At First Sight


            Jong Hyun stared out the window of the practice room while his band mates sat on the floor, sweating and guzzling water.  The concert was coming up at lightening speed.  This was the fifth week Shinee had gone from eight hour days to 12 hour days to prepare for the upcoming concert there in Seoul.  It was sold out.

            “Hey, check it out, hyung has that look on his face again,” Tae Min pointed out, poking Min Ho with the toe of his sneaker.  Min Ho grunted, but didn’t bother moving from his sprawled out position on the floor.  He didn’t even open his eyes.  He knew well what Tae Min was talking about.  Just as the other members did.  It had been weeks since Jong Hyun discovered the girl in the park across the street from Shinee’s management building.

            The girl Jong Hyun had been instantly attracted to.  He’d first seen her on a break like the one he was taking right now.  He flopped himself onto the window seat, exhausted, ready to lean against the window to nod off for the precious few minutes he had when he noticed her.  A slender young girl in the park across the street.  She had long flowing black hair.  That day it was piled high on her head in a loose bun.  When Jong Hyun first saw her, she was twirling around.  Her arms out wide, her face tipped up to the sun.  Drawn to her, he tried to figure out who she was there with.  The park was filled with children, but none were near her at the moment.  She was young, but not young enough to be one of the children there with her parents.  At least he didn’t think so.  Just when he’d given up on figuring it out, the girl stopped twirling and lowered her head from looking at the sky.  She looked around a little before sprinting off toward the far end of the park.  Jong Hyun watched with adoring curiosity as the older girl charged a smaller, younger girl with bouncy pigtails.  Their laughter was too far away to be heard by Jong Hyun in the window of the building, but the giggles lit up the girls’ faces as the older girl scooped the little girl up in her arms and spun around with her.  When the little girl’s feet touched the ground, she took off running away from the older girl only to be chased by the older girl.

            Turns out, the older girl and that little girl were regulars at that park around the same time every day.  Since that first sighting, Jong Hyun could be found in that window every day, watching the girls.  About a week after he first saw them, the other members caught him staring out the window one day long after practice had ended.  He explained to them about the girl and the little girl.  Simply that they were always playing the park.  He knew nothing about them, but there was something about the older girl that made her a permanent thought in his brain.  She was imbedded into his mind.  Perhaps it was the way she played with the younger girl, whoever she was.  Sister?  Cousin?  Child she was a nanny for?  The word daughter crossed Jong Hyun’s mind, but that just couldn’t be.  The girl was far too young.  Wasn’t she?

            At first, the other members teased Jong Hyun.  Saying that he was too shy or scared to go talk to her.  But when they noticed how infatuated he was with the girl, they tamed their teasing down to a good natured joking.

            “One day, you’re going to look out that window, hyung and she’s not going to be there.  Then you’re going to spend the rest of your life filled with regret.  Go talk to her,” Ki Bum ordered from his place on the floor.  Too tired to lift his head and look at Jong Hyun, he only lifted his arm a second to point at his hyung on the window seat before his arm grew too heavy and fell back onto his chest.

            “You really should go talk to her,” Onew added.  “She’s probably a fan.  You’d make her day if you went up to her.”

            The members laughed, but Jong Hyun barely heard him.

            The older girl was wearing an ankle length, flowing lavender skirt and a sky blue tee shirt.  Her hair gathered in a pony tail at the nape of her neck.  She had that same look she always had on her face.  Smiling and happy on the outside, but sad the more he looked at her.  The little girl was in a lime green summer dress.  Her bright white bloomers could be seen every time she bounced up and down in the grass as she frolicked barefoot around, her white sandals in her hands.

            “Jong Hyun oppa!” Tae Min cried out in a girly voice.  “Sign my arm!  I love you, oppa!”  Tae Min then threw himself backwards, his upper half landing in Ki Bum’s lap, eliciting a pained groan from the older member.  The other members cracked up all over again.  Jong Hyun didn’t even look away from the window.

            “Alright, that’s it,” Onew decided, hopping up off the floor.  He went over to the window and grabbed Jong Hyun by the ear, jerking him off the window seat.  Shocked from their leader’s stomping footsteps, Min Ho’s eyes shot open and the other members sat upright as Onew dragged Jong Hyun over to where they sat on the floor.  He forced him onto the floor as the members gathered in a circle.  “You’re going to go talk to her.  I will allow you an extra 45 minutes to our break if you will go down to that park and talk to this mystery girl.  I can’t handle watching you stare at her any longer.”

            The other members blurted out their excited murmurs of agreement, but Jong Hyun shook his head frantically.  Eyes wide.

            No one knew, but Jong Hyun didn’t just watch this beautiful, sad girl from the window.  A few times, on the weekends, just before practice, he’d go to that park and wait for her to show up.  He’d watch her close up, blending into the crowd in his sunglasses and baseball cap.  Disguised so that he was just another regular person enjoying a lovely day at the park.  He wasn’t Shinee’s Jong Hyun.

            She’d never caught him, but the thought of going down there to actually speak to her, made his stomach twist itself into a knot.

            “Totally!  Do it, hyung!” Ki Bum cheered.

            “Are you…scared?” Min Ho asked, his tone teasing.

            “No!  No, it’s not that.  I just…” Jong Hyun began.  He couldn’t finish his sentence because he didn’t know what to say.  He couldn’t go talk to her.  What would he say?  How could he interact with her when he’d been studying her for so long?  Though, for a fleeting moment, excitement coursed through his veins at the idea of hearing her voice.  He imagined it would be light, soft.

            “How about a game then?  We’ll play a game and if you lose, Jong Hyun, you have to go down there and talk to her.  If you win, we’ll leave you alone and you can go back to stalking her from afar,” Onew suggested.

            “Yeah!  Let’s play a game!” Tae Min cheered.  Min Ho pushed the maknae over with his foot.

            The more he mulled the idea of going down there to talk to her over in his head, the more he wanted to do it.  And the more nervous he was.  Butterflies erupted in his stomach, but his face remained expressionless for his band mates.

            “Um, o-ok,” Jong Hyun answered unsurely.  “What game do we play?”

            “Three-six-nine!” Ki Bum exclaimed.  The others nodded.

            “Ok,” Jong Hyun agreed with a nod. 

            All five Shinee members sat in a circle to begin the game.  Onew, Min Ho, Tae Min, Jong Hyun, Ki Bum.  Onew started.



            Tae Min clapped.



            Onew clapped.



            It was Jong Hyun’s turn.  Nine meant he had to clap, but for a split second, he looked to his smiling members.  “Nine,” he said.

            “Hyung, you lose!” Tae Min cried out, excitedly and pointed an accusing finger at Jong Hyun.  Onew smirked.

            “I guess I did, Maknae,” Jong Hyun replied with a shrug as he jumped off the floor and darted toward the door.

