Chapter 3

Thank you

your walking to the bakery to meet Hoya as you agreed. When you walk into the bakery you notice Hoya sitting in the farthest table from the front. As you get closer to the table you notice a plate of strawberry shortcake in front of your seat. He remembered, you thought to yourself. You sit down and start to gobble the strawberry shortcake down because you haven't eaten all day.

" so.... Where are we going", you ask. " You'll see," he says smiling .

" follow me," he says getting up from seat. You get up from your seat and fallow him outside.

as you are walking neither of you talk. Why isn't he talking , you think to yourself.


        10 min latter

"so........when are we going to get there", you say softly. " almost there" he says without even looking down at you. He then glances over at you and says," you know the whole time I've been here with you these past couple days, you haven't even smiled once". " do you not like me", he says . " that's not it," you say. He then looks up at the sky and smiles," it's ok, I'll make you smile", he says. " that's my goal", he says with determination.



" can you close your eyes first before I show you," he asks. 

"Yeah", you answer

"close your eyes" he says

"open", he says

"wow, it's amazing ," you say

its a mural of the beach.

" I wish I could paint like you" you say interested 

" i can teach you," he says.

he must really like painting, you think to yourself. " sure," you say

Both you and Hoya sand there and observe the mural form a couple more min. He taps you on the shoulder and asks " do you want to go grab some food before I take you home". " sure," you say. " this time I'm going to show you my favorite burger place", he says happily.


" This is the place ," he says while pointing at a sighn that says " the Big Burger".

you both walk in and sit a the first open booth you see. You both end up getting the bacon burger. While you wait for your food you both talk about randomness , such as what your favorite colores and what you do for fun. Turns out Hoyas favorite color is purple and yours is green. Hoya also likes to paint and dance for fun and you like to write stories.

the waitress brings over your food and both of you start eating. " is it good ," Hoya asks. " yeah, it's great" you answer. 

" there's some ketchup on your face " Hoya says. You wipe the left side of you cheek but its on the right side. Hoya notices and being a gentalmen , he gets a napkin and wips your right cheek. " there, all gone," he says. That really surprised you.

as soon as you both finished you leave outside. 

" I'll walk you home," Hoya says 

" it's ok, I don't live to far from here" , you say.

" I won't take no for an answer, I'm taking you home," he says firmly


you both stand in front of your house.

 Hoya reaches for your hand and puts something on you rist. " here, it's a friendship bracelet ," he says. He lifts up his arm and says " look I have one to, so don't lose it" 

" remember , look forward to the future being friends with me, I'll make you smile" he says

" one last thing,  goodnight," he says softly while he starts to leave.


onece you see him disappear in the darkness, you run to your room. You sit down on your bed and observe the bracelet Hoya gave to you and notice a little tag on it with a phone number on it and it says " don't be afraid to call, my friend". "No one has ever given me anything," you say to yourself. 

 I'll never lose it Hoya





Hope it's ok :)

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Chapter 8: aww :(( will be waiting for the sequel!