It's Cold.

The Cursed Pair of Twin

Fall was leaving so soon. Winter is just around the corner and EunMi could already feel the cold air blew against her skin. She shivered and rubbed her hands together. Her mittens were in her bag pack but she was too lazy to pull it out. EunJi got detention for ignoring the teacher's question. The detention just started and the school wouldn't let anyone inside unless they have important stuff to do. EunMi waited by the gate and frowned and she felt a cold feeling against her cheeks. She looked up and frowned. Snow. It was snowing already. The sky was gloomy and you barely see the sun. EunMi pouted and took out her mittens from the bag. She slipped it on and signed. 

When is unnie going to be done? Should I go home alone? No...It wouldn't be safe. Unnie always said to wait for her and we can walk together.

EunMi tugged her jacket around herself tighter.

It's cold. Why is it snowing so early this year?

EunMi signed again and she could see her breath in the air.

"Aren't you cold?" a voice asked her out of nowhere.

EunMi shifted her gaze to right and blinked at the figure before her.

"Dongwoo-shii." EunMi mumbled.

The older boy smiled at her sweetly.

"Are you waiting for your sister?" he asked.

EunMi nodded, the little snowflake gently and grcefully fall down from her head. Dongwoo smiled.

"Detention just started. It'll be another hour and a half until hse comes out." Dongwoo said.

EunMi let out a small 'oh'. 

"I can always walk you home...?" Dongwoo suggested.

EunMi paused.

Walk me home? I've never walked with anyone before. Only with unnie. Won't unnie be mad if I leave without her permission? Plus, she told me not to be close to nay of the Infinite.

EunMi blinked at the boy infront of her. Dongwoo cracked a smile at her.

"I won't bite."

EunMi smiled a small smile.

"...I have to wait for EunJi unnie though. We never walk home alone before."

"Then, let's go to a near by cafe. I'll tell Hoya to bring EunJi with him since he's also in detention."

EunMi hesitated but hten nodded.

"Okay..." she whispered.

Dongwoo chuckled and and grabbed her arm. EunMi gasped quietly. The sam experience. She saw nothing. Just blank. No thoughts, no story. EunMi pushed the thoughts away and followed Dongwoo. His touch sents tingling feeling dow her spine just like L's. She blushed and looked away.


Dongwoo and EunMi finally arrived at the cafe. The sweet aroma of the coffe isntantly filled EunMi's lungs. The warmth in the cafe was more than enough for EunMi. She signed and followed Dongwoo to a table. They sat down across from each other.

"So, what should we get?" Dongwoo asked.

EunMi glanced at the menu and gasped.

"Why is the stuff here so expensive?" she asked, her eyes wide open.

Dongwoo laughed at her expression.

"I'm guessing you've never been here before?"

EunMi shook her head.

"It's a bakery for gourmet dessert and drinks. I thoguht we'd try it out since it just opened." Dongwoo smiled.

EUnMi pouted.

"Well, okay then. But, I'm paying." EunMi offered.

Dongwoo laughed again.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm paying. You just eat and enjoy the dessert." Dongwoo smiled and patted her hand.

EunMi pursed her lips.

"Are you sure? We can divide it."

Dongwoo shook his head.

"Aniyo. I'm paying. That's final."

EunMi signed and nodded.

"But next time, I'm paying...if we ever go eat together again..." EunMi said the last part quietly.

Dongwoo smiled grew wider.

"Arraso. You'll pay next time. Now order."

EunMi nodded and order a strawberry cheesecake. Dongwoo order a simple chocolate cake. When the food was served, EunMi gaped at hers. Dongwoo took a small bite from his cake and smiled, savoring the taste. EunMi stared at her uneasily. Dongwoo stopped eating and stared at her.

"Well?" he asked.

EunMi looked up and signed.

"I can't eat it."


"...It's too pretty."

Dongwoo paused a few moment to take in what she said and laughed out loud. His laughter made EunMi giggled along.

"Waeyo?" he asked.

"Look at it. It's so pretty...perfectly decorated and well designed. I can't possiblily eat this beautiful master piece."

Dongwoo laughed again.

He picked up her fork and poked on the cake. He held the cka eup against and EunMi blinked.

"If you won't eat it, then I guess I have to feed you." Dongwoo smiled. "Open up."

EunMi hesitated but opened her open. She bite onto the fork, taking the cake into . The sweet and sligthly sour taste fill her taste buds and she smiled.