            “He did it on purpose,” Min Ho stated with a light laugh as the four remaining boys scrambled for a seat at the window so they could watch the park.

            Jong Hyun breathed deep as he made his way down to the first floor of the building and outside to the sidewalk.  He tried to organize his thoughts, but his brain was buzzing with exhilaration.  He could barely remember his own name as the light changed from don’t walk to walk.  Thankfully, his feet knew what to do.  At the other side of the street, he glanced up back at the window where four faces were waiting.  The youngest member caught him staring and began waving crazily.  Jong Hyun sighed, adjusted his sunglasses on his face, pulled the bill of his hat lower, and waved off toward the window.

            He tried to continue his deep breathing, but the closer his feet brought him to the park, the shallower his breathing became.

            There she was.  She was standing off to the side watching the little girl attempt cartwheels in the grass.  She laughed every time the younger girl would fall over. 

            Eyes set on the girl’s profile, he inched closer.  The park wasn’t as crowded as normal, but he only saw her.  Once he was still a good distance away, inside the park, he froze.  His feet wouldn’t move anymore.  It was still early summer, so it wasn’t scorching hot out yet, but he could feel the sweat forming on the back of his neck. 

            The little girl tried another cartwheel.  Getting into a handstand, she didn’t kick her legs over fast enough and she flopped onto the ground on her back.  Giggling, she hopped up and tried again.  The older girl cheering her on.

            She was beautiful, Jong Hyun told himself watching her.  But so sad.

            After a moment or two of watching her watch the little girl fail at cartwheeling, the older girl began to walk.  It took Jong Hyun a second to realize that she was walking over to him.  His chest tightened.

            “Hi,” she greeted him.  He was right.  About her voice.  It was light and soft and it sent chills down his spine.  He looked behind him before facing her again and pointing to himself.  “Yes, you.  Hi,” she laughed lightly.

            “H-hi,” he stammered.  Mentally kicking himself, he rolled his eyes behind his dark sunglasses.

            She smiled at him before turning her attention back to the little girl, temporarily taking a break from her cartwheels and laying flat in the grass.

            Jong Hyun continued to stare at her, mouth gaped open a fraction.

            “I’m Lee Saena,” she introduced herself.  When he didn’t say anything right away, she turned a little toward him and held her hand out to him for a shake.

            “I-I’m…”  An idiot, he thought to himself.

            “My watcher,” she finished for him, leaning a little closer to him.  He could smell her perfume.  Or maybe her shampoo.  It was floral and made him weak in the knees.

            “W-what?  Watcher?” he repeated.

            She giggled.  “I’ve seen you here before.  You come to the park and sit there,” she paused to point at one of the benches on the far end of the park, “or sometimes you stand and you watch me.  I also see you up in that window a lot,” she added, nodding up at the window where his friends were watching.  Jong Hyun watched in horror as she grinned and waved grandly to the window.  He turned to look just in time to see four heads bob below the window.  He laughed, a little too loudly.

            “I’m-”  His voice cracked and he coughed, pounding on his chest a little before he cleared his throat enough to continue normally.  “I’m sorry.  I hope I didn’t scare you.  It’s just…I’m just…”  He sighed heavily.  “Sorry.  I’m just sorry.  I saw you one day some weeks ago and since then, I just can’t get you out of my head.  I’m Kim Jong Hyun.”

            This time he was the one to hold out a hand for a shake first.  She smiled and nodded, shaking his hand firmly.  There was still something.  Something in her eyes.  She was putting up a front.  There was such a sadness in her eyes.  It broke his heart a little to see it.

            “Saena, I-I’d like to, um, take you out for dinner sometime.  I hope you don’t think I’m being creepy.  I just find you very…interesting.  Let me take you out.”  He nodded toward the little girl who was in the middle of picking herself up off the ground to work on her cartwheel skills again.  “You and your sister.”  The little girl tumbled onto her back again.  With a sigh, she stood up and dusted off her dress a little angrily.

            Saena’s smile turned sad.  “That’s very nice of you, but I really can’t and she’s not my-”

            “Mommy!” the little girl shouted, stomping over to Saena.  “I can’t do it.  It’s not fun anymore.  I’m hungry and my dress is all dirty now.”

            Saena laughed as the little girl approached her, looking up at her with an angry pout on her face.

            “Alright, honey.  We’ll go home and get lunch, ok?  But first, introduce yourself to mommy’s new friend,” Saena told the little girl.

            The little girl looked up at Jong Hyun warily.  She side stepped behind her mother’s leg, hiding for a second before stepping out to bow to him.  “I’m Lee Jung Min,” she said, using formal Korean.  And then returned behind her mother’s leg.

            Jong Hyun looked to Saena once more before bending to Jung Min’s level.  He peeked around Saena’s leg.

            “Hi, Jung Min,” he said gently as he – checking first for potential crazed fans – carefully lifted his sunglasses to the top of his head.  “I’m Jong Hyun.”  She blinked at him.  His eyes flicked up to Saena, who was smiling down at her daughter.

            She had no idea he was a singer for one of Korea’s hottest bands.

            “You’re my mommy’s friend?” Jung Min asked.  Jong Hyun nodded, focusing back on the conversation.  “Are you Jong Hyun oppa or ahjusshi?”

            Saena snorted back laughter.  Ahjusshi? Jong Hyun thought bitterly.  I’m Saena’s age! he told himself.  Confidence faulting, he glanced at the older girl.  At least, I think I am.  Either way I’m no old man!

            “Jong Hyun oppa is ok,” he answered the little girl.

            “Ok,” she decided.  “Mommy, Jong Hyun oppa is very cute, isn’t he?”

            Saena giggled and patted little Jung Min on her back.  “You’re a bit young for him, love,” she replied.

            “How old are you, Jung Min?” he asked.

            She held up three fingers.  “I’m three,” she stated proudly.

            “Ah, yes, just a little too young,” he said with mock sadness.

            Jung Min shrugged.  “You’re still cute.”

            “So are you.  How about I stay your oppa then?”

            The child pondered for a moment before nodding as if she were agreeing to a business proposition.  She held out her hand for him to shake.  He nodded back seriously and shook her tiny hand.

            Jong Hyun laughed and stood up, returning his sunglasses back on his face.

            “Please, can’t I take you and Jung Min out for dinner?” he asked, pleadingly.  “Tonight?  Say yes.”

            “No, I-we really can’t,” Saena said.  “Thank you though.”

            “Mommy, I want Jong Hyun oppa to give us dinner!  Please?”  Jung Min batted her eyes up at her mother.  “Pretty please?  Pretty, pretty please?”

            “Now, Jung Min, don’t beg.  It’s not nice.”

            The little girl stuck out her lower lip and crossed her arms over her chest, no longer feeling shy or the need to hide behind her mother’s leg.  “I don’t want to eat at Mr. Moon’s house,” she grumbled.  “He’s boring.”

