Chapter 2

Think before you speak


Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly, and without expectation...


We don't love to be loved; we love to love.






"W--what?" I answered back instead. It's really hard thinking of a decent answer when he is way too close and his eyes scrutinizing me. I am so sure that my face is so red right now, and my heart beat is beating like crazy from the close proximity.



"You are so adorable, you know?" He whispered again, his nose brushing mine, and a smile crept on his face. I instantly blushed harder, if that's even possible. I don't even know what I looked like right now, and that's really important at this very moment. All that's clear to me is this handsome guy asking something odd, and my heart beating so loud, I swear even he can hear it. I stayed still, avoiding his gaze. There is definitely a scent of alcohol in his breath.



"Stop it"



I lifted my gaze and found him staring at me with serious eyes. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I answered, "S-stop, what?"



"Stop being so freakin cute or else I won't be able to stop myself from devouring you," he said, with that seductive voice that gave me goose bumps.






I looked behind Eunhyuk and saw Heechul-hyung on his way to the kitchen, but was blocked by some students, and he is trying his best to pass through. And before I can even call him for help, I felt something soft landing on my lips. To say I was shocked is an understatement. His eyes are closed as he pressed his face on mine, making it impossible to breath. I know this is wrong, but it's as if I am under a spell; a very powerful spell. My feet won't move, my hands are limp and my brain just stopped thinking of what to do next; until he gently pulled away, smiling that smile of his.



"You're now officially mine"



Then he was gone.



Right before Chullie-hyung finally made his way in, he slipped like a cat; quiet, unnoticed and left nothing but his faint smell which is still very noticeable for me and his lips lingering on mine.






School was the same old boring happening in my life; getting up early, sitting in class and listen to professors lecturing lessons which are all found in the book anyway, and finally, sighing at the sound of the bell indicating that it is the end of the day. I lazily cleaned my desk and shove my geometry tools in my bag as Kibum made his way my desk.



"Heard we'll have new students tomorrow," he started a conversation, waiting for me.



"Hm," I hummed, not really interested.



"That response is so Lee Donghae of you. Are you not even the slightest bit curious as to who they are and what their parents do for a living?" He blabbered, while we walked out of the now empty room.



"No. Not everyone is as curious as you," I replied grimly, missing his look of concern.



"Talk to me," he suddenly stopped from walking and I finally looked at him and found that he is staring at me with serious eyes; all the teasing in his voice gone.



"I am talking to you," I replied sarcastically and got nothing but a slap at the back of my head.



"Yah!" I glared at him, but he suddenly drag me out of the corridor and towards the parking lot where our cars are parked. He stopped a few steps away from my car before speaking again.



"Something happened, right?" He asked in that voice again, causing me to bite my lip. How can I even think I'll last a day without him noticing anything? Too good to be true. We practically grew up together, so he basically memorized everything about me, he can even make a book with a title Donghae 101.



"Nothing's wrong, Kibum," I whispered, mentally praying for him to just let it go, but of course, he did not.



"Don't lie to me. You are good at everything but never at lying, Donghae," he answered back. I took a deep breath. Who am I kidding? Donghae can never hide anything from Kim Kibum.



"Bum-ah," I started and he stayed silent, waiting for me to continue.



"I think I'm in love."



"You're what?"



"In love, Bummie. Love. L-O-V-E. It is something you feel when you--"



"I know what it means!" He suddenly shouted and I took a step back, shocked to see him mad at something so---trivial.



"Sorry. It's just that, you're making me look like an idiot," he apologized, "so, who is the lucky person?" He asked, as he turned his back away from me and headed towards his car, I followed and fished out my car keys from my pocket and unlocked it. He opened his car before looking at me, expecting to hear the answer.



"His name's Eunhyuk. And I don't really know him well."



"I haven't heard of him, either. But how can you say you love him if you don't even know him?"



"Well, I don't even know myself. But when he approached me, my heart started beating like crazy, and I can't stop thinking about him," I told him the truth, trying hard not to sound like an obsessed girl talking about her stupid crush.



"Have you talked to him after you met him?"






"That ."



"It does."






"Morning, everyone. I am Lee Eunhyuk."



My eyes darted towards the classroom to see if my ears are playing tricks on me. I arrived unusually earlier than my record time and that is because I have homework in Calculus and forgot to get it at my locker yesterday because of the talk I had with Kibummie and the moment I remembered about it, the school was already closed so I decided it is best to go to school earlier. 



