I Don't Need A Man

the main photo
I find them cute on it!

After the funeral Min still don’t talk to other Miss A. She’s looking far away. when Nichkhun Suddenly put his arms on Jia.

“Wae?” Jia ask

“Your dad is coming” Nichkhun said everyone try to look back but Nichkhun stop them “Don’t look back.” He said

“Let’s go” Junsu said “Taecyeon and Nichkhun take care of the other girls Junho you take care of Min.. Chansung Wooyoung guard them I’ll take care of it…” Junsu said

“Are you sure” Nickhun ask

“Just trust me.. Fei bring them in our hide out.” He said

“What hide out?” Chansung ask

“Ask me later we have to go.” Fei said… there is a black parade coming Miss A and 2pm meet and join them and when they see a time to escape they escape

Junsu call the 2am and help him to confuse the father of Jia. When Jia’s father tap Junsu back, Junsu face him… “you are his family?” Junsu ask

“No I’m..”

“Sir thank you for coming… he doesn’t have a family I’m the person in charge of this burial.” Junsu said

“I know I saw some other person here” Jia’s dad says

“oh maybe the other girls here” Jinwoon said. Everyone look at Jinwoon

“What do you mean what girls.” Jia’s father asks him. Everyone glare at Jinwoon.

“In that Van” Jinwoon pointed at the brown van with tinted window shield.

“Go and check it” Jia’s father said on his bodyguard. The bodyguards run and check the Van. The bodyguards drag the girls close to their boss

“Are these girls are you looking for?” Jinwoon ask

“Yah why are we here again” Sohee ask

“yeah you already pay us and the contract already end” Yeeun said

“What is this??” Jia’s father ask

“They pay us just to attend this burial cuz Mr. Lee don’t have any family” Yubin said

“Yes sir by the way sir may I know who are you?” Junsu ask

“It’s not important anymore” He answered and walk away.

“Send us home now” Lim command and everyone walks away.. Junsu smirk at Jia’s father and secretly they give high-five at each other.


When Junsu came to his house 2pm glares at him. “Why?” Junsu ask

“You are hiding them from us?” Nichkhun asks him angrily

“Strictly business, nothing personal” Junsu said Nichkhun punch him, Changmin push Nichkhun and try to punch back Nichkhun. He wants to take revenge but Jia stop them. Fei immediately check Junsu

“That night, we don’t know who to call since we can’t trust anyone” Jia said

“And you trust him” Taecyeon ask them

“Junsu is helping us in everything” Fei answered

“He is a liar! he lied to us, he said he is a homeless just for what? to be with us?” Chansung said “Its not a reason to lie” Chansung shake head

“Whatever the reason is... I don’t care, it’s the problem between your group and Junsu not us and Junsu” Fei answered

“He likes you Fei that’s the reason.” Nichkhun said Fei look at Junsu. But he just look away and seated.

“I like him too” Fei said

“This unbelievable” Chansung said punch the wall

“Stop this” Min shouted

“It’s not time to argue or whatever.” Suzy added

“It’s up to you if you want to help us or you just walk away and tell to my dad where exactly I am” Jia said and look at Taecyeon. “Just don’t be sure that I will marry you” Jia said.

Everyone is thinking and don’t talk to each other. They are thinking what they should do. Miss A is seated on the couch and hugging each other. 2am is giving first aid at Junsu 2pm is looking at Miss A

“Okay I will help you” Junho said

“Me too” Wooyoung said

“I’ll go with you” Chansung said

“Okay I’ll join” Taecyeon said everyone look at Nichkhun. Nichkhun turn his back and walk away but someone hug him from back

“Oppa I know you will help us” Jia said

“I don’t know” Nichkhun said and face Jia

“Oppa we need you” Suzy said and pokes Nichkhun

“Okay I’ll join” Nichkhun said and hug Jia “So whats the plan?”  He suddenly ask

“First I don’t want fighting and no secrets at all” Jia said

“Okay we agree on it” 2pm and 2am said

“Second Junsu should be the leader of this group since he knows how to plan well” Jia said

“I don’t agree on it” Chansung said Nichkhun second the motion.

“Except from 2am who wants Junsu as the leader” Jia ask and she raise her hand Fei, Min and Suzy followed and raises their hands. “Who else?” Jia ask. Wooyoung and Junho followed.

