No more 'What ifs'.... (TaeNy)

What if...

The first part of the last chapter!!!! Thank you for all your support. :D All of the comments and support motivated me to keep going and thank you for sticking with me despite my indecisiveness. :(....But all in all....thank you!!! 



Taeyeon anxiously waited by the bed side as she looked at Joon examining Tiffany. Jiyeon was hugging Taeyeon to keep her nerves under control. Joon sighed and fixed the blanket over Tiffany.

"How is she? Does she need to go to the hospital?" Taeyeon asked the moment Joon stood up and looked at her. 

Joon didn't answer and just kept quiet. Taeyeon hated silence...she hates it.

"Answer me!" Taeyeon yelled, causing Jiyeon to pat her back. 

"Babe. How's Tiffany?" Jiyeon looked at Joon with a 'don't mess around' look. Joon smiled and crossed his arms. 

"Ms. Hwang is fine."

Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief and took a seat right next to Tiffany. "Don't do that again." Taeyeon reprimanded which caused Joon to give her an apologetic smile. "Then why did she faint?" Taeyeon asked as she fixed Tiffany's hair.

"Seems like she's really stressed. And seems to be really weak due to malnutrition and dehydration. She needs to rest."

Taeyeon looked up at Joon. "Thank you Joon." She smiled at Joon. "I"m sorry for my actions earlier...I was just too-too scared." Taeyeon whispered the last word and looked back to Tiffany. Tiffany was breathing softly but her face was pale. Taeyeon felt so bad and...guilty.

"It's okay. I see the same reactions everyday at the hospital. Being a doctor, I can understand. Besides, I would react the same way if anything happened to Jiyeon." Joon said with a smile and hugged Jiyeon around her waist. 

Jiyeon smiled but knew that it was time to leave Taeyeon and Tiffany alone. "Me and Joon will leave now Taeyeon. Just let us know if you need anything ok?" Jiyeon gave Taeyeon a reassuring hug, to which Taeyeon gladly returned. 

"I will. Thanks for everything."

After Joon and Jiyeon left, Taeyeon sighed and frowned. She intertwined her hands with Tiffany and laid beside Tiffany. She kissed Tiffany's forehead. "You pabo. Why did you do this to yourself?" Taeyeon brought Tiffany's hand to her cheeks and closed her eyes. "Don't leave me." 

"Tae-tae." Taeyeon turned her head toward Tiffany. "Tae-tae." Tiffany whispered. She was still asleep.

"Tiffany." Taeyeon whispered and cupped Tiffany's cheeks. "I'm right here Fany."

As if on cue, Tiffany began to cry. "Tae-tae. Don't...please."

Taeyeon didn't know what to do so she hugged Tiffany, hoping that it will calm her lover down. "I'm right here Tiffany. Please don't cry anymore." 

"Tae-tae." Tiffany whispered her lover's name again and unconsciously hugged Taeyeon tightly. "Taeyeon. I'm sorry." Tiffany was still asleep but seemed to be having a bad dream.

Taeyeon nodded her head and tightened her hold on Tiffany. "Shh...just sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

After a few more minutes, Tiffany's cries subdued and she was finally sleeping. Taeyeon, upon knowing that Tiffany was asleep, soon fell asleep too.


"JESSICA!" Sooyoung screamed and ran after Jessica. "JESSICA!!!!"

Jessica ignored Sooyoung and was waist deep in the ocean already until she was held back by Sooyoung. 

"Let go of me!" Jessica screamed and struggled to free herself. Sooyoung held on tight but the waves was making it hard for her to hold on. 

"Jessica! Stop right now!" Sooyoung yelled as she tried to hold on to Jessica again. But Jessica refused to listen and just turned back to look at Sooyoung with teary eyes.

"Why?! Didn't you want this? huh?!!" Sooyoung froze and listened. Jessica was right...Sooyoung's words earlier made Jessica like this. Sooyoung shook her head. 

"Jessica! I didn't mean it that way. I don't-"

Jessica laughed. Both of them were still in the ocean, arguing back and forth with each other in the cold night. "Liar. You wanted me to feel all the pain I inflicted on you. I'll prove it! I'll prove just how serious i am!" Jessica retaliated and shook off Sooyoung's hold and walked deeper into the ocean. 

