A Rude Awakening

When Summer Comes



Chapter 3






Taeyeon had tried to zero in on Jessica’s strange speech impediment. She really did. But she became occupied with something even more imperative and bothersome. She was leaving the hospital in less than five days.

Five days, she thinks with a grimace. She heard the news while getting her check-up from the head nurse. “You’re perfectly fine.” The head nurse says with an exaggerated smile.

I won’t be if you let me go. I can’t go.

She cleared , trying to keep her voice from wavering.

“What about my mother?”


“She hasn’t paid the bills.” She knew her mother too well. If there was one thing she hated more than the sight of her own daughter, it was paying a debt with cash.

“Oh.” The nurse patted Taeyeon’s lap. “It’s taken care of.” She says with a smile.

My mother actually paid for it? My mother? Taeyeon thought with disbelief. Her eyes widened and hung open.
“You’re well off with a mother like that.” The nurse says with a wink. Taeyeon tried not to scoff or make any sound of disgust at the woman’s remark. The hell I am.

“Are you sure it was my mother?”

“Yes…” Taeyeon heard the hesitation and her eyes narrowed. “Well, actually, I can’t say for sure. I just read over your papers and your bill had been paid off.”

“So you don’t know for sure if it was my mother.” Taeyeon knew she should’ve been relieved that her debt was gone and left it at that. But she wanted to make sure her mother had nothing to do with it. The last thing she wanted was to say any thanks or feel any gratitude towards the hell-bent harpy that gave birth to her.

“No.” The nurse sighed. “But it’s paid off and that’s all that matters. Shouldn’t you be happy about leaving? I mean most people dread being cooped up in the hospital for days. You’ve been here for weeks.”

“I like it here.”

“Huh.” The nurse found that hard to believe after hearing numerous times from her peers that the tiny girl had pushed them to the verge of wanting to run out of the building screaming.

The head nurse was scanning through her patient’s papers when something caught her attention. How could she have missed it?

“Taeyeon, do you know how you got here?”

Taeyeon frowned. The last thing she remembered was lying on gravel with a bruised lip under the hot sun. It was unusually hot for a March morning. She also remembered screaming obscenities before being thrown like a ragged doll and falling flat on her back. The impact had knocked the wind out of her. She was heaving and coughing, grabbing a fist full of rocks and dirt only to release it after a moment when she felt a wave of intense pain shoot from her left calf to her waist. She parted her lips and tried to cry out in pain, for help, but no sound escaped. was dry, and her tongue felt like sandpaper. She hadn’t had a sip of anything or eaten in the past four days. She kept coughing and grabbing gravel as hot tears pour down her face. She tried to at the tears to no avail, feeling like an idiot. Then she felt herself running out of energy, her body was shutting down and soon she out.

Taeyeon returned her attention to the nurse. “Did you ever find it funny that my mother never came to visit me?”

The nurse blinked and stuttered, “Umm, well I-I don’t know, but what–”

“Well, she never did. The woman you said I was well off with.” Taeyeon smiled, yet the smile held no warmth. “It’s alright; I won’t hold it against you. You didn’t – and still don’t – know my mother. But it’s not really about you getting to know my mother that I’m getting at.”

The nurse nodded and felt stupid the moment she did. She was wasting time with this girl. She looked at the clock that hung against the wall behind Taeyeon. Ten minutes into her lunch break. Damn. “Taeyeon can we finish this later? I’ll send someone down to help you pack.”

“I’m not leaving yet. I’ve got five days.”

“Less than five days.” She made sure she put emphasis on ‘less’. The head nurse stood and headed for the door.

“Do you think I deserve it?” Taeyeon whispered. That stopped the woman in her tracks.

The nurse turned to face a girl whose eyes were b with tears. A different girl from the one who’d tested her with
indignant fervor.  She softened staring at the unguarded, weak side of her patient.

“Do I think you deserve what?”

Taeyeon looked up, the tears pouring slowly. She hastily brushed away the stray tears.  “Nothing.”

