looks so tired.

I decided to go down and cook something. I got to the kitchen and opened the fridge. The fridge was a horror to see. It was almost empty with just milk and a couple of eggs. I looked at the pantry and some ramen packs inside. The fastest thing to cook was ramen before Ahiru decides to do anything stupid, like, standing up and going downstairs.

I went back up with water and ramen. I sat Ahiru up and started feeding her slowly. In the end, she wasn’t able to finish her food. She said she doesn’t have the appetite, but at least, she ate almost half of the serving. I let her drink her medicine and tuck her to sleep.


I started humming a song to her to put her to sleep. After a while, she finally drifted to dreamland.

“Goodnight my princess” I whispered as I kissed her in the forehead.

Before I left, I pressed my lips against hers gently. Yes I kissed her.

I turned away from her when suddenly I felt her trembling hands on mine.

“Don’t leave me, please.”

And my heart started beating faster.

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ha ha ha ha ha took me forever to update.


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Chapter 12: update soon^^
Chapter 9: What...? Joonmyun confessed?! o.o

I really like this story. You're doing a good job. ^^
mazel888 #3
This story deserves more subbies!!!
rainbowbriteduckling #4
@WrappedInRibbons: Thank you darling~ tho, unlike most writers here, I'm not the Image-using type of writer :
Wow this story is so good :O
Keep up the great work, it's coming along so nicely I think I'm addicted xD