Chapter 4

Avatar: Legend Of Luna

"Are we there yet?" 

Taemin gripped his hands at the wheel and gritted his teeth, "No, Chen, we're not there yet" 

The latter gave a slight shrug and propped his chin against the back of his fist. His arm leaned against the window as he lazily looked at every passing building. 

"Are we there now?" he asked, clearly enjoying pissing Taemin off by asking the same question for more than twenty times. Taemin glared at him and exhales. He could really use a break from driving and break Chen's neck instead. But being the young, polite kid he is, he just shook his head and turned around a corner, purposely causing Chen's head to hit the window. 

At the back, Tao was stiffling a yawn and Chanyeol continued eyeing him, as if he was going to attack any sooner. Luna had fallen asleep and was resting in Chanyeol's left arm. The journey had been so long since Busan was very far away, and they couldn't afford to stop and take a short rest. Kris would probably lost them by now, but there's no telling what the guy could do in order to get the Avatar's powers. 

"Where do you come from?" Chanyeol striked up a small conversation with Tao, who sleepily looked at him before letting the words sink. He shifted in his seat a bit, "Far away actually. I'm from Qingdao" 

"Qingdao? I've never heard of-" 

"It's in China" 

Chanyeol looked at him in amazement, "So you're from China huh? Nice. Is that twerp from China as well?" He pointed to Chen, who coughed a bit. 

"The twerp can hear what you're saying" He commented. 
Chanyeol gave him a blank stare before turning back to Tao. 

"What are you doing so far here in Korea? Sight-seeing?" 

Tao laughed, brushing off the conversation with a wave of a hand and settled down to sleep. Chanyeol gave him a smug look, "Well nice talking to you too". 

Taemin sighed in relief. He accelerated the car and went past the boundary before Chen could asked him any of the 'are we there now' questions. He parked beside a hotel and threw a "HAH!!" in Chen's face, who looked dumbfounded as ever. 

Luna woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked outside, eyes still sleepy, "Where are we?" 

"Busan Hotel" Taemin answered, unbuckling his seatbelt and threw a car pillow to Tao's head, who immediately woke up with a jolt. He glanced at Chanyeol, who had his head thrown back, softly snoring in peace. Planting his elbow into his ribs, Tao succeeded in waking him up. 

"Wake up, we're here" Luna patted her brother's chest and got off the car, slinging her backpack at her shoulders. There was a hotel in front of her, looking quite average with people going in and out of it. However, some did not look...happy. They look worried, and kept passing looks around. 

"What's up with this townspeople?" Chen said, slamming the door shut. Suddenly they heard shoutinG and a great tumult followed. People started talking louder and were running across the street towards the incident. 

"Where is everyone going??" Luna exclaimed, nearly falling over as a guy brushed hard against her. Women grabbed their children and went inside their respective cars and homes in a hurry - as if a tragedy was imminent.

"Let's go check it out" Taemin said, jogging towards the scene. He squeezed himself in between two Busan citizens, who was shouting out some incoherent speech he couldn't understand. After an attempt to get through, he gave up and went back out and nearly tumbled into Chanyeol. 

"Leave it to me, dude" The latter grinned. He walked up to the crowd of people and merely stretched his neck a bit, being provided the full scene. Taemin scrunched up his face, "Don't mock me". 

Chanyeol blinked at the sight in front of him. There was a few policemen surrounding a guy. He was crouched down on the ground and was being held by two policemen. They were restraining him, it seems, and the prisoner was...wait what is he doing? 

"Let me go, you punks!!" He snapped, wriggling hard to set free, "I'm not him, i swear!!" 

"Whatever you say will be turned to deaf ears," The captain - Chanyeol'd like to refer him as that - said. The prisoner growled and all of a sudden breathed out fire from his mouth. The crowd gasped in horror and backed away. The captain smirked and bought out his palm before enclosing his fingers into a fist. The policemen who was holding the guy down quickly released him. Once it was done, large blocks of earth formed out of the ground and closed in on the prisoner, trapping him. Shouts were heard from inside and the captain motioned for his men to carry the cage back to the station. 

People started to disperse and Chanyeol went back to others, revealing the whole scene. 

"The guy's a firebender?" Luna asked, in which he confirmed it, "Let's go ask someone about it. Don't tell anyone who we really are" 

"I'll do it!" Chen volunteered and noticed a pair of girls walking past them, hair all braided and perfect makeup smeared onto their faces. He grinned and winked at them, "Hey ladies~". 

"Umm, let's not go with flirting for information" Luna interupted, turning his head the other way using her hand, "I'll do it". 

