I Don't Like Him


How much do you like him to become like this? How much do you love him to become like this? Why are you in this much pain because of him? Why are you smiling up at him? Why does your heart beat fast because of him?

I haven't met him yet, but I don't like him.


This is a short oneshot inspired by IU's song '"I Don't Like Her." I changed it up from a guy's point of view on jealousy.


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justnormalme #1
Chapter 1: Haha!
Taemin gay. Of course he is!
Chapter 1: It's cute that she turned the words "I really don't like him" on him. It's almost endearing.
Chapter 1: hahaha..that's funny...taemin is absolutely not a gay...hahah...he's a real man now i guess....nice fic.. -claps- :))) i like it..!!! keep writing.. :))