Sooyoung panicked. Jessica was too willful and determined. Sooyoung won't let this happen...

Sooyoung quickly ran to Jessica, put her over Sooyoung's shoulders and walked back quickly back to the shore. 

"Let me go! Let me down now!!!" Jessica demanded as she kicked Sooyoung's back. Sooyoung ignored Jessica's demands and didn't put her down until they were far off from the ocean.

"You should've just let me die!" Jessica began hitting Sooyoung the moment she got back on her feet. Sooyoung tried to calm Jessica down but Jessica was just too stubborn.

"STOP!!" Sooyoung yelled, catching Jessica by surprise and caused her to finally cease her angry fit.

"You are not going to die! Not now...never! Do you hear me?!!!" Sooyoung yelled. "You are so stupid! A top model and actress giving up her life for a commoner like me?!" Sooyoung turned her back on Jessica and took in some deep breaths. "I'm not worth it."

Jessica was crying now. She was just so so tired.

"We are going back now. I don't want you getting sick." Sooyoung intertwined her hands with Jessica and Jessica just followed along.

The whole ride back to the inn, Jessica fell asleep in the taxi. Sooyoung took this opportunity to examine Jessica closely.

"You are such a blockhead." Sooyoung said seriously with a smile on her face.


When Tiffany woke up, she looked around at her surrounding. The light from the bedside lamp was the only light in the room. "Where am I?" Tiffany asked herself. She tried to get up but felt something...or someone holding her back.

"Taeyeon!" Tiffany's scream woke Taeyeon up. 

"Hm? what?" Taeyeon rubbed her eyes and she became hysteric when she saw Tiffany's eyes staring back at her. "You're awake!" Taeyeon hugged Tiffany and then loosened the hug to examine Tiffany. "How do you feel?" Taeyeon asked as she cupped Tiffany's face.

"Okay. But how did I..." Tiffany asked trying to figure out how she got into the room.

Taeyeon let out a sigh. "You fainted outside of Jiyeon's room."

That's right...she remembered being outside of Jiyeon's room... "Jiyeon! Did you and her-?" Tiffany sat up upon remembering what happened before she out.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, confused at Tiffany's question. "We what?"

"You know what!" Tiffany said, her voice raising a little."What did you two do?"

Taeyeon smiled to herself. She knew exactly what Tiffany wanted to know but she had other more important things to do. 

Tiffany's gaze followed the shorter older woman getting off the bed adn into the hotel kitchen. "Where are you going?" Tiffany asked as she sat up on the bed.

"Just relax!" Tayeon shouted back from teh kitchen. Tiffany took that moment to observe the room. She was back in Taeyeon and her shared room. She knew because she could see her pink luggage in the corner of the room. She also realized it was dawn. The sun was going to rise in another hour or so.

However, her attention was soon distracted when she saw a cup of greenish and brownish liquid in front of her. "What's that? Poison?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon with disgusted face. 

Taeyeon flicked Tiffany's forehead. "Don't be stupid. This is medicine for you. Joon told-"

"Who's Joon?" Tiffany voice turned cold again.Taeyeon let out a small smile before answering.

"Can you just drink this? Why are you so curious?"

"Because." Tiffany answered, annoyed, angry, and her arms folded across her chest. "I don't like medicince and especially don't want that medicine you're giving me since it's from another man."

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany's childish antics and suddenly let out a small giggle. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon in annoyance. 

"What' so funny?"



Taeyeon put the cup between her and Tiffany and nodded her head. "Yes you. You are such a jealous celebrity."

"And you're a midget." Tiffany spat back, still angry. "Who's Joon? And I still need to know about you and Jiyeon."

Taeyeon frowned. "Your questions can wait. But your health can't. Now hurry up and drink this."






"Fine then." Taeyeon just stood up, leaving Tiffany suprised. 

"Psh! You don't even-" Tiffany was cut off by Taeyeon's lips. She was pinned down with Taeyeon on top of her. She closed her eyes but soon realized that Taeyeon had transferred the medicine orally.

When Taeyeon finally released Tiffany with a smirk, Tiffany immediately kicked Taeyeon off the bed. 

"Ow!" Taeyeon got up and rubbed her elbow. "That hurts."

Tiffany let out a groan and glared at Taeyeon. "How dare you perform lip to lip transfer?!!" 