The nurse sighs heavily and grabs for the door handle. She slides the door open, and before walking away, she says, “Taeyeon, whatever it is, you’ll get through it.” I hope, she mentally added. “Five days.”

Then the door slams shut. The nurse had forgotten what she’d read in Taeyeon’s papers and her unanswered question.


“Shell pink,” Jessica holds up a clear glass bottle of nail polish and points at three similar bottles with different hues that are placed against the lamp desk. “Sky blue, dandy yellow, or teal?”

“Umm, shell pink.” Taeyeon touches the bottle in Jessica’s hold.

“Cute, it’s the same shade of your cheeks when you blush.” Jessica says with a laugh.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Why are we doing this again?” Taeyeon holds out her hands and spreads her fingers, pressing them against her mattress. Jessica sat on her wheelchair from the side of Taeyeon’s bed.

“You wanted it.” Jessica says with a pout. She removes the cap of the bottle and grabs for one of Taeyeon’s hands, placing it against the palm of her own.

“No, I said your nails were pretty and then you started begging me to let you do my nails or else you’d scream bloody murder.” Taeyeon sneered. “Don’t you think you’re a bit overdramatic?” She pokes Jessica on the forehead, causing her head to tip back.

“Ah! Don’t!” Jessica whined. Jessica glared at Taeyeon. Taeyeon shrugged it off with a grin.

“Hurry up and do me.” Taeyeon almost bit her tongue the moment she said those words. She looked at Jessica with an alarmed expression, hoping she didn’t catch on to her misleading words.

Jessica seemed to be absorbed and focused in coating Taeyeon’s nails. Watching Jessica paint her nails in repose, with loose strands of fair hair, thick lashes shielding those warm chocolate eyes and rose petal lips slightly parted had Taeyeon feeling grateful for sitting down. She’d gone weak at the knees and averted her gaze towards the ceiling. She began to wonder how Jessica’s lips would feel on her own. Slow and teasing while every now and then she’d catch Jessica’s lower, plump lip between her teeth and nibbles. Not enough, not enough. She wanted something hungry and rough while her tongue delved between her lips, let herself go wild yet crave for more while drinking Jessica in. She began to imagine promiscuous acts between herself and Jessica, wanting them to be real.

Jessica began to blow gently against the coated nails. It took a great amount for Taeyeon to hold herself back from grabbing the girl by the shoulders with one hand and pressing the palm of the other against Jessica’s mouth to stop the heated torment she was sending to her–

No, don’t. Taeyeon held herself back from hissing over her imaginations and tried to grip onto reality.

Breathe, Taeyeon, Breathe.

“Am I that pretty?” Jessica says in a hushed voice. She’s watching me. Taeyeon could feel the heavy stare, hugging her unease tightly. Taeyeon shivered and was conflicted in whether or not she should pull her hand away and call it a day or let
Jessica keep sending chills up her spine and mess with her hormones.

Jessica stopped blowing against her nails. Now she linked their fingers, filling the curved dents between their fingers and slowly them. Jessica seemed fascinated and a sly smile spread across her face, but Taeyeon didn’t seem to notice as she tried to keep her eyes open on the ceiling, gripping tightly to reality with the last thin strands of her sanity. Jessica placed her free hand against Taeyeon’s thigh and occupied it by smoothing it over the soft, silky flesh.

Taeyeon decided to let the hormones have their fun while her cheeks turned rouge.

“I won’t do anything. I promise.” Jessica whispers, her voice becoming husky as lust coated her gaze. “I just… let me.” She gulped. She was lying, and Taeyeon knew it. She was even hoping for what was to come.

Hurry Jessie, come on. Touch me, go higher. Taeyeon moaned as Jessica began to trail her thigh with her lips, soft kisses causing Taeyeon's breath to shake. "No! Don’t, I can’t. We can’t." Taeyeon gasps as she pushes Jessica back. Jessica doesn't falter though and continues with her hands. Taeyeon's thoughts were conflicted with one another, fighting over the reasonable and the growing lust that was winning.

