Chapter 8 - Engagement Party

My Definition of Awkward

"Kris- Oh!" Mrs. Wu walked in to find you two sleeping on his bed. You stirred in your sleep while Kris woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked up to find his mother.

*Oh gosh.* He sat up quickly and smiled sheepishly. "Hi mom."

"What were you guys doing?" She asked Kris.

"We were just talking when we both fell asleep I guess." He scratched his head.

His mother walked towards the door and chuckled, "Sorry to barge in. I'll come back later."

"No, it's okay." Kris laughed. "What time is it?"

Mrs. Wu checked her phone and replied, "9 am."

"Okay thanks." Kris smiled.

As she was closing the door she suddenly remembered about the engagement party. "Kris, don't forget that the engagement party is today at 6 pm."

Kris's eyes widened, "That's today?!"

"Yes, it's today." Mrs. Wu replied and walked out.

*I should wake her up.* Kris thought. "Michelle, it's time to wake up." You whined and opened your eyes. "It's 9 am already."

You sat up and rubbed your eyes then turned to Kris.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Kris chuckled.

You smiled and got up. "Gosh, did I really stay here the whole night?" Kris nodded. "I should check my phone. My parents must be worried."

You opened your phone to find 15 texts from your mother, 5 texts from your father, 8 texts from Henry, and 17 missed calls.

You dialed your mother's number and soon, she answered the phone. "Michelle?!"

"Hi mom."

"Where are you?!" She asked.

"I'm at Kris's house. Sorry I didn't answer, I kinda fell asleep." You answered.

"Oh my gosh, Michelle. We were all worried sick. I'm just glad you're safe." Your mother said. "Honey, don't forget about the engagement party at 6."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Thanks, mommy! Bye love you!" You said and hung up.

You sighed, "We should probably start getting ready."

"Yeah, I'll give you a ride home." Kris replied, getting up. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Okay." You replied and sat down on his bed, not knowing what to do.


About an hour later, Kris came out with a towel around his waist. You looked up from your phone and blushed.

Kris grabbed some clothes and walked around casually. *Don't look, Michelle. Don't look.* You pretended not to mind him and went back to reading on your phone.

Kris saw this and chuckled, walking back in the bathroom.

Five minutes later, he came out fully dressed. "Ready to go?" He asked.

You smiled and nodded.


At around 5:30, you and Kris arrived at the place you would hold your engagement party. Kris was wearing a tux while you wore a black dress that showed your curves perfectly.

Plates were set up on the tables and everything looked fancy.

"Kris, everything looks so pretty." You looked up and smiled at him.

He looked down and smiled back. *She's so adorable.*

After doing a little fixing up, everyone finally arrived. You, Kris, Henry, Dohee, Sangmi, and Minsu were all at one table, your parents at another.

Your parents finally stood up and walked towards the middle of the room. "May I have your attention." Everyone quieted down. "Thank you. We are holding this engagement party to announce the marriage of our children: Michelle Lau and Kris Wu."

That was your cue to stand up with Kris. You both stood up and walked towards the middle of the room. "We are very happy to say that we are getting married in a few months." You said.

"Michelle and I have been in love for years and are very excited for our marriage." Kris said and smiled down at you. Reporters were rapidly taking pictures for newspapers, magazines, and the TV.

A few more hours later, the party finally ended and you both were exhausted.


A new chapter after like forever! Lol :) I'm actually about to write chapter 9 so wait for the double update~ <3

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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Saranghaeyo~! <3

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Sorry for not updating in a while! I'll update tomorrow, I promise!! ^_^


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Chapter 6: Cant wait for an update its really good so far!
2PMOkTaec #2
Chapter 5: cute >< update soon please!! ^^
Chapter 4: So jealous right now ... You write such good stories !! I already subscribe to your other stories and now you have earned one more ^^
Chapter 2: omo's so he likes her :o and she doesn't!!!
emmm very interesting. update soon pwease ®_®
Chapter 2: Sounds Interesting :3:3:3 update please !! fighting authornim!
Chapter 1: Omo.... well the news is clearly going to be about the marriage!!! haha x~D Can't wait ^^

I can't wait hehe ^_^