Don't tell your mother.

I can't escape from you, Kim Jaejoong

School ended. I was at the bus stop waiting for bus 56 to come, when suddenly, "YAH ! Hanna, how can you run away from us ?" "What the.." I said. I turned around and saw my 'masters'. I was trembling and I felt terrified. Thinking I still had time, I ran away from them "Hanna - ah !" Jaejoong shouted. I just ran forward without caring about how my facial expression looked like and how messy my attire was. I ran and ran and ran. I took a quick glance behind me. MAN THEY RUN FAST ! I got much more terrified and ran for my life like as though I am running away from a wild dog, actually make it FIVE wild dogs. After awhile, I ran out of breath and got tired. Therefore, I stopped running and 'surrendered' myself. I turned around and said, breathless, "Look. I know I am your slave.... but, I am going home now and.... and I have to do my homework." Yoochun stepped forward and said, "You're OUR slave. You STAY with us. You DO work for us and you OBEY us. Understood ?" It felt like a scolding. Yoochun kept on emphasizing the words. "STAY, you say ? Why would I want to STAY with you ? I have my mom to go home to, you know ? Besides, I am NOT your official SLAVE ! So would you mind ? Oh and furthermore, why must I STAY with you ? Aren't all of you staying with your parents ?" I pushed Junsu's shoulder which was blocking me from getting away, but Jaejoong grabbed hold of my hand. My heart beated fast, again. I felt a rush in me. Jaejoong whispered in my ear, "What did I tell you earlier ? Don't be stubborn, alright ? It'll just get worse." I had mixed feelings - I loved him, but I hated him. I thought about the disadvantages and the advantages of staying with them in a split second. I wasn't sure about it. Furthermore, they're not my realtives and in Korea, we're not supposed to stay with the opposite before marriage. "Oh ~ Eeotokkae ?" I said under my breath as I scratched the side of my forehead. I know I'll regret this, but I turned around, let out a sigh and said in a disapproving tone, "Alright~" Jaejoong let out a smile and ruffled my hair. The remaining four were celebrating like as though they won the lottery.

"Okay Okay, good. why not we send you home and you pack your stuff and we'll meet you right outside your house, alright ??? OH and do not tell your mom," Changmin said, happily. I looked at them from head to toe, and said, "Who are you, a stalker ? How do even know where my house is ?? How do you even know that I live with my mom ?" I glanced at all five of them and asked, with innocent eyes, "Why can't I tell my mom about this ? She's my mom." All five of them looked on the ground. Their eyes became watery and Junsu was even jumping around. For what reason ? "Ermm, is there something wrong ?" I asked, feeling there was a secret they were hiding from me. Yunho wiped his tears with his tie and said, "Chah, let's go to Hanna's now !" When all of us went walking, Jaejoong was still standing there, looking sad. I stopped in my steps and asked with my head tilted, "Waeyo ?? Gwaencana ?" He looked up at me and smiled, "Neh ~" All of a sudden, I felt like I didn't hate them anymore. Maybe it's because they are actually five average guys with loveable qualities.

There we were, infront of my house. I was nervous. Jaejoong, Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin were hiding behind a bush. I unlocked the door and went in. "Umma, I am home ~" I said. "Oh, Hanna -ssi, why are you home so late ? Have you had your lunch ?" Mom said as she walked towards me from the kitchen. "Umm, yea ~  I just had lunch that's why I am late, heh, " I stuttered. "Change out of your clothes then !" Mom exclaimed followed by a laugh. I went upstairs and immediately packed my clothes. I felt guilty. How could I possibly leave my mom ? I opened my drawer and took out a photograph of her. I kissed the photograph before putting it in my bag. Tears started to fill my eyes. I didn't know leaving somebody you love was so hard. I wonder how I'm going to get married in the future if I stay this way. I let out a sigh and left my room. I tiptoed down the steep flight of stairs. There, I saw my mom watching TV. I had goosebumps. What if I tumble down the stairs ?! NO ! Can't ! I walked normally down the stairs, and all of a sudden, mom turned to look at me and said, "Oh, where are you going ?" I hesitated. "Oh no, what am I suppose to say ? I can't lie to her ! Oh gosh !"I thought to myself. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Who might that be ?" My mom said as she walked to the white wooden door. I stood there, like a fool. It was Jaejoong at the door ! "Umm hi ! Just wondering, would you mind if I borrow 3000 won from you ? I need it urgently !" Jaejoong said, looking desperate. I thought, maybe, this is my chance to escape ! I walked down the stairs and went by the back door. Finally I was out !

"Palli Palli !" Junsu whispered, loudly. Jaejoong looked at Junsu who was making a fool out of himself. "Umm, ajumma, gwaencana, I have to go now ! Bye !" Jaejoong shouted as he rushed to the back door. Jaejoong carried my bag for me and we left, running. We went to the underground subway which was nearby. I sat down, guilty, breathless and dumbfounded. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to my mom. Yunho tapped my shoulder and said, "So, now, you're OFFICIALLY OUR SLAVE, okay ?" I nodded my head. Why did I chose to run away with them ? Gaish, I was already regretting it. After 5 stops, we alighted the train. When we came out of the station, I saw many little houses. "Oh, don't tell me I'm going to leave here," I mumbled. Junsu giggled, "No, babo. We don't live here. We live THERE !" Junsu pointed to a house on the hill. GOSH ! IT WAS HUGE THAT I COULD EVEN SEE IT FROM AFAR ! So they were living with each other ? No parents ? Nothing ? Gosh, HOW AWESOME !! We walked up the hill. We passed by so many beautiful green trees. As we went higher and higher, we could also see the beautiful beach that will surely look beautiful at sunset. Finally, after the long trip up the hill, we're there, at their house ! The windows were from floor to ceiling, made of glass. The walls were white on the outside and it was so clean ! The pool was the size of my whole house ! It was so huge ! Was it even a home ?

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Ugh, hate to say it, but i don't like the way she left her mom.. And she was supposed to be sad by regretting her decision to be their maid..<br />
And actually, i am still looking for a reason why did DBSK suddenly wants her to be their maid.... ^^<br />
melfics #2
new reader! update soon~
Emerald_Lee #3
i guess its love lols aww poor omma what is going to happen to her lols and did they just use the guilt trip on her lols
@Emerald_Lee Yeap :D
Emerald_Lee #5
ahh to love or to hate that is the question lols
@zyrenahre_14 Thank you ! :D
It shrinked because it was confused to hate or to love! Haha..<br />
I won't mind being Jaejoong's slave in whatever condition.. Kkkk
Wow your story is great..^_^ waiting for the next update :))
@mgginny HAHHA, thank you ! :D