I'll Miss You

Love of Art - How the Day Met the Night Sequel/Side Story

A few days after their first real date, Henry and Bee went to that café that Henry loved so much, the one Kyuhyun's family owned. They were eating together, sharing a chocolate bun when the voice of a nice and wonderful friend appeared behind them :


-So how was your date?

-Hi Kyuhyun...


Henry turned around, faking a smile. He had hope he would be alone with his Bee. Kyuhyun was wearing the uniform of the café, meaning he was working that day, and was holding two cups of coffee.


-You're not glad to see me?

-I'm glad to see the coffee. Unless this is just a tease...

-I don't know, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. How was your date?

-It was the best one ever, said Bee, smiling widely.


Henry's smile became real, hugging Bee, extremely happy by her answer. Kyuhyun didn't seem to be satisfied by this simple answer, so he pushed a little more.


-What happened during this date to be so great?


He sat in front of them, still holding the two coffee cups, smiling widely as Henry tried to reach one. Suh a tease.


-We went for a movie, then grabbed something to eat.

-Only that?

-Being with Bee is enough to make everything awesome.

-Aww, thank you Momo! I love you.


She hugged his arm, making him blush lightly, smiling.


-You guys, groaned Kyuhyun, shaking his head. I wouldn't even be surprised to learn you didn't even sleep together yet.


The evil smile grew on the maknae's face as he saw the young couple blush insanely. He nodded and gave them the cups of coffee, standing up.


-I'll leave you two alone. I have a call to make.


Before Henry could say anything, Kyuhyun walked away, taking out his cellphone. The musician groaned and pouted. His bad mood was oon erased as Bee his her face in his neck, trying to hide her blushing face. He smiled. Okay, maybe Kyuhyun got them, but still, he got a free coffee and a extremely cute and shy Bee against him. He wouldn't complain.


-That Kyuhyun, she groaned.

-I know...

-Does he know you're leaving for two months, she asked, her voice a little sad.


Henry smiled sadly and hugged her.


-Not yet, I still have to call Zhou Mi today. I really wanted to spend the day with you, so...I'm going to miss you, a lot.

-Me too, more than you will.

-Not true, I'll miss you the most!

-No way! The size of the universe doesn't even compare with how much I will miss you!


They fight about it a little more, the smile growing on their faces. Henry was leaving for two months for his job, his popularity getting bigger and bigger, making him do bigger tours. Since Bee had to work, she wouldn't be able to see him during his tour, not until the last concert in town. They already knew they would miss each other, and though Henry didn't have a choice, since he had wanted this for years, he still couldn't believe that Bee wasn't complaining at all. She wanted to see him succeed, and most of all, not to stop himself from doing something just because she would miss his mochi face and his adorableness.


-You'll have to call me everyday, she said.

-I will.

-And you can't hug anyone else than me.

-I won't.

-And you'll have to think of me all the time.

-I don't even need you to ask it, I'm already always thinking of you.


She blushed insanely, hiding in his arms, happy that he was there for her. He kissed her forehead gently then searched for her lips. They were about to kiss, their lips only millimeters away when :


-Your coffee will get cold.

-KYUHYUN, they both screamed, throwing and empty cup at him as he was running away, laughing.


Henry left three days later, his bag on his back, his case in his hand, kissing Bee goodbye, shaking hands with Zhou Mi and kicking an overly teasing Kyuhyun away at the airport. Bee watched him walking away, turning around a few times to send her kisses, and waited until he was out of sight to leave with the two others, already missing him. Her cellphone rang an happy song, one that Henry had composed and sang in his CD that she had put as her ringtone, since it was happy, and checked her messages.


''I already miss you, my little bee 3''

''I miss you too 3. I want a hug now, can't you send me one?''


She was in the taxi, in front while the two others were in the back, trying their best not to tromatise their driver with their couple stuff. She received a picture of her Momo hugging his backpack in the airplane before it it would go off the ground, pouting.


''Not as nice as having you with me TT^TT''


She smiled. Maybe two months was a long time, but at least she knew she wouldn't be completely cut off. He was so adorable, so much she put the picture as her new wallpaper on her cellphone. She took a picture of herself, pouting with her bag in her arms, feeling the eyes of Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun behind her. She send the picture to Henry, smiling softly.