            “Jung Min!  That’s enough.  Let’s go home.”

            Mr. Moon? Jong Hyun repeated in his mind.

            “Please, Saena,” he tried again as she grabbed the little girl’s hand and began walking toward the exit of the park.  “One dinner can’t hurt.”

            Says you, Saena thought as she halted and turned back around.  But Jong Hyun seemed so sincere.  He didn’t even take off running after he found out Jung Min was her daughter and not her sister.  Why had she wanted to tell him the truth?  He’d guessed sister.  The answer she normally gave strangers who asked.  Why did she feel the sudden urge to tell this stranger – adorable stranger, but a stranger nonetheless – the truth?

            “Mommy!” Jung Min whined.  “Come on!  We never do anything!”

            “Lee Jung Min, you stop that!” Saena scolded, but she was fighting a smile.

            “Come on, Mom,” Jong Hyun teased.  “If you never do anything…”

            “Jong Hyun oppa wants to take us to dinner!  Can’t we go?  Just this once?” Jung Min asked nicely in her little girl voice.

            Saena sighed and looked from her little girl to Jong Hyun.  What had come over her?  Why was this stranger getting to her?

            “Alright.  I guess one dinner can’t hurt,” she relented.

            Jong Hyun refrained from dancing for joy.  He held his hand out for Jung Min to high five him, smiling at Saena.  They agreed on meeting back at that very spot in the park tonight at seven.

            He offered her a ride to wherever it was she lived, but she politely declined.  When he insisted that it was no trouble, she grew serious and he backed off.  He walked them to the bus stop and waited until the number 252 came.  Waving as the bus drove off, he waited until it rounded the corner before he took off skipping back down the block to his building.

            s ambushed him with a million questions and excited statements before Onew clapped Jong Hyun on the back and then slipped back into responsible leader mode.  Back to work.  Jong Hyun knew the moves and his parts well enough that he could do it in his sleep, but his mind wasn’t there.  It was on Saena and the way her lovely eyes met his.

            That night, Jong Hyun counted down the seconds until he could leave to go meet Saena and Jung Min.  Listening to s’ advice on dating for only as long as he could tolerate it, which was only about a minute, he rushed from the dorm.

            He ran back to the park.  A smile spread across his face when he saw Saena as he approached her.  He had the entire afternoon to ponder how this girl was able to have such an effect on him in such a short time.  His conclusion?  Not a damn clue.  He had no idea why this girl did the things she did to his mind, but he liked it and he wanted more of it.  It helped a little that she had no idea who he was.  She saw him without his sunglasses that afternoon when he was talking to Jung Min and not even the slightest hint of recognition passed over her face.

            The closer he got to her, he realized a couple of things.  One, she didn’t notice him.  Neither did little Jung Min who was hopping in circles around her mother.  And two, Saena was talking to another girl around her age.  Unable to resist secretly eavesdropping on her, he snuck around a bit farther from where the girls were standing and hid behind a tree to listen in easier.

            “I don’t know,” Saena replied, shaking her head.  Jung Min had grown bored and bounced into the park, away from Jong Hyun’s hiding place.  “He didn’t freak out when I told him Jung Min wasn’t my sister which, by the way, I still haven’t been able to figure out why I did that.”  She looked painfully confused.

            “That’s easy.  You said he was cute,” her friend giggled.

            “Sera,” Saena sighed.  “Be serious.  This is crazy.”

            “It’s not crazy,” her friend retorted.  “You met a good looking guy, he’s nice to you, he’s been stalking I mean pining after you from afar for a while, he’s nice to you, he’s cool, he was nervous, he was adorable, he’s nice to you…”

            Saena narrowed her eyes at the other girl.  “Alright, I get it, I get it.  He’s a nice guy.  He was sent here to teach me not all guys are jerks.  He’s the one who is going to show me kindness and heart.  True love.  Show me how stupid I was to let one man ruin all men for me.  Blah, blah, blah.”  She reached out and gave her friend a playful shove as she glanced over to check on Jung Min, who was still prancing in the grass.  “I just barely met him.”

            “You said all that stuff, I didn’t,” her friend muttered.  “But since you did, you have a point.  Maybe he will be the one to show you not all guys are jerks and who cares if you just met him?  Haven’t you heard of love at first sight?” she demanded, shoving her back.  Saena didn’t believe in love at first sight.  She’d fallen for a good looking guy with the right words once already.  No need to allow herself to be struck by deadly lightening twice in her life.  Although, as it turned out, he didn’t have the right words.  He was just a liar with other things on his mind.  And now she was the one taking care of their daughter at only twenty years old.  Trapped in that house with Mr. Moon.

            Sure, she loved Jung Min more than anything and Saena knew she’d gotten the only good part of him but she wasn’t stupid.  Or at least she wouldn’t be again. 

            No, Saena told herself.  There was no such thing as love at first sight.  Only men with hormones who will say and do anything to get a girl .

            Love at first sight?  Jong Hyun tossed around the idea in his head.  That could explain what was going on, but he didn’t believe in such a thing.  And yet, still…

            “Haven’t you heard of reality?” Saena retorted.

            “I think it’s cute,” Sera sighed romantically.

            “I think he’s late.”

            Late?  Oh, crap, Jong Hyun cursed mentally as he glanced at his wrist watch.  He almost darted out from behind the tree, but realized what a stalker he would look like doing that.  Instead, he retraced his steps and jogged toward the girls.

            He bowed lightly and apologized.  “I must have lost track of time.”  He turned to her friend and bowed, holding out his hand.  “I’m-”

            “Shinee!” Sera gasped.  Her eyes darted to Saena and then back to Jong Hyun.  Back and forth, back and forth.  Stopping on Saena, she spat, “He’s Jong Hyun from Shinee!”  When Saena’s face still held no reaction, Sera sighed dramatically.  “You don’t know him or Shinee, do you?”

            Saena shrugged and shook her head.  “Sorry,” she replied with a shy smile to Jong Hyun.  She then turned her attention to Jung Min, calling her over and taking her tiny hand.  Sera gushing over how much she loved Shinee’s music the whole time.

            “Hey, Jung Min,” Sera began after her excitement died down.  The little girl looked up at her.  “Why don’t we let your mom and Jong Hyun go on their boring dinner?  I’ll take you to eat whatever you want.”

            Jung Min looked thoughtfully from her pretty godmother and her mother and then to Jong Hyun.  “But I like Jong Hyun oppa.  He’s funny and cute.”

            Jong Hyun smiled at the child.  He really did want to spend time with Saena and her daughter, but the thought of being able to have Saena all to himself tonight made him want to let Sera meet the rest of Shinee so she could spazz over them too.

            “I’ll take you out for ice cream,” Sera offered.  Jung Min froze and made a squeaky humming noise as she thought that idea over.

