Track 1

Mixed Tracks




Only… Silence.

Dark rooms so cold you don’t shiver anymore. Dark rooms so cold it doesn’t matter that you can’t move your muscles because you can’t see them anyways.

These rooms I met as a child were only ever filled with cold, dark silence.


Beginning of the First Album

Track 1

BTOB Monday to Sunday

*6th months ago*


“Song Jaesu, you better get your over here right now,” I called to him, kind of annoyed that he’s making me chase him throughout the store. If anything, it should be him chasing me somewhere; he was my Protector anyway.


“Oooooo! Joonie said a bad word~” Jaesu sang, sounding like an irritating little tattle-telling brat. Not that I’m saying he’s a brat, he’s just acting like one right now. I finally cornered him in the back of the men’s jeans section when he squeaked out, “Don’t kill me!” At least he knew how much trouble he was in. “I was just trying to help!”


By enrolling me in school?!” I replied, my voice taking a deadlier tone. At this change, he began to grow nervous.


“Well, m-my school to be exact-”


“That’s even worse. Do you know how much trouble you’re in? I don’t think you do. You went behind the Headmaster’s back, hacked into the school’s database, and put my name on the ‘new students’ list. Then, on top of it all, you even lied and said you didn’t know me. That alone is punishable by death. First the Headmaster will kill you, then your sister, who, by the way, would be rather annoyed to have to fly half way around the world just to destroy her little brother. Then, after they’re done with you, I’ll resurrect you just to kill you in the slowest, most painful way possible that will make you beg for-”


“Oh, will you shut up already? Don’t you know I know that? I did what I did knowing what the consequences would be. But since it’d be beneficial for you, I did it anyway~!” He interrupted me, affectionately bringing me to a gentle silence. I don’t think he’s capable of being anything but child-like – which could be terribly annoying or incredibly sweet.


Since meeting him 13 years ago, he’s left me speechless many times, but I’ve never been able to get used to how he’s the only person able to quiet me when I was anything but indifferent. “Come on! Let’s go get something to eat! We’re already done shopping for your new wardrobe- well, mostly, heh heh. So we’ll go eat, then it’s off to the salon! I need to touch up my highlights and you need a haircut!” Jaesu exclaimed, dragging me out of my thoughts and out of the store.


“Yah!” Whoops. I had let out a small yelp of surprise when he literally tossed me in the passenger’s seat of an orange and black pick-up truck. Regaining my apathetic nature, I cleared my throat and said once he was in the driver’s seat, “You do remember that I got off the plane not 2 hours ago, correct?”


“Yep! Why?” He responded happily.


“… Nothing…” I sighed slightly, hoping to maybe sleep on the car ride to wherever he’s taking me next. Although, this is the most fun I’ve had in the longest time, I thought, sleep finally taking me with a small smile on my face.


                                                             XD                                                       -….-                                                      ^^”


Present Day

(November 1st, 2012)


It’s been about 6 months now since I moved to South Korea. Since I began living with him, I’ve learned that I’ll never get used to the slightly disturbing man – Jaesu – and that I should just appear unresponsive to his odd antics.  Unfortunately, since I’m only human, I slip up sometimes.


“Joooooniiiee!” Jaesu called, running up to me and trapping me in a bear hug.


“Get off,” I strained to keep my voice neutral, but it still sounded off.


“I heard my Mommy got into trouble and so I came to see if she was alright!” So he had heard the slight falter in my voice, hence the harsher teasing. Great.


“Stop, people are staring,” I whispered. Shi– er, shoot (Jaesu doesn’t like it when I curse). That sounded like I actually cared.


“JOOOOONIIIEE! ARE YOU OKAY?! CAN YOU MAKE IT TO THE HOSPITAL?! JOOOOONIIIEE DON’T DIE!!” He screeched, catching the attention of everyone outside the school building. Meaning nearly all the students and staff, since school had let out 5 minutes ago.


“Song Jaesu. Would you like to die now or later?” I was getting mad. How many times had he caused a scene in front of the school just to get on my nerves? How many rumors about me had he unintentionally started because of his antics? How many people had he caused me to beat up because they began to bully him, thinking he wasn’t really a Protector, since he never acted like one? And now, even after all he’s done, he continues to add to the list.


He was looking at me warily, noticing the edge in my voice. He forced out a nervous laugh, deciding to see how much trouble he was in. “Y-you’re kidding, right? Joonie Umma~?” He squeezed me lightly for emphasis.


I narrowed my eyes at him, letting him know he wasn’t going to get away with anything this time. He let go of me, and backed away a few steps, keeping eye contact the entire time. “Why don’t you come here and find out,” I responded in a clear voice. He froze, his eyes widening in his dramatic way, then took off, cutting a path through the thick crowd surrounding us.


“And here I was, prepared to make your death a quick one,” I sighed, earning wary glances and pale faces.


Unlike Jaesu, I didn’t need to push through the crowd; they cleared a way for me on their own, as they should. I am a Royal, and they’re merely Commoners. Well, I was a Royal. But, fortunately or unfortunately, their blood still ran through my veins, even if I didn’t want it.


Gracefully striding off the school grounds, I followed Jaesu to where I knew he’d be.


“Hello. May I speak with your boss?” I greeted the new waiter politely. Recognizing me, he paused, confused at my behavior. I guess he’d heard the (true) rumors about my rather rude personality.


“… Yeah, he just got here so…” He answered, trailing off when he realized I had already left the moment he gave me permission to pass.