''There, now we hug in distance! Have a nice flight, and don't forget to think about me! I'll be thinking about you with my new pet squirrel (Just kidding, you are my only squirrel <3). I love you Momo <3.''


-What are you writing to him, asked Zhou Mi, laying his head on the shoulder side of Bee's seat.

-Messages. This is private matter between me and Momo.

-You two are cute. I'm sure he's going to send you messages at least everyday.

-You think?

-I'm sure of it.

-You two are too fluffy, replied Kyuhyun, smirking.

-I'll miss him, said Bee, looking at her wallpaper. I already miss him.

-It only been half an hour, said Kyuhyun.

-How wonder how long you would Kui Xian. I leave the bed two minutes and you complain.


Kyuhyun groaned while Bee and Zhou Mi laughed. The driver was smiling, seemed like the fact he was giving a ride to a gay couple wasn't bothering him at all. He dropped them in front of Zhou Mi's appartement where they gathered to talk some more before Bee would go back home. Kyuhyun was going to move in a few days later and Bee was supposed to help him move his stuff.


Everynight, without exception, Henry would text Bee and send a picture. They would talk for hours before going to sleep, sometimes talking until three in the morning. Lots of pictures exchanged, a lot of love messages, mostly Henry being Henry and telling his little Bee, like he liked to call her now, how much he missed her and how everything would be less exhausting if she was there. The result would be a squealing Bee rolling in her bed. A lot of ''I love you'' and ''I miss you'' were exchanged everyday, and the two months seemed to go quickly, though it still felt like an eternity for those two love birds.


The last concert, Bee, Zhou and Kyuhyun had tickets, given by they awesome friend. They even had access to the backstage, kind of normal since they were his friends, and girlfriend for the case of Bee, and had the best seats available. Bee couldn't contain herself, she had been waiting for this ever since Henry got into that airplane, and even had prepared herself a few days in advance to be sure she wouldn't have anything to do that night. No projects to correct, no surprise things to do, nothing. Tonight was the night she would hug Henry to death to show him how much she missed him.


First thing he says, at the beginning of the show?


The show was dedicated to his little bee.


Zhou Mi had to grab her so she wouldn't fall down her chair. The show was amazing, of course, and Bee rushed in the backstage the second the show was done. She jumped on his back the second she saw him, making both of them smile. The staff got a little scared, thinking it was an overexcited fangirl, but didn't say anything, since Henry turned around and kissed her.


-Aren't Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi with you?

-Yes, they are somewhere behind. I missed you, Momo.

-I missed you too. A lot. A bag isn't as nice to hold than you. Or a plushie. Or whatever.


They went back home together, and spent the night together.





I'm having too much fun with the fluff XDD

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Ju-Bee #1
Chapter 8: *dies*

THIS-IS-... wait... this need more than that...





I passed the state of more-than-dead a long ago...

Chapter 8: Myaaaaah :3 SO FAWKING CUTE *.*
Ju-Bee #3
Chapter 4: *re-read it before going to sleep*

Oh-em-gee, sweet Shisus... I am still fangirling and ChiBee's still running inside my head, even thought it's the third time I am reading it... I just can't get enough of his fluffly/cuteness. It's too much for me.

This is were I die, overly happy.
xD lmfao. I love you Val. You're way too cute <3
Ju-Bee #5
Chapter 2: I'm not clueless only in the fic, Val... I REALLY am when it comes to that, even more if it concerns me. So... Yeah. That's about it.

Sweet Shisus, my heart is beating a little faster 'CAUSE THIS AWESOMELY CUTE ! Like, seriously. If I were myself, I hug him, tell him he's cute, wait for to be red and then jump on him and kiss him. Or just the last, if I don't have the patience to do it all.

HE IS SO CUTE *_______*

I'm looooooove (with someone that doesn't know that I exist IRL... and that isn't even real. ..)

Meeeeeeeeuh. Me want more.

Mighty Bee is happy AND CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO UPDATE *___*____*____*_____*_______*_*______*_*__*

Ju-Bee #6
Chapter 1: I just died. Few times.

And this me talks just as much as me on my best days xD

And I love him.

And I love you.

And I want you to update.


How can he bee so perfect ?

How can he bee so... soo.. Him.


I'd marry him. (I did, actually)

But, I'd do it again.

And did I say that I love you ?

And that I want you to update ? I did ?

Oh, well...

UPDAAAATE *_______________*