            Then Jung Min shook off her mother’s hand and leapt up at Sera.  The older girl catching her and hugging her close to her chest.

            Saena’s eyes widened and she opened to argue when Sera spoke up, “Saena, you and me both know that even though Jung Min is the best and most well behaved little girl in the world, she does not want to sit through some dull dinner with two adults.  She wants to go out with her favorite unnie and have a fun dinner with ice cream after.  You trust me to take good care of her, don’t you?”

            Saena glared at her friend.  “Yes, of course,” she replied.  Sera had been Saena’s best friend since childhood.  She’d been the only one to stick by her when everyone else she knew, including her parents and family, abandoned her.  She wasn’t wealthy and she didn’t come from an affluent family, but she was a good person with a good heart.

            “Jung Min wants to come with me, right?”  Sera looked to the little girl still cuddled in her arms.

            “Yes,” Jung Min answered with a firm nod.

            “You go with Jong Hyun here and have a good time.  Call me when you’re done and I’ll meet you back here for the drop off.  Granted you and he meet my condition.”

            “Drop off?” Saena questioned.  “Condition?”

            “Yes.  I will give you the girl in exchange if Jong Hyun here gives me his solemn oath that he will get me an autographed photo of all the members of Shinee.  Signed by all five of course,” Sera stated.

            Jong Hyun chuckled.  “You have my solemn oath.  I will get it tomorrow and leave it with Saena here tomorrow.”  She nodded her agreement.

            “Say bye to your mom,” Sera said, bouncing Jung Min over onto her back and hooking her arms around the little one’s tiny legs.

            “Bye, Mom,” Jung Min said obediently.  Saena stepped up to the little girl latched onto Sera’s back and kissed her loudly on the cheek causing her daughter to squeal and giggle.

            “Say bye to Jong Hyun oppa,” Sera added.

            “Bye, Jong Hyun oppa.”

            “See you later,” Sera said with a smile as she turned and walked away from them.

            Jong Hyun smiled warmly at Saena as he watched her watch her friend stroll along with her daughter.

            He touched her shoulder lightly and offered his elbow to her.  “Let’s go, shall we?”  She tossed one more glance at the retreating figures already a block away before she looked back to him and smiled, placing her hand lightly on his elbow.

            The pair made simple, get-to-know-you chit chat as they walked to a restaurant Jong Hyun said he frequented with his band mates.  Saena apologized for not knowing him or his band.  She admitted she wasn’t up on the music scene.  She worked as Mr. Moon’s accountant, part time.  Being a mom took up most of her time and she gladly threw herself into the job.

            They arrived at a small, out of the way restaurant set in a backstreet.  It was a cute, family run restaurant.  The owners knew Jong Hyun and the moment he walked in, they whisked him upstairs to an empty section where he could have peace and quiet from any fans or intruding paparazzi.  Music that was playing from a CD player downstairs drifted up to create a comfortable ambiance in the upstairs section.

            Conversation just flowed between Saena and Jong Hyun.  He was so attentive and considerate, she felt she could just spill her entire life story to him.  Which, unbeknownst to her, was exactly what he wanted out of her.  He wanted to know every detail of her life.  Her every like and dislike.  He wanted to know about Jung Min, too.  She appeared to be a happy girl.  He wanted to know everything. 

            She appeared to feel the same way.  Asking him questions about his family and his band.  Wanting to know about his childhood and his life.

            Love at first sight?  He couldn’t think of another way to explain this electric feeling that had his blood on fire by just looking at Saena.

            “Can I ask you,” he began as they were eating, “Where is Jung Min’s dad?”

            Saena turned statue like.  Mid bite, she stopped chewing and cleared .

            “He’s abroad, um, studying in England,” she answered quietly.  So then he’s not this Mr. Moon that Jung Min mentioned earlier.  Jong Hyun had an odd feeling about that person.

            Saena’s eyes on her lap, her dinner momentarily pushed aside, she began to think.  This is nothing.  He is no one.  I owe him nothing.  He doesn’t need to know anything.  Saena reminded herself of those things, but as she was ticking off the reasons she shouldn’t tell him, she knew she would.  His eyes held innocent curiosity and true sincerity as he looked at her.

            “Are you…with him?” Jong Hyun pressed cautiously.

            Saena snorted before she could stop herself.  “No, definitely not with him.”

            The music had turned from classic rock into a slow ballad.  Saena was still looking at her lap, not touching her food.  Jong Hyun pushed his own plate away from him and stood up from his seat.  He walked over to Saena and pulled her out of her seat.

            “Let’s dance,” he said.  Before she could react, he twirled her into his arms.  Placing one hand in the middle of her back and the other holding one of her hands out.  She giggled and put her empty hand on his shoulder as he began to lead them in an impromptu dance around the floor of the empty upstairs area of the restaurant.

            “You must think I’m such a creepy person,” he laughed self consciously as they danced.  She looked at him wide eyed and shook her head.

            “No, not at all.  It’s refreshing to meet someone as genuine as you,” she admitted.

            He twirled her one full time so that she wouldn’t catch his cheeks flushing pink.  Bringing her back into his arms, he chuckled lightly.

            “How do you know I’m genuine?” he wondered as they glided toward one end of the floor.

            She sighed and shrugged a shoulder.  How did she know?  He could be an axe murder for all she knew about him.  A slow smile spread over her face.  No, he wasn’t that at all.

            “I just feel it,” she answered simply.  She lowered her chin a little to rest on his shoulder.  “Now you think I’m a creepy person, right?” she chuckled.  Instead of replying, he stopped dancing and shifted away from her.  He tilted her face up with two of his fingers, meeting her eyes for a quick moment.

            “No, not at all,” he whispered, lowering his mouth to meet hers.

            This isn’t right.  This couldn’t be happening.  His lips less than a centimeter from hers, “I’m sorry,” she breathed, eyes fluttering open.  The room was spinning.  “I-I have to go,” she stammered, backing away from him.  The surprise of her actions left him speechless.  “Thank you for dinner and for…well, just thank you.  I should go.”

            She turned and sprinted down the stairs to the first floor and burst out the doors. 

            When she reached the next block, she heard heavy footsteps catching up to her.  Never being much of a runner, she felt a cramp begin in her side causing her to slow her pace a little.

            “Saena!” a voice called to her.  The cramp pinched the air out of her lungs and she had to stop.  Bending at the waist, she panted and sniffled.  She straightened and turned around just in time to see Jong Hyun come to a screeching halt in front of her.  He held up a finger to her as he panted and held his stomach.  “You’re…kind of…fast,” he gasped.  Having caught her breath, she smiled apologetically at him before inching away, ready to make another break.  “No,” he said, still a little out of breath.  He reached out and caught her wrist.  “Please, wait.  Talk to me.  What did I do wrong?  I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you.  It’s just so weird.  I don’t know what-”

            “That’s not it,” Saena argued, looking down at his hand on her wrist.  “This bizarre attraction.  I feel it, between us.  It’s like a magnet.  I know less than nothing about you and I already want to be with you all the time.  The way you look at me and talk to me.  The way you were with Jung Min.  I can just tell you’re this perfect-”  She inhaled sharply and covered with her fingertips.