Making my way to the back office, I entered and went toward the ‘blank’ wall on the right. The wall adjacent to it had a bookcase, so, pulling out the 3rd book in the 5th row from the bottom, I placed it on the desk and punched in a series of numbers on the keypad behind where the book had previously been. The blank wall suddenly opened, revealing a secret staircase leading down into an underground room. I’ve never liked stairs; it was so easy to go up behind someone and push them down, or even to trip on your own. I know, it’s not necessarily a reasonable thing for me not to like; I had many things that I had no idea why I didn’t like them. You just have to get used to the fact that I wasn’t a reasonable person.

Opening the door, I was quickly met with a rather strong aroma of gunpowder, incense, and baby wipes. Glancing around, I was overcome with a feeling of belonging, of finally coming home.


“Hey there, Joonie!”

“What’s up, Jay? How’s school?”

“JoooNNIIE!! I missed you! How come you never come to see us anymore?”

“Shut up, Min Young*! She still has school, remember? So don’t make her feel bad!”


Secretly chuckling on the inside, I nodded greetings in their direction as I passed by them. The room was tall, split into a type of two-story open room. From the bottom floor, if you looked up you’d see the second floor – more of a large walkway with rails – wrapped around 3 of the walls. On the wall the large walkway wasn’t on, it turned into stairs that led down to connect at the middle, and then continued to lead to the bottom floor**. The top floor was a place to take a break and/or obtain any supplies you needed from the boxes that bordered the walls. The boxes were filled with various things, such as small weapons, bullets, and emergency medical materials.


The bottom floor was where all the ‘work’ was done. Instead of boxes bordering the walls, old school lockers were here, filled with each owners personal things. As long as it fit, you could put anything in them. Anything. Whoever came up with that rule either was blind, deaf, and temperature resistant or just plain crazy.


The stairs lead only to the second floor, so, knowing Jaesu wouldn’t be stupid enough (or would he be?) to hide there, I walked down the stairs to the bottom level.


I scanned the area, noticing the others looking at me weirdly, as if they knew something I didn’t. I hate when they do that. I glared at them, my usual, non-emotional expression disappearing. Although I tried not to show emotion, while I was here I felt more comfortable, so I allowed it to show. Just a little. Just enough so they know I’m not completely heartless.


Walking toward Jaesu’s locker, I saw a group of girls just sitting around, giggling and gossiping when they were supposed to be practicing. Deciding that I could find Jaesu in a moment, I changed my course and headed toward them.


They’re probably new, I told myself. Don’t chew their ear’s out too much, they probably don’t know better yet. “Hey. Why’re you girls just sitting around? You’re supposed to be practicing.”


They looked up at me, then giggled, sending each other expressions that said, is she serious? What seemed to be the leader of their little circle of friends stood up, roughly the same height as me. “Look here, girl. I don’t know who you think you are, but why don’t you just go scurry off and mind your own business before you get your kicked.”


Calm down, HyeJoon. No need to resort to violence so quickly. Remember what Seunghyun Hyung*** told you. One more unnecessary fight and I’ll have to go to anger management counseling. Again. Forcing my face into a somewhat appropriate expression, I took a deep breath and kept myself from my hands. “Actually, I am–”


“I don’t care who you are. You shouldn’t pick fights with people who you know you can’t win against. If you can’t even do that, then why are you even here? Did you get lost? I’ll let you off this one time, since I’m a merciful person. And the fact that I’m the new Sargent Major.” She informed me, looking smug. She seemed to be waiting for me to look impressed that she was such a ‘high’ rank, when I was actually disappointed and angered that someone like her (rude and couldn’t even recognize her superiors!) could become a Sargent Major.


Growling softly, I fisted my hands and glared fiercely at her. She seemed to think this was amusing, since she chuckled at me, patting my head like I was some preschooler! Neither of us seemed to notice everyone in the room had gone quiet and were watching our conversation. Her friends, though, caught on and were trying to get her attention before she did something worse. She shook them off, though, thinking they were just taking pity on me or something. She probably thought this was some sort of challenge and ‘wanted to put me in my place’.


“Come on, the door is up stairs, so you’ll just have to–” she cut off, surprised when I grabbed her wrist as it tried to grip my arm. “What–” She interrupted herself, gasping in pain when I twisted her arm behind her. “Hey! What do you think–”


“What do I think I’m doing? I’m shutting you up before I get pissed off.” I grinned at her, loving how she trembled and whimpered in pain. Serves her right! “Now, let me finish what I was saying before. I am Major General Go HyeJoon of zone 5-D. I am the rogue Royal 17, as well as one of the top 5 deadliest people in all of the zones. And, I am really annoyed.”


*Min from Miss A

**I couldn’t find a picture of what kind of room I wanted (and even if I did, I wouldn’t know how to put it up OTL) so if you have any trouble visualizing it, please let me know, since this will become a very important room! ^^” Sorry.

***TOP from Big Bang


It took me forever to finish writing this T.T I've written soooo many different versions of the first chapter, I swear I could make a story just on those! But, whatever, I'll just go with this one ^^" Also, I cannot write intro stuff. It's my worst enemy, so please take that into consideration when reading this ^^" I promise it will get a lot better, and things will be explained as it goes on! One more thing, HyeJoon is just a bit bi-polar, so that's why she might seem like she changes moods a lot. She has minor mental problems, and she's not having the best day. But don't worry! She'll be less outwardly angry next chapter! Well, she calls it being annoyed.... But still! ^^" heh, sorry for rambling. Thanks for reading and comments would be nice~!

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