The Girl

This Nightmare is REAL

 . . . He thinks long and hard about the dream he just had and tries to find out why he just had this dream. Was it the future? his thoughts were constantly running for one of the many times in the morning. The past? Is it telling me something that I've yet to discover? Seunghyun brushed his teeth and the shower as his other members slowly got up. Well it was only this once so maybe it was a one time thing. Yeah. That's what it was. Nothing too important.

He stepped into the shower, as the cold water hit is body he opened his eyes and stopped moving. What's going on? He could'nt move but he could breath. Seunghyun tried using all of his power to move but failed and started to worry. If i call my members in here they'll think I'm and ahjussi for getting stuck in the shower! He thought about what he could do and started to become more calm. Well maybe if I turn off the water o-or stop thinking for a moment .  He calmly waited for a moment. . .  . . . okay so that didn't work. He sighed and stretched his arms a bit. OH! I can move He continued with his shower and decided to forget about it. Deep inside his brain, the dream wouldn't escape.

As he was walking out of the dorms he was greeted by many fans that he's seen many times. He just smiled and took the presents or took a generous picture with them. They're such spazzers but I'm glad there's no anti-fans around. He looked around and behind them breathing out minty fresh breath. Daesung came out of the dorm wearing a tight shirt that day so the fans were all over him. When he looked down the hall there was a girl just standing there. It looked like as though she wanted to come but couldn't come.

She looks awfully familiar . . . All of his fans directed their eyes towards the girl, she was startled and hesitantly ran away around the corner. Well that was weird. and just as soon as she left the fans started thier spazzing again. Thier drivers and guards came over to help them get through the girl crowd and were able to , somewhat, get safely to the car. Jiyong, Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang were fooling around and laughing about some weird incident that had happened in the dorms that morning.

Seunghyun lifted his head up and closed his eyes trying to remember who the girl was and what she was doing. Aish . . . why can't I REMEMBER?! . . . His face must've shown his frustration because the members of his group looked over to him.

"Ay Seunghyun," Jiyong had reached an arm over to his back,"Doing okay? Something happen?" all the members kind of gave each other worried looks while Seungri and Taeyang were having a staring contest.

"Ne . . . I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." Seunghyun made a small smile to Jiyong and continued to look out the window. Okay . . . So maybe . . . Try remembering . . . His eyes were drawn to a ice cream shop She had short hair, a dress . . . oh wait no! not a dress umm The car stopped at a red light and he seen a car pulled up next to theirs from the corner of his eye. . . a black skirt and a uh a aqua blue shirt. She had on sneakers and a sweater. The light hadn't changed and he looked over at what he thought to be a car but it wasn't there I swear there was . . . The light changed and their car started to move anyways, I hadn't gotten a good look at her face so . . . He leaned back in his seat This is no use! Why do I need to figure out why and WHO she is? He shook his head and tried to get his mind off of her by reading a magazine. He flipped through some pages and seen her again, she was in the background of a photo some one had shot of him a few days ago.

. . . . . . Stalker much? He smiled a bit thinking Yeah . . . that's all she was. Another stalker that I get every now and than But he still had a feeling that this was out of the ordinary, something was clawing at his brain and he couldn't figure out what.

They had arrived at the commercial photo shoot and got the clothes that were prepared for them to wear. Seunghyun was still in deep thought when he had gotten into the make up artist room.  He eye smiled towards the cameras that were in the room and sat down ready for his hair to be fixed up, since there was a specific way they wanted it. One of the make up artists had started to work on Seunghyun's hair as the other members were getting ready to get thier work done on them. Wow . . . whoever's working on my hair as fricking long fingernails!  Seunghyun's eyes looked up at the mirror to get a good look at who it was. They had a slender nose, a cap on covering thier eyes, a short sleeved sweater and capri pants with painted sneakers.

He looked back down and was turned around to face the person that was working on him,

"Tilt your head up please" the make up artist had said.

He tilted his head up and was able to get a good look at the person. Hm . . . I can't decide on whether it's a girl or a boy . . . He laughed in his mind giving a little smile as he was getting a design on his face. The person had inhaled deeply when he smiled and continued to work holding back an urge.

As soon as they were done Seunghyun looked in the mirror and was satisfied with how he looked,

"Nice job" he smiled to the make up artist and walked off. The person smiled as they watched him walk away, they quickly looked away and took off thier cap and took a good look at themselves in the mirror before opening the door to leave the room. They looked back and had seen that Seunghyun had left his phone. They smiled and reached to pick it up No . . . I shouldn't pick it up . . . they had left it where it was and left the room only to bump into Seunghyun.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" he bowed to show respect. When he looked back up he had seen it was a beautiful girl that he thought he'd seen earlier. He looked at the hat and looked at what she was wearing,"Um . . ." I don't think . . . No . . . She can't be the stalker . . . He shook the thought out of his mind,

"Ah um Have you seen my phone? I think I dropped it somewhere." She looked down and nodded her head pointing into the room she was coming out of.

"Thanks!" he opened the door and found it quickly putting it into his pocket. He came out and she was gone, he kind of looked around wondering where she could've ran off to in such a hurry.
Big Bang finally got home from their long day with schedules and a gropu decision was made to order food that night. They bought a large order of shirmp lo mein and argued over who had to pay. They all laughed as Jiyong lost rock paper scissors with everyone and had to order.

