Characters/ The Search

Gaea's Locket
Yes~! I was able to update~!! ^^ Sadly tho, I got a lot of work starting this weekend so I don't know if I will be posting often. My goal is to post one chapter every week :P Let's see if i can complete that ^^ Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Here are the characters I've chosen, but note that you'll be appear at different times.

For the first chapter I only have 3 characters making an appearance and that just the boys. The girls will start appearing in the next one :D Sorry, but this is chapters gonna be a little short....

Keito- the main character. He's an archeologist very interested in Greek history. His partner manages to help him find the locket most archaeologist yearned for.

Daiki- Keito's partner. They always do searches together. He's the one who uncovers the locket and brings it back to Japan. While Keito does research on it, his curiosity overcomes him and he opens it, releasing what was in it.

Kei- He's Kaori's best friend. The two grew up together so its understandable that they're inseparable. When she ends up in a crazy dilemma, Kei does his best to help her through it. He works as an architect and does part time at an animal shelter with Kaori.

Yuto- This computer engineer loves what he does. Just being around technology puts him in a good mood. He becomes even happier when he gains Zeus' power of Thunder. Using it, he tries to better technology and power more.

Kota- This adventurous guy enjoys exploring the world and having fun. He works as an environmentalist, trying to find the best ways to care for the Earth, so he enjoys traveling alot, seeing different parts of the Earth. He obtains Demeter's power of Earth.

Ryosuke-This swimming instructor catches the hearts of so many girls. He's a playboy, always flirting with girls and going from one girl to the next. Commitment isn't something he's used to. He works part time as a beach life guard. He obtains Poseidon's power of water.

Yuya- brother of Yui. He's a wonderful, brotherly figure but can also be daring and impulsive. He really sweet and can be childish at times, but he's a strong protective person. He likes trying new things.

Hikaru- A close friend of Keito and Daiki. He's the one to make sure these two don't get so caught up in work. He intends to make them have a break and go out for some fun.

Yuri- the boss of Yui. He owns the restaurant she works at. His restaurant is famous and well known so he's quite rich.

Ryutaro- Kota's younger brother. He's still in college, trying to major in Management. He enjoys working with the media and using the media he hopes to help his brother with helping better the Earth.

Yuki- a crazy energetic girl, she always keeps the fun going. She's a very cutesy kind of girl who loves to be funny, but she is also very competitive. She is a bit daring and tends to be very talkative when in comes to an interesting subject. She works as a History Professor, specializing in Greek history.

Kaori- A girl who's always there for you, Kaori is a spunky sarcastic girl always looking for some fun. She hates being underestimated and quite an energetic person. She's a loyal friend til the end. SHe works at an animation studio as one of the artist. She also works part time at an animal shelter with Kei.

Rena- She loves playing with boy's hearts because of a little problem a few yrs back. She's usually bubbly and is smart. She also tends to be brutally honest. She likes to daydream alot. She works as a Model Intern.

Shirika- She's a loyal friend and a sociable person. She's usually laid-back and adaptable depending on the situation and is interested in serving humanity. A voice actress at the same studio Kaori works at. These two often work together so they're good friends.

Mai- A usually forgetful clumsy person, but that doesn't stop her. She will still continue doing her best, especially if its for friends and loved one. She often hangs out with her best friend Satomi. She works part time as a kindergarten teacher.

Rini- She is Kaori's younger sister. She tends to be very quiet and introverted but she loves playing sports. When she isn't doing that, normally she has her head in the book. She's very shy with people she doesn't know. She's also kinda oblivious and indecisive. She is still a college student, but works part time with Kaori at the animal shelter. She helps train the animals.

Yui- She has a strong front so people tend to think she's a snob or thinks highly of herself. But really she is very caring person, despite her sharp tongue. She's afraid of commitment, falling in love, and rejection so she's careful with her feelings. She works as a Pastry Chef at Yuri's Restaurant.

Satomi- Fine young lady, Modest and with Manner although she can be a bit boyish. She's kind, friendly, protective over her friends and can sometimes be immature. When needed, she takes things very seriously. She often hangs out with her best friend Mai. She works as a Psychologist.

Chiharu- At first she's mysterious and blunt and rarely smiles. But once you get to know her, she's a hyper, bubbly girl. She's a little gullible but she knows how to stand up for herself. She's careful with decisions and is sometimes hard-headed. She works as a Designer.

