Who knows??


Sunggyu sure about his feeling... He is really sure that he loves his bestfriend Kim Myungsoo... But why when Myungsoo tells him that he has a boyfriend he doesn't feel hurt?? Instead because of Myungsoo he felt his heart beat faster because another guy,the certain guy name Nam Woohyun... Who knows about this?? Who can tell him about his dillema?? Or who can make him realize about his true feeling??

Because feeling is always change and who knows when and to who that will change??


"Dammit,Sungjong!! I'm sure of it I'm not in love with him... I already love someone else and I'm sure its not him..." Sunggyu said

"But hyung who knows about the feeling?? That can change all the time until you find the right person..."Sungjong said and rolled his eyes at Sunggyu's stubborness

A/N : hi guys this also just short lengted fanfic that I made... I will update the final and my other fanfic probably tomorrow or maybe the next day after I finished my last exam... Please comment and subcribes!!^^


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805 streak #1
Chapter 1: cute 😊
Chapter 1: huaaaaa !
i smile like a fool while read
this story ! ahahaha .. nice !
Chapter 1: I just read this story.. and its so sweet... >_<
cumi94 #4
Chapter 1: soooo sweet!
shedding-dream #5
Chapter 1: Sunggyu just too cute :3
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 1: Hmmm... True enough, the storyline has limited link with the title... But anyway, the plot is great... ^_^
Glad the Sunggyu knows his feelings before Woohyun confesses... If not, he would have rejected, thinking that he's still in love with Myungsoo... :)
Thanks for the beautiful story though you might want to proof-read first for your next story... Yup... I'll be looking forward to more stories from you... ^_~
Chapter 1: awwn.. it's so sweet <3
sunggyu was confused at first then his heart finally to woohyun.. woogyu all the way! :')
anyway, good job author-nim <3
woosoogyu #8
Hmmm... Sunggyu thought he was in love with Myungsoo but then changed to Woohyun..? Great, shall look forward to your next chappie.. ^_~