            “For you,” Jong Hyun said, pulling her closer and linking his fingers together at the back of her waist.  “You’re this perfect for me.  I don’t know how or why and to be honest, just looking at you, I don’t care.  Let me get to know you.  Let me get to know Jung Min.  This is it for me.”  He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.  It was like someone else was controlling his voice, but the more he heard, the more he wanted to let this outside force continue to speak for him.

            It was like he was reading the words in her own mind.

            He leaned forward, crushing her body to his.  “Tell me what you’re hiding,” he whispered into her hair.  “It has to do with Jung Min’s father, doesn’t it?  Or maybe this Mr. Moon character?”

            She allowed herself a moment of weakness to revel in his arms, taking in his scent, and feeling the warmth of his body.

            “Mr. Moon is Moon Nahm Kyun,” she began, still in Jong Hyun’s embrace.

            Moon Nahm Kyun, he repeated in his head.  “As in Moon Nahm Kyun the CEO of Samsung?” he questioned.  That man was famous for making Samsung the number one producer of electronics in all of Asia.  Korea was a proud country and it, just like any other country, liked being known for something great like that.

            “That’s him.  He’s Jung Min’s grandfather.  Moon Jun Seok is his son and Jung Min’s father,” she confessed.  She wrapped her arms around his middle, not wanting to look at him as she continued to explain.  “Jun Seok was so mad when he found out I was pregnant.  We weren’t even together.  I was young and stupid and he was handsome and so nice.  He said all the things he knew would get me into his apartment.  He whispered all the things I needed to hear to believe what we were doing was ok.  That it was nothing.  That nothing would happen.” 

            Saena sniffled, feeling the tears building up in the backs of her eyes.  “When I found out I was pregnant, I was horrified, but I thought everything would be ok because he had been so nice.  So caring.  But when I told him, he told me that he didn’t care because it wasn’t his baby.  Except that it was because I’d never been with anyone else besides him.  Nahm Kyun is the one who insisted on a paternity test.  It came back that Jun Seok was the father the same day my parents kicked me out of the house.  I was young and unmarried.  To two old fashioned, traditional people, that was an unforgivable sin.  Nahm Kyun decided that this sort of scandal was not going to tarnish his company.”

            A tear dropped from her eye onto Jong Hyun’s shoulder.  “He immediately sent Jun Seok to England for university and when he found out that I was now homeless, he moved me into the guest room of his mansion.  I was sworn to secrecy.”  She pulled back to look Jong Hyun in the eye.  “He said if I ever told anyone the true identity of Jung Min’s father, he’d kick me out and make sure Jung Min was taken away from me because, homeless, I would be an unfit mother.”  The tears flowed faster now.  “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.  I shouldn’t be burdening you with this.  It’s not your problem.”  With a gasp, she grabbed his shoulders.  “You can’t tell anyone!  I won’t lose Jung Min!  Please, promise me you won’t say anything!  I can’t believe I even told you all that!” she sobbed hysterically.

            Jong Hyun pried her fingers off his shoulders and held her hands in his own.  When she didn’t calm down right away, he pulled her back to him and held her as she sobbed.  “I-I won’t tell anyone,” he promised.  “Let me help you.  Let me help you and Jung Min.”

            “I can’t leave.  He’s got me.  I didn’t go to college and if he cut me off and kicked me out, I’d die.  I can’t survive on my own.  I don’t have a dime to my name.  I’ll never find work and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him make me lose Jung Min.”

            “I can help!  I know I can.  You just have to let me,” Jong Hyun insisted.

            She scoffed and sniffled, swiping at her tear stained face.  “He’s the CEO of Samsung.  He may as well be king.  No one can go against him,” she stated flatly, stepping away from him.  “I should really call Sera and get back.”

            He wanted to grab her and shake her.  He was Kim Jong Hyun.  He was part of Shinee.  He could take some old man.  His head began to pound.  What was wrong with him?  How could these things be going through his mind?  He just met this girl.

            “I’ll walk you,” he offered, pushing the thoughts out of his mind.

            She shook her head, but he had already taken her hand and began leading the way back to the park. 

            Saena called Sera as they walked and by the time they returned to the park, Sera was already there.  Playing around with Jung Min.

            “Jong Hyun, don’t forget your oath,” Sera reminded him as he and Saena approached.  Jung Min ran to her mother, arms stretched up, wanting to be picked up immediately.  “One autographed photo of all of Shinee.”

            He nodded and saluted her.  “Coming up tomorrow, ma’am.”

            She laughed and nodded.  “It better be.”

            As the four were saying their goodbyes, Saena holding Jung Min in her arms, he could see the fear in her eyes.  She was really worried that he was going to tell or somehow cause trouble.  He gave her his warmest smile.

            “Goodnight,” he said, slapping Jung Min’s palm as she held her hand out for a high five.  “Sleep well.”  He hoped his hidden message got through to Saena.

            I won’t tell.  I can help you.  Please believe me.


            Starting from that day for the next couple of weeks, Jong Hyun no longer had to watch her from afar.  He was her friend now.  He mentally blocked out the idea that he was in love with her because he knew that was crazy.  Even though she felt the same way.  He just knew she did.  And he was falling in love with little Jung Min.  She was the sweetest little girl he’d ever met.  Smart and adorable.  A happy child. 

            But she deserved more than having to live in Moon’s house.  From what little more Saena told him about Grandpa Moon, Jong Hyun understood that he didn’t care for his granddaughter or her mother.  He just kept them close so that he could keep an eye on them.  Make sure they weren’t doing anything to bring unwanted attention to him and his precious company. 

            Sera was a good friend, and she now loved Jong Hyun ever since he gave her the autograph she wanted, but she couldn’t help no matter how much she wanted to.  Daughter of a lowly business man and a teacher, she was no one compared to Mr. Samsung.  But Jong Hyun.  Jong Hyun was part of Shinee.  He could be of some help.

            Saena was adamant though.  At one point, she said she couldn’t talk about Moon anymore.  She was scared.  She wanted Jong Hyun to have nothing to do with anything.

            Jong Hyun had just prepared himself to come to terms with Saena’s stubbornness until one day, her and Jung Min stopped showing up at the park.

            For a week.  Five whole days.  It was like they just disappeared.  Jong Hyun began to feel crazy.  He couldn’t stop thinking about her.  A sickening feeling began to settle in his stomach.

            After practice one day, Jong Hyun crumbled to the floor, exhausted.  The concert was only two weeks away.  He needed to mentally prepare, but he just couldn’t.  Not when he didn’t know what was going on with Saena and Jung Min.