"I should come with you" Chanyeol stepped up. Luna shook her head, showing him her 'i-got-this' look. The others nodded in agreement and proceeded to check in the hotel. Luna scanned her surroundings, looking for a target. There were a lot, but she wasn't sure who to go to. The next thing she knows she might be robbed or violated. 

She tried stopping a woman in her thirties, but was given a cold stare and a 'get away from me' instead. A man came and promoted his bunch of sickly sweet perfumes but when he saw that Luna wasn't interested, he shrugged and walked away, not bothering to answer her questions. 

"Well this is convenient" She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. Then she noticed a guy who was casually standing against a red Maserati Spider looking at her. Once they made eye contact, he winked. 


Luna blushed, considering the fact that he's quite handsome. She looked around her, making sure that she wasn't delusional or anything and bravely walked up to him. 

"Um..hi, i need help" She said. The guy flipped his hair to the side and grin, "This might take some time. Let's go for a joyride" 

He opened the front passenger door and motioned for her to get in. Usually Luna wouldn't take offers like that from a stranger, but somehow she just got in without any questions asked. Well, what was she thinking? 

She warily watched as the guy straped his seatbeltt on. Putting his hand at the back of her chair as he looked back and reverse the car, Luna gulped. It's only for a while...just for information, she thought. But wait, why didn't she even think this through?? Going for a joyride with a guy she barely knows! 

"My name's Kai" The guy said, throwing a dazzling smile at her. 

"Oh" Luna blushed, "I'm Luna" 

"So what's the thing that you were gonna say?" Kai asked. Luna watched at the passing buildings and took in the surroundings, "There was a commotion going on earlier. What was it about? A firebender got arrested" 

"Oh, firebenders" The word sounds foreign in Kai's mouth, "I don't know if you've heard of this since you're new here, but Busan doesn't allow firebenders in our town" 

Luna's heart skipped a beat. She's a firebender herself, "and...why is that?" 

"Because, the world's threat is a firebender" Kai said, "You know Kris? He's the reason. 

"K-Kris? Oh...what about Kris?" She asked, scratching softly with her forefinger and the side of the chair. Kai eyed her for a second before turning his sight back to the road. 

"Firebenders are dangerous now. Kris practically had a whole village wiped out using his firebending. So yeah, no one really knows how he looks like so every firebender is not allowed in Busan. We're taking precautions." He stopped his car beside a huge field, "Come on". 

Luna stepped out of the car. All she sees in a plain field. There weren't anything else except a few boulders and a tree near the side, "Where are we?" 

She stepped into the boundary, bending down to pluck a small wild flower. Releasing it, she watches as it flies away. 

Then it came in a blink of an eye. She could sense it coming and turned around, using her earthbending to protect herself from the incoming boulder attack. The collision caused an explosion, making Luna get blown off her feet. 

She groaned, setting her messed hair back into place. Looking up, she saw Kai getting back on his feet, smirking at her. 

"What is your problem??" She snapped. She felt betrayed, again for some reason. The word 'fool' just couldn't get out of her head. It's the exact word she's currently using to describe herself, to think how foolish she was to actually not suspect anything about this sneaky guy. 

"You're special" Kai stated, walking around, "I have a talent to recognise a bender, be it earth, air, water or fire. Ever since i saw you, i knew you were a bender, but i couldn't quite put my finger around it" 

He motioned both his arms forward and pulled back. Two large clumps of earth formed out of the ground in front of him and he jumped, kicking both towards Luna in the process. 

Luckily Luna had a few lessons in martial arts, so she put it to use as she counterattacked by sending the clumps back to its origin. The thought of using firebending crossed her mind when she remembered two things. One, she isn't supposed to reveal herself os the Avatar and two, this town is a freaking firebender free zone. In which they were banned. So, earthbending it is. 

"You're an earthbender. Interesting" Kai cracked his neck, "But you're different. You're too much of a challenge. And wanna know something? I like challenges" 

Running up until he was near to his victim, Kai produced a dagger from his belt and swung it at Luna, who dodged and swept his legs off the ground. But she wasn't fast enough before, as a scar made its way across her collarbone. She stomped on the ground making a schist popped up from below Kai, who rolled to the side. 

"Are you trying to kill me?! What is with the dagger?!" Luna yelled at him. Kai gave a malevolent smirk before leaping towards her and landed on her sitting on the hard ground. He threw his arm around her neck and placing the blade of his dagger to her neck. It was really close and Luna had to be careful not to move around or the cause would be fatal. 

"You're an earthbender, but you also look like a firebender to me. You have the vibe of a waterbender as well" He spoke, inching closer to her, " I don't suppose you're..." 

