Chapter 1: Closer

The Runaway.

[Chapter 1: Closer]


A lone young man stood by the window, staring blankly into nothingness. His eyes, those beautiful dark orbs, were empty and unreadable. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his lips pressed into a thin line as he turned away from the window. He heard someone knocking on his door just then, which opened to reveal two of his men.

“Boss we tracked down his latest hideout,” The taller of them said, placing a file of papers on the table. “He’s in LA. And we found new information. Apparently his government records were faked. He’s not the sole survivor of the accident that killed his family – he has a sister. And she survived it too.”

The other man took an envelope from his pocket and passed it to the man whom he referred to as Boss. “She’s here in Seoul. She’s closer than we thought all along Boss... she’s a student in your school.”

Silence filled the room for a moment. Those blank dark eyes came alive, glittering dangerously.

Though his handsome, chiseled face remained expressionless, the cold excitement in his voice was undeniable.

“Leave the girl to me. And hunt him down.”


*** *** ***


“So what did you get Dara?” Bom chirped excitedly as Dara made her way back to the table, her paper clutched tightly in her hands. “Another perfect score?”

Dara smiled shyly and nodded, her eyes sparkling happily.

CL sighed loudly and leaned back on her chair. “I am so envious of your brain, seriously. I haven’t seen a single A on my report card since… a very long time ago. Think my brain cells are dissolving or something.”

“Don’t be silly!” Dara chided playfully as she pulled CL into a big hug of encouragement. “It’s not your brain, it’s just your very clingy boyfriend!”

“Ya! Don’t say that! He’s not that clingy…” CL stopped as she saw the huge knowing grins on her friends’ faces.

“You’re the one who keeps complaining. Minho keeps whining, Mino keeps calling, Minho this Minho that,” Bom interjected, and started imitating CL’s usual rants, to the latter’s annoyance.


[Dara’s POV]

I couldn’t help laughing as they ended up bickering over the silliest things. But then again, that’s how the three of us are whenever we’re together. I’ve known CL and Bom for almost half my life – we were classmates in middle school and we’ve stuck together like three peas in a pod ever since. Without a doubt, they’re my closest friends.

I took another look at the big A on my paper, and smiled.

Oppa would be so proud of me…

That reminds me. I should drop him an email about it tonight! I usually try not to disturb him since I know he’s really busy with whatever he’s doing, but this should be quite a valid reason to contact him right? It’s been a while since I last heard from him anyway.

Ahh the two of them are still at it. Given CL’s very red face, this argument’s gonna take some time before it ends I think.

Funny. I feel a little weird. You know that feeling you get when someone’s staring at you? That feeling that sends this odd chill down your spine, and causes the little hairs on your arms to prick. Yeah that’s what I’m feeling now. And it’s not the first time, actually. I’m not sure if it’s my over-active imagination or what, but I keep getting the feeling that someone’s been watching me lately. And it does freak me out a bit. But the thing is, I don’t ever see anyone staring…

“Dara, who’re you looking at?” Bom suddenly asked.

Oops I must have been turning my head to and fro too many times haha.

“Nothing, just looking around.”

I guess it’s really my over-active imagination. Silly me.

Placing the paper into my bag, I stretched my arms a little and stood up. “Shall we go? I need to be at the café in a while… I’m taking the afternoon shift today.” It’s about time for me to head over to the café if I don’t want to be late for work. And given that the landlord’s probably going to come over to rush me for payment anytime soon, I think I’d better try squeezing in as many hours as I can.

“Oh okay! Is that hot male colleague of yours working today?”

“Lee Chaerin! You still have your clingy boyfriend, so stop being such a flirt!”

“YA! I already said he’s not clingy! And I’m not a flirt!”

We slowly headed towards the school exit, the two of them still lost in their argument. I took one last look around the cafeteria – it was pretty empty by now, given that it’s Friday and it’s already after school hours. The only people around were the cleaners, the stall vendors and a small handful of students who seemed to have nothing better to do.

I really must have been imagining things.


[Jiyong’s POV]

I laid my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. To be honest, I don’t know why I’m doing this either. I could have sent some of my men to follow her around and keep track of her movements, but instead here I am, parked outside some small pathetic looking café and trying to catch little glimpses of that girl from my car window.

A loud crash sounded just then – like the sound of cups breaking.

I bet it’s the girl’s fault.

Speak of the devil. There she is, apologizing profusely to the customers with her head bowed down.

I snorted. This was what, the third time the girl’s broken something this week? Seriously, I’m amazed that she hasn’t been fired yet, given that she’s so ridiculously clumsy.

I’ve been watching her for quite some time already, especially when we’re in school. A week or so, perhaps? It was quite a surprise to find that she’s in my school – a pleasant surprise, definitely. It makes everything a lot more convenient. I’ve always liked having my targets close; I like knowing every move of theirs. The more predictable a target, the easier to get rid of it.

She’s a boring one to watch though. School, work, home… that’s it. The girl has no life to speak of, I’m telling ya.

But even so, I like watching her. I like the way it makes me feel, like I’m so close to victory. This is the closest I’ve come to reaching my goal in all these years – for years, I’ve been searching high and low for my brother’s killer. But he’s a smart one, definitely. Constantly on the move, and never leaving any tracks. Time and time again, my men have come to me with new information, new locations and new witnesses; time and time again, I’ve envisioned myself capturing that sinner and pointing my gun straight at his ugly, cursed face.

It’s been almost four years now. And that vision of mine has yet to be reality.

He’s always slipping out of my claws, always just a step ahead of us.

But now, with this girl standing right here within my sight… I can almost taste the lingering sweetness that comes with revenge.

I don’t believe he’ll abandon his only living family member in this world, and leave her to die.

No, I’m sure he’ll come back for her.

And when that time comes…

I’ll pull the trigger right at his face.


*** *** ***


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ggbria #1
Authornim? ? Still der? Pls update!
Chapter 25: how i wish you would update!your story is one of those i keep in mind when i want to cheer myself up or brighten my day!i kind of miss it,my mind craves for a new chapter, but i do understand we all have our own problems to deal with so i will wait patiently for you to write a new chapter! take care!^^
ibgdta #3
Chapter 29: Ill wait for your update..:)
Chapter 29: aaawwww... congratulations for graduating! I hope that whatever your plans in the near future will be very fruitful... looking forward to your update... i just started reading your fic last night and it totally got my attention... and here i am now anticipating the next update... hengsho!
Chapter 28: OMG... can't breathe in anticipation!This story is killing me....
Chapter 26: Go for sinful!!! LOL!!! I'm enjoying this fic so much! Thank yu so much for writing this fic!!!!
daramaegon #7
Chapter 29: i just finished reading chapter 28, im so engrossed with the story and i really love it but sad it left me hanging since its not yet completed , though how i wish you could qickly update us soon,i do appreciate your effort on continuing this despite of your busy schedule,,anyways all we have to do is wait until its done,,,happy ending would be great because i hate tragic one,,,sorry for my long comment;) FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 29: Congrats!! And I'll wait patiently for your updates!! ^^
Chapter 18: he's leaving her w/ top right??? haist...