            “What’s going on, hyung?” Tae Min asked that day.  Ki Bum and Min Ho had lost their rock, paper, scissors game which meant they had to go out and get food leaving Jong Hyun, Tae Min, and Onew in the practice room.

            “Nothing.  Just tired,” Jong Hyun replied, hoisting himself off the floor and rushing to the window seat.  Not there.  Seven days.

            “Now tell us the truth,” Onew called from his spot on the floor, laying flat on his stomach.

            “It’s that girl, right?  Saena?” Ki Bum questioned, sitting up and watching his band mate stare out the window with a hopeless look on his face.

            “She’s not there.  She hasn’t been there.  I’m worried,” Jong Hyun murmured.

            “Can’t you call her?” Tae Min suggested.

            No, Jong Hyun had explained.  He didn’t have her number.  He didn’t understand it either.  Why it hadn’t occurred to him to get it was beyond him.  She really did make him crazy.

            “How can you find her then?” Ki Bum pressed.  “What about her friend?  The one we took the picture for.”

            “I don’t know anything about her either,” Jong Hyun muttered.  He bolted upright when he remembered something, the light bulb going off above his head.  “Café!” he blurted out, turning to face the others.  “She works at a café near Seoul University!  The one her father runs!”

            “Great, you could go talk to her.  I’m sure she knows what’s going on,” Ki Bum rationalized.  “I’m sure she’s fine,” he added for his friend’s sake.

            Jong Hyun’s brain was crackling with anticipation.  Now that he knew there was a possibility he could find Saena, he wanted to try it out yesterday.

            “You know,” Onew started, chuckling lightly at Jong Hyun’s foot anxiously tapping on the floor.  “We’re done with practice for today.”

            “I know, hyung,” Jong Hyun replied, looking over at him.

            “What, are you worried there won’t be any food left for you?  He’s saying go, hyung, get out of here.  Go find the friend so you can find out about Saena!” Ki Bum shouted.

            Jong Hyun’s eyes widened and he hopped off the window seat, but hesitated.

            “Go,” Onew said, motioning toward the door.  Jong Hyun bolted.

            “Man, even I understood.  Girls must make you stupid, right, hyung?” Tae Min asked as he flopped onto his back on the floor.

            “Apparently,” Onew replied.

            Jong Hyun took the subway to Seoul University.  He didn’t know the name of the café where Sera worked.  He just remembered Saena telling him it was on the street that led to the entrance of the university.  So he stopped in every café, asking for a girl named Sera.

            After five cafés, he was getting aggravated.  Two cafés later and he was ready to give up when he actually spotted the familiar girl with the bob haircut through the window of a café across the street.  He darted across the street, dodging a car and a motorcyclist, and burst into the café.  Out of breath and kind of sweaty from his near head on collision with the motorcyclist.

            “Jong Hyun!” Sera gasped when she saw him.  “Hi.  What are you doing here?” she questioned, her voice tinged with nervousness.

            “Can you take a break?” he panted.

            She nodded and disappeared in the back for a second before returning, motioning for him to follow her out the back.

            “Where’s Saena?” he asked as soon as they exited the café, his breathing back to normal.  “I haven’t seen her in a week.  I’m worried.”

            Sera’s eyes never met his.  “Jong Hyun, you’re very sweet to be worried, but it’s probably best if you-”

            “If you think I’m just going to forget about her, you’re sadly mistaken.  Now, tell me where she is and what’s going on or I’ll go back in your family’s café and make a huge scene,” he threatened.

            Sera giggled before she realized he was serious.  Her eyes narrowed.  “You wouldn’t.”

            He ripped his baseball cap and sunglasses off and threw them on the ground. “Try me.  I’ll go in there right now.  You’ll have a fangirl riot on your hands.”

            He must care about her, Sera told herself.  Saena was wrong to want to keep him out of this.  He’s in love with her.  Sera could tell.  She could see it from the fire in his eyes.

            “Mr. Moon found out she was spending time with you.  He was worried she’d get too close to you, so he makes her stay inside a lot more.  If she goes out now, one of Moon’s guys needs to accompany her and she isn’t allowed to go to that park anymore,” Sera explained, all in one breath.

            “Where does she live?” Jong Hyun managed to ask after a moment of stunned silence.  “Tell me.”

            “Jong Hyun, you don’t know what you’re messing with.  Moon is a powerful guy.  What will you do?”

           “I am so sick of hearing how powerful he is.  Let me handle this, ok?  I know you’re her best friend, but I can do this.  I can help her, but you have to tell me where she lives.”

            Sera studied him a moment longer before nodding.


            After getting the information he needed out of Sera, donning his disguise again, he raced to the subway station closest to the café.  He called Onew, explaining the situation to him – leaving out the details he wasn’t supposed to know – and asked him if he and the others could meet him.  He told Onew his plan and told him where to meet him.  Being the best friend he was, Onew automatically agreed, saying he’d gather the others and meet him. They would be there in twenty minutes.

            The entire subway ride, Jong Hyun could feel his blood pressure rising.  How dare that man think he owns her?  How dare he control her like that?  She deserved better.  Jung Min deserved better.

            And he was going to give it to them.

            Walking down the street to the house Sera had described, Jong Hyun began to feel nervous.  What if Moon wasn’t there?  What if he had a wait staff that he’d have to get through in order to get to him?  What if…

            No more time for that.  Jong Hyun found himself standing in front of a large house.  He decided to wait outside for the rest of Shinee to arrive.  A few minutes later, five boys in sunglasses and baseball caps were standing outside the house.

            Bigger than any house any of them had ever seen in Seoul, in Korea even.  It was a traditional house that had an outdoor open area in the middle, inside the first set of doors.  It looked like something out of a drama on TV.

            Jong Hyun knocked on the door, peeking through the circle window in the door.  An older woman came hurrying over to the door.  She pulled the heavy wooden door open.  “Can I help you?” she asked, eyeing each member.

            “We’re here to see Mr. Moon,” Jong Hyun said politely.

            “Do you have an appointment?” the woman asked.

            “Ma’am, we’re interns from work.  We’ve run into a bit of trouble at the office and we really need to speak to Mr. Moon,” Tae Min asked cutely.

            The woman remained unfazed.  “Well, if it’s about work.  Stay here, I’ll see if Mr. Moon can come out here and see you.”  With that, she her heel and stalked toward one of the doors that led into the house.

            “That didn’t work the way I thought.  She’s heartless.  I’m adorable,” Tae Min grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.  The others sighed and offered their maknae a simple pat on the back as his only consolation.

            A few moments later, a middle aged man came through the same door the woman had gone through.  He stopped in front of the five young men.

            “I didn’t hire any interns, so you guys better have a good reason for showing up at my home,” he stated.  He was tall with thick, jet black hair and small eyes.