Jiyong pouted,"ALL OF YOU owe me money now!" he stuck his tongue out at all of them as all of the members protested against his idea,

"But Seunghyun~ can you give the guy the money~", he fell onto the couch,"I'm too laaazzzyy" he waved the money to Seunghyun as he grabbed it and laughed.

"Fine! But now you owe ME a favor!".

Twenty minutes later he got up to answer the door only to see that it was the girl again,

"Oh I know you!" he smiled at her "I didn't know that you worked at the chinese food place?" The girl seemed distant,

"Anyways how much does it cost?" She stuttered when she spoke,

"A-ah it's $22." Seunghyun had counted the money Jiyong had gave him,

"Yah! Jiyong! This is too little!" he screamed over the loud video games that they were playing.

"Um . . . Can you wait here for a moment?" he smiled as he walked over to Jiyong smacking his arm with the money,

"THIS. IS. TOO. LITTLE." he said it slowly just so that Jiyong would understand.

"SEUNGHYUN! I'm. NOT. A RETARD~~~!" he responded back and gave him $10 more

"Will that be enough?" but Jiyong didn't wait for a response before going straight back to playing the videogame.

"Yeah~" Seunghyun rolled his eyes and laughed. 

"Ah. Minhae" he rubbed his neck and smiled sheepishly handing over the money.

"It's fine with me" she handed over the food and looked down again walking away putting the money into her pocket. Seunghyun watched her walk away as the members were right behind him seeing him watching her.

"OH! Seunghyun!" they were yelling down the hall as she turned the corner so she could hear them talk,

"I didn't know that you were STALKING SOMEONE!?" all the members were OOOing. She smiled happily Not exactly. . . and she walked happily home.

"YAH! YOU GUYS ARE SO INAPPROPRIATE!" he yelled at all of them as he slammed the door and brought the food inside holding it close to himself. 

"Just for that! I don't think any of you should have this!" he laughed and took it to his room locking himself inside with the food.

All the members looked at each other,"You're joking? RIGHT?!" Jiyong managed to sputter out. They all ran to Seunghyun's door when he didn't give a response.

"COME ON! We're so HUNGRY!" they all pounded on his door and tried to open it.

"This isn't funny!" Daesung whined.

"Well for you it isn't!" he slurped on noodles loudly,"But for me?" he laughed "It's pretty funny" he smiled and didn't eat much of it. I'll just wait until they leave He watched the bottom of the door and waited for the shadows to disappear as they stopped banging. He unlocked the door and brung out the food setting it slowly on the living room table as they were all in their bed rooms.

"Hey food is out!" He could hear them all dismounting their beds excitedly as they all came to the table.

"It's about time Seunghyun~" Seungri gave a slight laugh.

"You just better be glad I was kind enough to share." Seunghyun smiled and went to go in his room.

"Seunghyun," Jiyong called to him before he could go in.

"Ah, ne?"

"You aren't going to eat the dinner I paid for?" Jiyong smirked.

"I already had tons of it in my room," Seunghyun lied with a smile,"just eat what's left of it." Seunghyun closed the door behind him and sat down on the windowsill.

He laughed Wow, they're such loud eaters and felt a slight buzz from his phone. He turned his phone on and seen that there was no call number. He wondered whether he should pick it up or not and by the time he was done with his decision the phone had stopped ringing. Decision made for me He smiled and turned off his phone and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

"Seunghyun . . . You'd never leave me . . . right? You'd never leave me . . . for some other girl . . . would you?"

"Seunghyun . . . I know . . . I know why . . ." 

"I'll never leave you Shoya . . . I never have . . ."

Seunghyun awoke to a loud crash of thunder, breathing heavily from his dream, realizing that he was covered with sweat.He pulled the covers off of him and turned to look at his alarm clock and seen that it was 12:12 a.m.  Hm. . . He walked up over to the window and looked up at the dark stormy clouds  I wish that I coul- He was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He put his hand underneath his pillow and pulled out his phone. I thought I turned it off. . . He answered the call It's probably Jiyong wanting me to make something for him.


"YOU DON'T REMEMBER HER . . . DO YOU?" The voice rang throughout his head

This is all too familiar . . . He tried to hang up on the mysterious caller but there was no luck. He put the phone back up to his ear and could hear the other person breathing.

"What do you know?" Seunghyun demanded but they had already hung up and a pink letter was on top of the windowsill. When? . . . He cautiously walked over to it and picked it up.

He read aloud,"To my one and only, TOP. . ."

He went to his bed and sat down taking a careful look at the letter, the words, the letters, the way it was written.

"I don't understand. . ." he got prepared to rip the letter in half but he stopped and put it in his drawers, waiting for morning to discuss it with s. . . Will they understand me?

"You've left me . . . Seunghyun . . . I'm all alone . . . It's dark . . . Please . . ."



A/N: I actually made a lot of changes to it now, I hope it isn't confusing >o< keke

A/N PART II: I'm so sorry >o< I completely forgot to un-hide this chapter! omo I think the rest of the story will fall into place. . .?

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daesungtaemin #1
Chapter 2: Please continue writing its really good I wanna read more!!!!!