Bummie arrived a couple minutes after me, flashing that dashing smile of his as he gloated about his finished homework in which I just answered with a glare and he took his sit behind me with a triumphant smile. We're not really against each other, but we are having a little childish games of being higher than the other one, though it's not really something that others know, just between us; for fun.



And so, now I am trying my best to not be recognized by the new transfer student who just introduced his self. I kept my head down as much as possible, pretending to write something on my notebook but the truth is my hands are shaking and I am starting to sweat.



"Okay, you can sit at the empty seat behind KiBum-ssi," Mrs. Jang said with a kind voice, and I can tell that he is on his way to his seat, and I totally slumped at my desk, my position made me look like I am sleeping, and when he finally passed by, I let a sigh of relief escaped me as a paper appeared right behind my ear and I reached for it, not moving my head as I do so.






Bummie wrote, and I replied.






And that's when the bell rang. Before everybody made their way out, I was being drag outside the room by Kibum.



"I thought you said you love him? Why on earth are you hiding?" He asked as he reached our usual spot; under an oak tree, at the school garden.



"I don't know, Bummie. I just--I don't think I can face him yet," I whispered, but enough for him to hear. He reached out to pat my head in the most comforting way; he always did this when I am down and even if people told me that it made me look like a puppy, I liked it.



"Please get your hands of my man, before I break it."



A voice said and we both looked up, discovering an expressionless Eunhyuk eyeing us.



"Excuse me?" Kibum asked, not making a move to stand up.



"Donghae, come with me," Eunhyuk said with the same expression.



"And what makes you think he'll go?" Kibum, once again answered.



"I am not speaking to you so zip your mouth," Eunhyuk answered with cold voice that made me flinch. He reached out and grabbed my hand rather harshly, and walked away, leaving a pissed Kibum behind.



His grip on my arm is starting to hurt due to the amount of pressure he's giving. I winced, but let him drag me to wherever we are headed. We passed through the gym, the court, the cafeteria and the principal’s office but he is still not showing any sign of stopping. A few more minutes later, we are climbing a pile of stairs when I realized where we’re headed; rooftop, how typical. As he opened the door, the wind brushed my sweaty face, giving me a comfortable feeling.


“You do know that students are not allowed here, right?” I finally spoke, feeling proud that I did not stutter.



“You do know that rules are meant to be broken, right?” He retorted, still with that bland voice. He is really acting…I don’t know…Odd?



“What do you want?” I asked, tugging my hand back but he tighten his grip more, making my hands turn pale, “Hey! It hurts!” I reacted but he did not seem to hear me as he continued to stand with his back facing mine.



“If you’re not going to say anything, it’s best if I leave. Classes will start in a few minutes,” I reasoned and before I tug my hand away from him again, he faced me with his expressionless face that made me shut my mouth and froze on the spot.



“I remember telling you that you are mine,” he said.



What? For some unknown reason, I became really mad; maybe because of his voice, or his expressionless face, but I was really mad, and Donghae is rarely mad.



“I am no one’s property. Get your hands off of me and get lost,” I spat and made a motion to leave but was suddenly stopped when he hugged me from behind. My breathing stopped, my heart rate increased and everything went still; I am, once again, under a spell of Eunhyuk.



“I know you love me. I heard you so don’t try to deny it,” he whispered at my neck, making my hair stand on its ends, I involuntarily shivered.



“Since I’m new here,” he said and let me go, and turned me around so I was facing him, then he gave me a small smile, “why not give me a tour?”




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yellowrose #1
Please may I be your friend, I started to read this fic and then I couldn't get back in. :)
lalaelf #2
Chapter 4: ok just do it
hima_kawaii #3
Chapter 4: ooo okay!! no prob ^^
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 4: Its okay...
I will support euu kies..!!
luvh3art #5
Chapter 3: just read this story and i was a bit confused. in chapter 1 it says Donghae has his brother Donghwa which is a lawyer and their parents are already dead. then in this 3rd chapter it says that Kibum and Hae are only-child and it seems that Teuk and Sora, which is Hae's parents, are both still alive. so yeah that was a bit confusing. but this story seems nice. :)
hima_kawaii #6
i hope you'll update this story of yours... -,-
Chapter 3: Just started reading this and I hope you continue with this story it's good =]
Chapter 3: Well i wonder if hyukjea is with donghea because of that
Chapter 3: Mmmmm.. This is eunhae story right?? Did hyuk purposely doing tht coz he hv bad intention to hae.. ????
readonlyonce #10
Chapter 3: sounds so interesting!!!!!!!!! wanna read moree! i wish hae will be a hard to get for hyuk so it's going to be an interesting story~ XD