            Jong Hyun stepped ahead of his friends.

            “Where’s Saena and Jung Min?” he demanded, pushing his sunglasses up onto the top of his head.

            Moon smirked.  “You’re him.  The one she’s been cozying up to, right?” he asked, his voice condescending.  “Did you come here to whisk her away?  Her knight in shining armor and his four stooges?”

            The other four edged in closer to Jong Hyun who remained poker faced.

            “That’s right,” he replied coolly.  “I’m here to whisk her away from the old, ugly ogre keeping her locked away.”

            “You’re out of your mind, little boy.  Don’t you know who I am?”

            “Don’t you know who I am?” Jong Hyun hissed.  “Who we are?  I may not have your money or your power, but I’ve got something else.”  He paused to build up suspense.  The old man didn’t look impressed or afraid.  “I’m an idol.  Everyone knows me.  Everyone would be interested in what I have to say.  The entire country would love to know Samsung’s big shot CEO was behaving inappropriately with a young woman?”

            Moon chuckled, quite amused by the whole situation.  “You’re not even making any sense, little boy.”

            “No?” Jong Hyun replied, stepping up closer to Moon.  They were about the same height, but Jong Hyun was much thinner than Moon.  “What would you do if I told some of the news hungry paparazzi that I know that Samsung’s CEO was holding a young mother and her child hostage in his home?  They would be dying to know what you do with the woman and with her child.  Oh, how creative those paparazzi can be.  I’d tell them what I know which is that the young woman has no family and the CEO is forcing her to live with him.  She can’t come and go as she pleases.  She is followed by employees of the CEO.  What a field day they would have.”

            Moon’s eyes widened and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed heavily.

            “No one would believe you,” Moon replied, his voice wavering slightly.

            Jong Hyun arched an eyebrow.  “No?  Well, you would have to explain it.  Mr. CEO, is it true?  Do you really have a young woman and her child living with you?  An unmarried woman?  How do you know her?  Where does she sleep?  Why is she in your home?”  He sneered and leaned closer to the man, lowering his voice.  “Is the child yours, Mr. CEO?”

            The younger men could practically see Moon’s restraint cracking.  Just as Jong Hyun hoped it would.  Moon’s arms shot out and he grabbed Jong Hyun by the front of his shirt, shaking him.  He got right into his face.

            “I’d rather bury you than allow you to try to make a fool of me!” he hissed.

            Click.  Jong Hyun smirked, not one ounce of fear evident on his handsome face as Moon glanced around, confused.

            Ki Bum lowered his cell phone and grinned at the older man.  There was another click and a dim flash.  Tae Min stood across from Ki Bum on the other side of Jong Hyun and Moon, holding his own phone.  He waved.

            “Mr. CEO, why would you beat up on Jong Hyun from Shinee?  Picking on such a young, defenseless boy?  Why, Mr. CEO?” Onew asked, holding his fist to his mouth as he spoke, pretending it was a microphone.  He then stretched his arm out to Moon who had since shoved Jong Hyun away from him.  “No comment, Mr. CEO?”

            “Get off my property, you punks!” Moon ordered, hatefully.

            “Let me take Saena and Jung Min and we will gladly leave, quietly,” Jong Hyun swore.

            Moon let out a rumble of a laugh and adjusted the tie knot at his throat.  “Never.  You think I want that and her kid running loose?  You must be crazy.”

            “Have you not been listening to a word we’ve said?” Jong Hyun retorted.  “Give me Saena and Jung Min or we’ll have every newspaper in Korea on you.”

            The older man’s eyes filled with uncertainty.  He couldn’t be sure if this boy was bluffing or not.  He certainly didn’t look like he was bluffing, but he was just a young punk.  He very well could be.  Moon’s pride made him believe this was nothing.

            “Get off my property or I’ll call the police!” Moon warned.

            All five guys cracked up.  “Yes!  Call the police!  Save us the trouble of having to ransack your house looking for Saena and Jung Min!” Jong Hyun cheered.

            “You wouldn’t.  Besides, I know men in the police department.  They’d never believe five pretty faces over me,” Moon decided.

            “No?” Min Ho questioned from behind Jong Hyun.  “Are you sure about that?”

            Moon smirked.  He wasn’t going to be fooled.

            “Enough,” Jong Hyun growled, bending to pick up a baseball sized rock from the ones that were lined up as decoration along the path that led to one of the main doors.  He charged the CEO, holding the rock high in the air with one hand, the other grabbing a fistful of the man’s shirt.  He backed Moon all the way to one of the doors and crashed him against the wooden door.  “You call Saena and Jung Min out here right this second.  We will delete those photos and you will never heard from any of us again.  If you don’t, I will bash your skull in and gladly go to prison for it.  Now, call them!” he hissed furiously. 

            Moon, regaining his focus, easily pushed Jong Hyun off him.  Straightening, he brushed his hands down the wrinkles Jong Hyun’s fist left on his white shirt.

            “You must be crazy,” Moon laughed sarcastically.

            Jong Hyun roared and threw the rock against one of the doors, leaving a dent and causing a long crack to run down the length of the door.  Improving, the four other Shinee members, gathered rocks and began throwing them around the house.  Denting anything the rocks touched.

            The older woman who’d answered the door came running out of the main area of the house.  She didn’t say anything.  She stood, staring at the six men in the courtyard in utter shock.

            “Try me,” Jong Hyun said through gritted teeth.  “I’ll destroy you and your damn company.”

            Moon mulled the thought over in his head.  This young man and his friends really were crazy.

            “Miss Kim, go call Saena and the little one.  Have them come out here,” Moon told the woman.  For a halting second, the woman couldn’t move.  Still in shock from what she’d seen.  “Go!” Moon shouted.  The woman came to her senses and rushed back into the house.

            A moment later, Saena and Jung Min came hurrying out of the house.

            “Jong Hyun?” Saena exhaled.  “Mr. Moon, what is…”

            “Get out.  Go with your singer.  Take your little brat and run with your knight in shining armor.  He’s come for you,” Moon spat, pointing to the front door.

            “What?  I-I don’t understand,” Saena stuttered, pulling Jung Min close to her legs.

            “I said, get out.  Never come back.”

            “Mr. Moon, we have no where else to go.  You can’t possibly kick us out.  We haven’t done anything.  I don’t know why-”

            “You will come with me.  You’ll live with me.  I have my own apartment.  You can each have your own bedroom.  You can come and go as you please.  I’ll get you a job at SM Entertainment if you want to work.  I’ll send Jung Min to the best preschool in the country.  Come with me.  Be with me.  Marry me!” Jong Hyun blurted out.

            Like Tae Min thought, love really did make guys stupid, but Jong Hyun didn’t care.  He could take care of Saena and Jung Min.  He wanted to.  His fans wouldn’t even have to know.  He’d be careful not to let anyone know of his relationship with Saena and he could do it without keeping her locked away.