"Ah! Masita! (it's delicious)" EunMi beamed.

Dongwoo felt his face warm up at her sweet smile. He nodded and handed her her fork.

"Here." he placed it in her hand and went back to eating.


EunJi was in detention. She felt bad for leaving her sister waiting outside the school gate, waiting for her. Detention was going to be long and she didn't want her sister to freeze in the cold weather. Infinite's Hoya was seated next to her and a strange feeling form everytime his leg brushed against hers. When Hoya placed his hands on hers, she froze. It was the same xperience as SungJong. She saw nothing and heard only silent. She glanced at him and blinked.


"Are you worrying about your sister?" he asked.

EunJi slowly nodded.

"Don't be. Dongwoo texted me saying that he'll bring your sister to a near by cafe to warm her up and after you can meet up with her there." Hoya said. "He also told me to go there too so I guess we'll be walkin together."

EunJi growled under her breath but nodded. At least her sister is somewhat safe. Detention seem to take forever. She twirled her pencil in her hands as she glanced over to Hoya who was cranking music on his ipod. His head phone were plucked into his ears, ignoring the whole world.

"Yah," EunJi called.

No reply.

"Yah." she tried again.

Hoya nodded his head gently to the music.

"Yah!" she hissed, kicking his foot.

Hoya jerked in his seat and glared at her.

"Need something?"

"Yes. The teacher is out. I'm ditching. Where's the cafe?"

Hoya smirked.

"Wouldn't your sister freak if she knows you're ditching school?"

"School's over. It's detention."

Hoya laughed.

"I'll show you."

Hoya stood up and the two of them walked out the door quickly. They sneakily exit the school and Hoya leaded her to the cafe.

"So," he began.

EunJi remain silent. Hoya frowned.

"Have you and your sister ever been separate more than an hour before?" he asked out of the blue

It was EunJi turn to frown.

"Why do you ask?"

"...I don't know. You guys are always together. It's like if you separate something bad will happen to one of you.."

That's because it is. Nothing ever go right went we separate.

Hoya noticed EunJi uncomfortable expression and to his luck they finally reached the cafe.

"Here it is." he said.

EunJi looked up and her eyes widen. The cafe was very elite. When she entered the cafe, she noticed EunMi right away, sitting across from Dongwoo laughing.

"Chincha?!?" EunMi giggled.

Dongwoo nodded, laughing also.

"Aigoo~ Why did you even eat it twice then? Ah~ Babo-ya." EunMi scrunched up her nose at Dongwoo while smiling.

Dongwoo laughed again.

"EunMi-ah." EunJi called.

EunMi looked behind her and her smile brighten up.

"Unnie!" EunMi chirped.

EunJi stared at her sister then at Dongwoo.

"Let's go home. It's almost dark."

EunMi nodded and then stood up. She bowed at Dongwoo who also bowed his head.

"Anneyeong, Dongwoo-shii." EunMi smiled.

She walked away with her sister leaving the 2 boys together. Hoya slide into the seat across from Dongwoo and smirked.

"How was your little date?" Hoya teased.

Dognwoo blushed.

"I-it wasn't a date. I saw her freezing in the snow so I thought why not take her to a cafe." Dongwoo stuttered.

Hoya nodded while raising his eyebrow.


"It's true!"

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bellaxjoker #1
Chapter 12: eunji,eunji,please heal. this is getting more exciting!
Chapter 10: omg eunji have to be saved, though i like her badass character. well, i kinda agree with wat eunji say earlier with eunmi being a well kinda u know around the boys, but i hope eunji gets a partner too, and there seems to be somehting going on with eun ji and sungjong or m i wrong. anyway thanks 4 the update. i hope to see more eunji scene too and more of her appearance bc withouit her appearing the story just seems so wishy washy and not exciting
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 9: save eunji please,,it's kind of unfair for her to be killed while she's only been controlled.
Chapter 8: i lvoe eunji but i find eunmi kinda annoying. i guess i just dont like the weak will character, i always love the badass character. i wish eunji have more scene in the fanfic, all i've seen so far is eun mi and it's kinda no fun bc no drama
Jinx--19 #5
Chapter 7: I like this story a lot but Infinite are vampires?? I'm still confused by that.
omaaajjjjjjjjjjjgaaaddd i love your story!! :D
hctc2000 #7
I love the story... Very Very love it!
PrincessKitty #8
Woah interesting story....