@Minna: Thanks for everyone who applied and sorry for those who weren't chosen. I really apologize! It was so hard to pick some of these OCs. And also thanks for wishing me good luck on all this! Thanks for all the support!!! <3

@Boo!, Satomi-chan: I'm a HUGE greek mythology fan too! xD Haha I was such a nerd about it a few years ago and I started getting back into it again :P

@Dani: Your character really freaked me out cuz I have some of those traits!!! xD Hahaha I'M LEFT-HANDED TOO!!!! And I love to eat :P I also have eczema too...

@a_K_K_H_N: Really?! A play?! That's soooo cool! xD How did it turn out?! Sounds like a lot of fun!! ^^

@Sheriki: My favorite goddess is Artemis ^^ Pan is cool too! xD Sadly though, I don't see much books about him :/

@SeriStrawberry13: Athena's awesome! xD Another one of my favorite gods!

@Rena: About Tegoshi being your half brother, I'd perfer not too have so many characters than I already do :P So if you want one of the other members as your brother, I can do that ^^

Alright, now what you've all been waiting for :P


“Keep searching in this area.” the lead archeologist said as his workers nodded. He went off to search in different areas as he soon heard, “Keito! How's it going over here?” He sighed, “No luck, Daiki. What about in your area?”
“Sorry... we couldn't find anything.” he responded. “But that's kinda expected. It's a little locket this area is huge.” Daiki said. Keito sighed, “Good point.” He then told everyone, “Alright, we're gonna take a lunch break.” The workers sighed in relief and stopped working.

“Thank God you two.” they heard as they sat down for lunch. One of the workers took a seat with them. “You've got to lighten up! You're both working us too hard!” Keito laughed, “You know how we work, Hikaru. We take our jobs really seriously. And at least we pay the workers a good amount.”
“Which is why I stick around... no matter how much you work me, that pay is worth it.” he smiled. He chuckled, “Yea, but come on. I'm your best friend. Don't overwork me!”
“You wanted the job! So work hard if you want the pay!” Daiki told him as they all laughed.
“So... anything new on this locket?” Hikaru questioned. “What's so great about it anyways?”
“Thats the mystery of it.” Keito said really excited. “A locket... so rare and unknown. A hidden content within it. Aren't you just dying to know more about it?!”
“Not really... I'm not that interested in artifacts and greek myths.” he replied as Daiki then said, “But you're into mystery. Wouldn't you be curious to know what is inside it? This locket has been what most archeologist have been dreaming of finding! They want to find out the mystery of the locket! What the locket holds within it.”
“I guess that does sounds really fun.” Hikaru stated. Soon they finished and Daiki stood up, “We should all get back to work in haof an hour... I'm gonna explore around a bit in the meantime.”
“Alright. I'll keep an eye on the workers.” Keito stated as Hikaru said, “I'll go with you, Daiki.”

“So where are we going?” Hikaru said looking around.
“I dunno. I just wanna take a look around.” Daiki answered as he walked in random direction.
“We aren't on our site anymore... maybe we should head back...” he said as Daiki told him, “Come on~! It doesn't hurt to look around. We'll be back in time to start working again—Whoa!” He fell over as Hikaru said, “Hey, careful...”
“Ow...” Daiki groaned. “What did I trip on?”
“This...” Hikaru kneeled next to a weird pointy rock. “Weird... have you ever seen a rock like this?” Daiki sat up and looked at it and shook his head. He and Hikaru began dusting the dirt off it as Daiki took notice of something.
“Hey, check that out.” he pointed. There was some things engraved on the rock. But he couldn't read it. He told Hikaru, “You got your digging tools with you?” Hikaru nodded as they began slwoly pulling the rock out. But what surprised them was that the rock wasn't a rock. It was some kind of stone box. It has the most unique and beautiful engravings on it.
“What is it?” Hikaru questioned.
“Not too sure.” Daiki said observing it. “I've never seen anything like this.” He tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.
“It's stuck. It won't open.” he sighed. He looked at the engravings as he saw both images and words. Earth and in the sky 12 people.
“The Gods...” Daiki said observing it. He read the words, “Beware the powers of Gaea's locket... Gaea's locket!” He cheered happily as he said, “Hikaru! Do you have a pocket knife on you?! I've gotta pick the lock on this box!”
“Here.” he handed it to him. Daiki slowly and carefully put the knife between the top and bottom aparts of the box and as he moved the knife up, the box popped open. They two peeked into the box as they went wide eyed.
“Get Keito now! We've found the locket!!!” Daiki cheered excitedly as Hikaru ran off to find Keito.

Well hope you all like this intro ^^
I'm already working on Ch. 2 so hopefully I can post that before Saturday :)

Always with Love,
Nikki <3

© NikkiKaori Storyline

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