Taeyeon shruged but let out a mischievous smile. "Don't act like you didn't like it."

Tiffany blushed and coughed to her side to hide it. "No."

"Liar." Taeyeon was grinning now. 

"I wouldn't kiss you if you were teh last person in the world." Tiffany stood up face to face with Taeyeon. She just hates Taeyeon's arrogance. 

"Jiyeon likes my kisses." Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon with eyes full of hurt. 

"You-you and her-?" Tiffany asked, stuttering and hesitating to ask. Taeyeon peeked at Tiffany and continued. 

"Of course we did. We finished our little, steamy session before we remembered you." Taeyeon said coolly and leaned against the window sill as she observed Tiffany's reaction. 

"Why-why?" Tiffany asked, holding back her tears. 

Taeyeon shrugged. "Why not? It's what you wanted right?" Taeyeon walked back to Tiffany and stood in front of the brunette. "Besides, it's not a big deal. Our relationship was always one-sided. Am I wrong?"

"No. It wasn't." Tiffany lifted her head to look at Taeyeon. Taeyeon felt a pang of guilt when she saw Tiffany's tears. "I'm going to sleep since I'll have to wake up in a few hours for my flight. I wish you and Jiyeon the best." Tiffany forced a smile and laid down on the bed. She lost...Tiffany felt so awful and regretful. It was her was all her fault that Taeyeon is with Jiyeon now.

"It's all my fault." Tiffany thought to herself as a tear slid down her cheeks. Just then, she felt a weight next to her and the lights dimmed again.

"What did I tell you about crying alone?" Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany's ear. 

"I-I'm not cry-crying." Tiffany challenged but let out a yelp when she was suddenly laid flat on the bed with Taeyeon hovering her. Taeyeon just stared at Tiffany's crying face while Tiffany turned her head to the side to not look at Taeyeon or else she'll just break down again.





Taeyeon leaned down to peck Tiffany's lips. "Fany-ah." She called softly "Look at me."

Reluctantly, Tiffany complied. Right when Tiffany turned her head, Taeyeon swept down to capture her lips again. Tiffany was caught by surprise but responded to the kiss. 

After a few minutes, Taeyeon broke the kiss and laid down on her side, hugging Tiffany. "You're so dense."

Tiffany just stayed quiet. She felt likethis was teh final goodbye she listened.

"You really think I stopped loving you?" Taeyeon leaned back a little to look at Tiffany's face. "Hm?"

Tiffany nodded her head and saw more tears were released. "You did. Which was why you and Jiyeon-"

"Nothing." Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, confused. "We did nothing. Nothing's going on between us. Do you understand? Joon is Jiyeon's fiance and the man who helped you."

It took a while for it to sink in but when it did, Tiffany began to hit Taeyeon profusely on her chest. "You liar!! You jerk! You ! Why did you do that to me?!" 

Taeyeon grimaced at the pain. "It was a joke. Besides, I was still pretty hurt too you know. I just wanted to see your reaction."

"You dumb, midget, short Kim Taeyeon!" Tiffany hit Taeyeon one last time before clutching tight to Taeyeon's shirt and snuggled close to Taeyeon. Taeyeon ran her hand down Tiffany's back to calm her down. "You hurt me so much."

"Well, in that case, it makes us even."

"NO! It doesn't! I hate you! I hate-" Tiffany was silenced once again by Taeyeon's lips.

"You hate me?" Taeyeon asked with a small smile. "But I love you Tiffany Hwang Miyoung."

​Tiffany stayed quiet. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not.

Taeyeon saw the blank look on Tiffany's face and shook her head with a smile. "Aiya. This woman." Taeyeon reached over to turn off the light but was suddenly laying on her back now with Tiffany on top of her...with her eyesmile.

"Say it again." Tiffany demanded, with glistening eyes.

"What?" Taeyeon prentended not to know.

"Hurry up." Tiffany used her aegyo, causing Taeyeon to giggle. 

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany lovingly and cupped Tiffany's right cheek. "I love you Fany-ah."

Tiffany began tearing up again..but this time it was tears of happiness. 

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm just too happy. I love you too Kim Taeyeon." Taeyeon smiled and brought Tiffany down to lean on her chest. 

"I know. I believe you Tiffany."

"I miss this." Tiffany mumbled as she cuddled on Taeyeon. "I miss us."