“No more question, he will be the leader now” Chanming said

“Okay before planning anything else I want you Chansung to ask your family if they could send your brother here.” Junsu ask

“Why him?” Chansung ask

“I know his real family” Junsu said

“My family wont agree on it.. if they want to send my brother here. My mom will be with him” Chansung said

“Did you really know who is his family?” Wooyoung ask

“Its my brother” Suzy said and everyone get shock.

“I lost him in the park” Suzy said.

“so that the reason why I saw his resembles to you” Chansung said



"You’re alone" Chansung said Fei was shock she was sitting alone under the tree

"My parents care about business so much they didn’t notice that i already climb this tree" Fei said

"Really noona?" Chansung ask

"I was just kidding but my parents don’t know me well" Fei said

"I can’t understand" Chansung said and rub his head

"You can’t because you’re too young" Fei said and pull his cheeks

"Fei" Someone call her it’s their driver.

"I will go now" Fei said

"Fei its beautiful name" Chansung said

"Aigoo kiddo!!!" Fei said and pull his cheeks once again

"Im not kid anymore if i grow up I’ll marry you" Chansung said Fei just laugh and go to their driver.

While on the road Fei saw Suzy on the park “Stop” Fei said

“If your parents found out that we stop here they will fired me out”

“They won’t find out just don’t tell them” Fei said. After playing Suzy ride on the car with Fei.

After 30 minutes of staring at the tree someone call Chansung. “Lets go we have a flight today.” His dad says.

While on the car Chansung saw the park. “Dad can I go there for awhile?” Chansung said

“No your mom is waiting us in the airport.” He said

“Dad you promise me that this vacation is for me, but since the day that we arrive here I never play in any playground or visit anyplace here.” Chansung said.

“Don’t be hard headed.” His father said and answer the phone call. “Okay I’ll call you back” He said and look at Chasung. Chansung is sobbing while looking at the park. “You really wanna play there?” He ask

“You said I cant” Chansung said

“Your mom call me she said the plane got a problem and our flight will be late.” He said

“Really so I can play?” Chansung ask

“Sure” he said and smile wide. He even ask to turn the car back to the park.

While playing Chansung saw the brother of Suzy sleeping but he just ignore it. After 30 minutes of playing the rain start, Chansung run back to the car when he heard someone’s crying. He search where the sound came from and he found the brother of Suzy. They bring it the police station but there is sudden commotion and they decide to bring the child in hotel where they stay. The flight is already canceled because of the bad weather. When morning comes they send the child in orphanage because they need to go back to America urgent. Chansung promise that he will be back. The orphanage prepare the letters to all the police station but the night before they send the letter, the orphanage burnt. When Chansung heard the news he convince their parents to adopt the child. After a month of preparation they send him to America and adot it.


“Lets plan how can we kidnap my brother” Chansung said

“Its my brother” Suzy corrected

“I should be nice to him eversince” Wooyoung reacting and everyone laughs

“I already plan about it” Junsu said Leave it to me. he said and looked away

here is my update
sorry kindda late again


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cant wait to read this story >O<
thank you... i appreciate what you said
hmmm i actually made part 2 of this story
i hope you will like it too
Very good story :3
Chapter 23: good job i'm gonna subscribe the other story xD
Chapter 23: Woah... I really did enjoy this fic... Awesome job dear... Keep it up! <3
Auliachangmin #6
Chapter 22: OMG I love this story soooo much T_T the story touch my heart a lot after min`s dad died. And I like every chanfei moment (y) good job !
Chapter 22: Awww nice chapter... Good job my dear auther! Can't really wait for your next update! <3 ^^
Chapter 21: love Min/Junho.....
Chapter 21: Oh gosh I love it... I loveeeee ittt... And I always did <3 It's sad to hear that you gonna end this soon. But I enjoyed this a lot... Thank you my dear auther! You've done a very good job... *a big bear hug* Now I'm waiting for you to update the last chaps! <3 update soon! ^^
4everhite #10
Chapter 21: nooooooo, it cant end soon.
i want another misspm story, this is the first one i ever read with all the members. :( but yes i enjoy this sooo much, i hope you'll update soon. thank you for the amazing update.