
That Song...Our Story


"Are you kidding me?" Han Jimin shot a glare with her bloodshot eyes at her best friend, Song Jihyo. "Are you...seriously...kidding me?" she asked again. Her garments are still black, her eyes are still crying and her heart is still trying to cope up.

"But Jimin-ah...it was written in his will for you to marry his cousin. Junsu was there at the hearing too, maybe he could explain to you better." Jihyo said, looking desperately at Junsu, Jimin's younger brother. He was silent during the whole confrontation with his sister, letting Jihyo do the talking like what they had agreed to when they were coming back from the lawyer's office. 

"Apparently Jisub-hyung altered his will two weeks ago. Mr. Kang said that hyung called him early morning to ask for an alteration and when he confirmed the content, he was confused too. Most of his belongings will go to his family, but some of it will be donated to charity. He also did state that if anything was to happen to him and he couldn't survive his mission, he'd still want the marriage to go on and that he wants you to marry his cousin." Junsu's voice was small as if he was afraid saying it any louder would break his noona’s heart...if it has not been broken.

Tears silently poured down Jimin's cheeks. Everything had come and gone so fast that she couldn't understand what had happened. A month ago, she finally opened up and agreed to marry So Jisub, an inspector of the first division in homicide department. Everything had went from normal to hectic as he wanted to get married as soon as possible, afraid that Jimin will suddenly have a change of heart. Jimin had agreed even if it was rushed, a month and a half to prepare for a marriage is not enough, but Jisub had insisted that everything shall be done to perfection despite how busy he was going to be. Everything was booked and prepared, most of the planning done by the wedding planner he had personally chosen. They've done the fitting and confirmed the banquet and had just did the rehearsal at the hotel a day before everything fell apart.

She felt Jihyo's arm pulling her into an embrace and she let out the sob that she's been holding back. It had been too fast for her to cope and she blamed it all on herself. If only she had agreed to marry him when he asked for her hand a year ago... If only she could have open her heart to his love all this years he had been coming to see her at the café... If only she didn't insist for him to go back to his work after their short date... If only…she could forget her misery and accept him earlier…

"Sshhh... It's okay darling, it's not your fault..."


A week passed and things had not settled down. Junsu noticed that his noona had stop crying but her face was still sullen. He couldn’t make himself to push for his noona’s answer regarding the marriage just yet. He himself had trouble understanding the situation and he still doesn’t think it was wise for Jisub’s family to push through with the wedding.

“Morning Su…” Jimin greeted as she prepared a simple breakfast. Junsu smiled and took a seat at the kitchen table, grabbing the coffee his noona prepared.

“You’re going to the café today, noona?” Junsu asked, nibbling on the French toast.

“Yeah…I think it’s better to go back to normal. I pitied your juniors that had to do over time for a week now.” Jimin smiled sadly and continued doing the dishes. Suddenly one of the door in the house banged open and Jihyo came running to the kitchen table.

“Jimin ah! Why didn’t you wake me up? I’m late already!” Jihyo grabbed Junsu’s coffee and gulped it down while snatching the rest of the toast with her other hand.

“Jihyo noona! Ya~!” Junsu yelled, but to no avail as Jihyo hurriedly rushed out of the house. He looked over to his noona who was also looking at him, dumbfounded. Junsu burst into laughter and a small genuine smile bloomed on Jimin’s face. Things…will be normal again…



Hello~ this will be my first story here and will also be my first chaptered story. I hope I can hang on till the last chapter coz I'm too used to write a one-shot. and uh... comment away? lol hope you enjoy the story and lemme know your thoughts too kay? 

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anylia #1
looks potentially good ^^ do update yea? ^^