            “You’re insane,” Saena whispered, shaking her head, her tear filled eyes wide.  But Jung Min didn’t think so.  In her child like innocent mind, she immediately believed Jong Hyun’s words and she pulled away from her mother, bouncing over to Jong Hyun.

            “I want my own room!” she exclaimed, hopping into his arms.  “Mommy, I want my own room in Jong Hyun oppa’s house.”

            “You nut cases have five seconds to get out of my house,” Moon boomed, interrupting Saena’s thoughts.

            “Five, four…” he began to count.  Jong Hyun shot a look to his friends a second before they all scattered.  Tae Min and Min Ho ran for the door, holding it open for the others.  Ki Bum and Onew rushed to Saena to grab her hands and pull her out the door.  Jong Hyun slid Jung Min onto his back as he too ran from the house.

            Outside, they ran about two blocks before they paused to catch their breaths. 

            “I’m impressed, hyung,” Tae Min said after a minute, clapping Jong Hyun on the back.  “You were really aggressive and scary back there.  Very y.”

            The other guys laughed.  Saena yanked Jung Min out of Jong Hyun’s arms and cradled the child to her own chest, glaring at him.

            “How could you do that to me?  To us?  Where will I go now?  Where will we live?  How could you be so reckless?  What were you thinking?” she demanded, eyes watering all over again, as she used her free hand to pound on Jong Hyun’s chest.  “We’re homeless now.”

            “Homeless?” Jong Hyun repeated, stepping behind Onew as Min Ho stepped up to block Saena from lunging forward to beat on Jong Hyun some more.  “You’ll live with me!” he continued.  “I want you and Jung Min to stay with me.  I want to marry you.  Take care of you.  Take care of Jung Min.  I told you I could help you.”

            “Jong Hyun hyung will make a good dad.  Didn’t you see us on Hello Baby?” Ki Bum questioned.  “He did well!”

            “I can’t marry you!  We can’t live with you!  You’re Jong Hyun from Shinee for crying out loud!” Saena snapped.  “I did my research.  You guys are the hottest band in Korea right now!  Your management company, your fans, your family for all I know, no one would stand for this!”

            “My family wants me to be happy and who says any of my fans or even my management company has to know about this?” Jong Hyun shot back, stepping away from Onew.  Jong Hyun caught her eyes and burned his into hers.  He smirked when she looked away first.  “Now,” he carried on calmly.  “The most important part.  Lie to me and tell me you don’t love me.”

            “We barely know each other,” she replied, her voice tight.

            “You’ve heard of love at first sight.”

            “That doesn’t exist.”

            Jong Hyun laughed softly.  “Doesn’t it?  Lie to me and tell me you feel nothing for me then.”

            Saena sighed heavily.  She couldn’t.  He was right.  It would be a lie if she said that to him.

            “Jung Min, is it?” Min Ho said turning to the little girl still in her mother’s arms.  “Come to Min Ho oppa so your mom can give Jong Hyun oppa a giant hug.”  He held his hands out to the little girl and she gladly launched into his arms.  He propped her onto his hip and stepped back.

            “Hey, hyung,” Ki Bum laughed.  “Hello Baby did some good for you, too.”

            “Ha, ha,” Min Ho replied with a roll of his eyes.

            Jong Hyun, ignoring his friends, focused only on Saena.  Using his eyes to plead with her to accept his proposal, to accept him.  Absentmindedly, his hands clasped together in a gesture of prayer.  He’d get on his knees if he had to.

            But he didn’t.  Saena read the genuineness in his eyes.  And truth be told, she did love him.  Love at first sight.  She wanted to marry him.  She wanted a better life away from anything that had to do with Moon.  She wanted to work and be a mom and a wife.  She wanted this.  She wanted him.

            Saena threw herself into Jong Hyun’s arms, kissing him passionately.  It felt just as she imagined it would.  Perfect.  Like the whole world slowed to a less hectic pace.  He felt as though he'd known her forever.  When he kissed her, it was as though he'd found what he didn't even know he was looking for.

            “I knew my mommy thought Jong Hyun oppa was cute,” Jung Min told Min Ho, her little girl voice set in a matter-of-fact tone.  He fought the smile threatening to spread on his face and he nodded seriously at the child.

            “You were right,” he agreed.

            Saena, cheeks flushed pink, pulled away from Jong Hyun.

            “Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?  Marriage is supposed to be forever and I’m sure there are things about me that you’ll hate,” she confessed, suddenly very nervous at the reality of it all.

            Jong Hyun shrugged.  “There will be things you hate about me, too,” he agreed.

            “Jung Min can be a handful,” she added.  Jong Hyun looked over at Jung Min still in Min Ho’s arms.  She was pouting at her mother’s words.  Jong Hyun stepped over to her and high fived her.

            “I think she’s great,” he replied.

            Saena sighed lightly.  “She is.”

            “So what’s wrong?  I get to marry the girl I love and I have an instant family.  Where’s the problem?”

            She felt her heart pick up speed at hearing his words.

            “No problem.  This is insane, but there’s no problem,” she laughed.

            Jong Hyun shrugged, pulling her back into his arms.  “Love is kind of insane.”

            Especially love at first sight.


For: Lee Saena

By: ZoE aka ret097

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new reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dannyskye #3
It is pretty sad to know we've waited forever for a one-shot that will never come...
...Its kinda depressing to wait for a oneshot that never comes.
Annyeong! Advance Happy New Year my dear author, minminXP. Sorry for the late comment, no internet connection yesterday but thank you so much for the oneshot. It was really good, I traveled to the real emotions of Onew, I can feel his feelings on how you wrote the fic, so I was really happy. That's how I want the characters to act and you followed my plot, how the segments of the story took place. At first, in the first part of the story, I was really laughing, the story moods moved me and when it's a sad part, I'm unhappy too, it's like the oneshot was playing my emotions, up and down. However the ending made me go stare at nothingness, I really thought she will end up with Onew but... *cries*. I was upset that I have to read the story again. Geez, I'm easily moved. It was really worth-reading, thank you again my dear author. C-can I request again??? Pretty pretty please?
Kya!!!! Thank you soooo much! I'll read this as soon as I reach my house! Thank you again! My comment will be posted in due time! have a nice day!
dannyskye #8
Everytime I come on here I cry when there's an update and it's not my oneshot. OTL
orz THIS. IS. PERFECT. ♥ /sobbing in joy<br />
I don't even know how to thank you. I loved Taewoon's badass personality and omg, ZICO!! ♥ ;^;<br />
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No, but seriously. THANK YOU. I wish I could write a longer comment to thank you properly but I'm just speechless. ♥
Precious-Jessie #10
OMG I love it!!! Thank you so much! ^___________^]<br />
This made my day. :DDD