Luna widened her eyes as Kai took a handful of her hair and tugged it aside, making her whimper a bit. He moved in closer and all Luna could think about was the Avatar mark she has on her nape. 

"Aah!" A sudden kick was planted in his ribs and he flew back in shock. The impact was quite strong as he slided across the field, producing dust and dirt from under him. 

Luna looked up and saw Tao hovering over her. He was sweating a lot and was huffing breathlessly. Holding out his hand, Luna took it and stood up, wiping the blood that was tricking from where her cheek meets her jawline.

"Out of all the places he had to injure it just had to be my face" She muttered. Tao looked at her, "You okay?" 

She nodded, "Don't celebrate just yet. He's a tough one". They saw Kai dusting his shirt with a smug look on his face. He stretched his arms, piercing his gaze into the two of them, "Well this is surprising. But well, the more the merrier" 

He punched the ground, causing a cracking line to make its way towards Tao and Luna who jumped out of the way. Tao ran up to him and threw a few punches.But Kai's too slick for him as he avoided his every move. It was like the Black Widow versus Hawkeye, except one is a manly man and the other just couldn't get his aims. The duel ended when Kai earthbended and sent Tao flying to the edge of the field. 

The victor smirked and turned his attention to Luna. Wiggling a finger, he walked slowly towards the Avatar, who was holding in her anger. She produced sharp weapons from the soil and sent them towards Kai. Kai, surprisingly, broke each and every one of them. 

He landed a kick at Luna, who successfully blocked it with her arms. He landed another one, and it got Luna in her stomach in which she stumbled back. Clutching her hands around it, she looks up and earthbended a block of earth towards Kai. He crushed it with his bare hands, snorting at her trick. 

"Lame" he said and punched the block again. The pieces flew at Luna and scarred her arms. Kai slowly walked towards her, hands forming to produce an earth attack. Luna was breathing hard due to the intense fight. It wasn't her fault as she began to act on instinct, but as Kai raised his arms she unconsciously airbended. 

That was a big mistake. 

Kai let out a shout as he was literally blown away by the strong impact on his body and Luna was conterattacked as well, since he earthbended just in time. Landing just against the tree, Kai groaned as his body made hard contact with it. 

Luna landed weakly on the ground, shocked by the fact that she just airbended. Her hair was toussled all over and she was having a hard time breathing. Tao immediately ran to her and helped her seat up, his hand resting at the small of her back. 

"Chill up, you're gonna be fine" He said, taking her arm and resting it across his shoulder as he gently lifted her body. Luna staggered a bit as she stood up, as if standing was something new to her. Tao held her shoulder against him as he helped her regain her composure. 

"No way..." They heard Kai said. The latter coughed and stood up, shock written all over his face as he stared at them, " hunch was right!" 

Luna could feel going dry. She furrowed her eyebrows, gulping. 

"I was right all along!!'re the Avatar!!" 

Deep inside her, Luna knew, she was already in deep trouble.

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Chapter 9: Omg the kai x luna here is TOO GOOD i'm dying <333 They are way too cute, esp. kai :) What happened to the rest? And is luna going to be okay? Anyway thank you so much for the update!!!
Chapter 9: Oh my! Loving the KaixLuna! <3 wonder where the others are though...I hope they're safe. Chanyeol must be sick with worry
Oebmoon #3
Chapter 9: Kai & Luna..cpr hehehe
Both of them So sweet..
Gomawo for update authornim ..
I'm really Love this story ^^
Chapter 8: Yay update update update :D I was just rereading this story the other day omg so seeing it being updated really is a pleasant surprise!! Thank you :)
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for this update! :D I was really happy when I saw which story was updated! <3
Chapter 7: Yessssss been waiting for this update :))) It really made my day reading this!'
Chapter 7: OMG you update dear friend
I can't wait for another impressive and wonderful chapter
Chapter 7: awesome! really a great chapter!! :D and now one of Kris' men found them..wonder how that will end! Thank you so much for this update! <3 <3 <3
Liana_DS #9
Chapter 6: this story is amazing! luna is one of my favorite idol and now she's the main cast, surrounded by--wait--13 boys! *rolls
my favorite part is lunayeol relationship. they're so cute together! *and i came here because of them, too
and i also love how chen trolls here. haha he's like Bhumi in Avatar: Legend of Aang.
there's a twisted 'fate' here: the avatar is originally firebender but the chaser ('zuko') is originally airbender. can't wait to see the real story of kris also!
yesung what are you doing there? -.-
anyway, a great story!!! please continue, i'm subscribing!