Taeyeon tried to find reasonable ways to push Jessica away yet her mind was becoming blanker by the touch as Jessica slowly grazed higher against her fair thighs.

“Jessie…” Taeyeon whimpered. Her head tipped to the side, her lids were shut tight and her lips began to part. Taeyeon think! Please! She began to panic and crave. Panic, crave, panic, crave. The pattern began to beat insanely throughout her body.

What if – too close, Jess – someone came in and –

Jessica slid a finger under the thin strap of Taeyeon’s undergarment.

Christ, Jessica! What if someone came in and saw us? That single thought was the missing puzzle to her sanity. The one thing that gave her enough will power to grab onto Jessica’s hand that tugged against her – the same shade of the polish – and yank it away.

“Don’t.” Taeyeon begged. Her voice was hoarse.

“Why not?” Jessica tried to return to her previous act but Taeyeon held onto her hands with a firm hold. Jessica scowled and pulled her hands away. Taeyeon knew she was pissed, and although she was hurt by Jessica’s move, she couldn’t risk the embarrassment of someone walking in and catching them in the act.

She pulls her legs back and puts them in a crisscross position. She looked at the entrance to their room, the anxiety still hanging over her. Jessica followed her gaze and frowned. She nodded, understanding Taeyeon’s retreat.

Jessica looks back at Taeyeon with a blank expression. “Fine. We’re moving too fast anyways. And we’re in the hospital so…”

Jessica trailed off; she wasn’t looking at Taeyeon anymore. She was upset but she was no longer trying.

Jessica began toying with her hair as Taeyeon looked around the room, trying to find anything to look at but Jessica.

“Hey,” Jessica starts. “Before we do anything, we have to get to know each other. You know?”

Taeyeon nods. “I don’t think us – you know – will be avoided. Unless you don’t want to – I do, Jessie, but –” Taeyeon felt the back of her neck become slightly trailed with perspiration. She sighs heavily, waiting for Jessica to pick up where she left off.

Jessica runs a hand through her hair and sighs as well. “Yeah, yeah. Okay, Taeyeon. At least this isn't unrequited. And I’ve been wondering why and how you ended up here.”

“I’m not ready.”

“Neither am I.” They look at each other with pained mirrored expressions filled with hurt and hidden secrets they’d rather lock away from one another.

“Pathetic?” Taeyeon asks.

Jessica laughs. “Yeah, you’re pretty pathetic.”

Taeyeon tries to kick the girl but fails as her leg gets stuck from being tucked under the other. “You didn’t have to agree, you know.” She overdramatizes her disdain by scrunching her nose and pouting.

“Still pathetic.” Jessica adds while sticking out her tongue.

“Like I said–”

“Oh, whatever.” Jessica rolls her eyes and grabs the wheels of her chair. “I’m tired.”

A knock at the door grabs their attention. A woman pokes her head out and says, “You should rest, ladies.”

“Please help me.” Jessica requests with a warm smile. The woman gladly obliges and helps Jessica from her wheelchair into her bed. Taeyeon was already turning away and tucking herself into bed.

As the woman leaves and the door clicks shut, Jessica calls out for Taeyeon.

“Yeah?” Taeyeon closes her eyes.

“When’s your birthday?” Jessica asks with a yawn. Taeyeon hears the ruffle of the sheets as she turns to her side to find Jessica looking at her from across the room.

Jessica looked stunning as the golden trickles of light from the lamp danced on her skin. Taeyeon thought of how Jessica saw her and if she was just as beautiful to Jessica with the blue rays of the moon resting on her own skin.

She smiles humorlessly and whispers, “About three weeks ago.” 
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sicachulover #1
Chapter 3: Is Taeyeon like a laboratory experiment or something O.o
sicachulover #2
Chapter 2: omg yeah. I wondered why Jessica stuttered then suddenly didn't? I'm really intrigued by this! update when you can!
sicachulover #3
Chapter 1: ngawwww TaengSic moments in the first chapter was adorable. I can't wait to see more~
taengsica #4
Chapter 1: tell me this is taengsic story?