"Nado." Taeyeon agreed as she kissed Tiffany's forehead. "Fany?"


Taeyeon smiled sheepishly into the dim room. "You're not leaving tomorrow. I called to tell him you're going back home with me."

Tiffany smiled and nodded her head. "Okay."

Taeyeon sighed and held onto Tiffany's hand which was on her waist. Tiffany felt the tenseness in Taeyeon. "Don't leave me. I was so scared when I found you unconscious yesterday. I thought I lost you. And I just can't-"

Tiffany kissed Taeyeon's jaw. "Baby. I'm not going anywhere."

Taeyeon sighed. "You're not. I'm going to protect you and love you. I lost my dad, and I'm not going to lose you too."

Tiffany smiled and wiped Taeyeon's tears before laying back down on Taeyeon. "You have me right here." Tiffany said as she put her palm on top of Taeyeon's heart. "And I have you here too." Tiffany brought Taeyeon's hand to her place over her heart. Taeyeon smiled and hugged Tiffany tightly. Tiffany closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of her lover.

Taeyeon  urned off the light and kissed Tiffany one last time on her forehead. 

And for the second time...Tiffany was able to sleep in peace and without any fear...and it was all because of Taeyeon..her Kim Taeyeon. 




Taeyeon adjusted herself and rubbed her nose against Tiffany's cheeks, causing brunette to giggle a bit in her tired state.

"Tae-tae. Go sleep." It was already 10am but both were still tired from last night's drama.

"I will. But I just wanted to say something."


Taeyeon smiled against Tiffany's face. "No more 'what ifs'. Do you understand?"

"Alright. I won't write those 'What if' questions and answers to you anymore."  Tiffany retorted and kissed Taeyeon's neck.

"Good. You and I are reality, not possibilities. Shall I say it again then?" Taeyeon mumbled tiredly.

Tiffany didn't answer and all Taeyeon received as an answer was Tiffany's low breathing and constant snuggling against her to get comfortable.Tiffany had fallen asleep.

"I love you." Taeyeon whispered again before falling asleep herself, in the arms of none other than the love of her life: Tiffany Hwang Miyoung.


So this is the last chapter but since it was so long, i had to divide it. :D So...i guess in a way...its extended again? Sorry. I just didn't want one ending chapter. I don't like that. Thank you. See you all soon. :D


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH!! It's too short I want moreeee🤧🤧
achie86 #2
You make this story in 2012, and the end of 2015 I'm still read this story over and over again.

In honest, once in a month I'm always read this story. Kekekekeke...
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #3
Nice story !
iheartchoding #4
Chapter 8: made me cry :)) nice fic author~ssi! keep it up!
Chapter 8: LOLOLOLOL. this is sooo awesome. it ended happy -tears-
And may I just comment that JeTi here are soooo cry baby? In every chapter, they don't forget to cry... It's so drama!!! And I was quite annoyed at SooTae for playing so hard to get. Gawd!!! My poor JeTi..
And I also chuckle at you, author, whenever you say "last chapter" when in fact, there are a LOT more chapters in line. And you even said at first that this would either be two or three shots. lol.. And I'm glad I can get the Phoenix Bakery stuffs. :PP
And may I just say that I like sweet Taeyeon and sweet Sooyoung more than coldmeanie Taeyeon and coldmeanie Sooyoung. But in JeTi's case, I find the coldmeanie Tiffany and coldmeanie Jessica cuter than the crybaby Tiff and crybaby Jess. Meheheh.. I hate seeing JeTi cry.. But I have to say that I TOTALLY prefer sweet Taeny and sweet Soosic more..
Gawd.. Jessica threatened her life just to prove Sooyoung that the words "I love you" for Soo is true.. That's soooo sweet.. She even denied that she wrote the letters. Have to admit, I was amused at the 'What ifs' question written by JeTi.
I just hope you wrote the chapter of the wedding.. Mehehehe. lol kidding. And I remember Mr Jung being so cute and funny wahahaha... I like him! Mehehe. He likes teasing his older daughter much.
And have to comment about Jiyeon and Hara too. :(( Though I can't fail to like them still because of their real personality in showbiz.. they're soooo humble in real. It's just so funny that Tiff appeared like a fool to the readers and Taetae that she thought they were making out. lol! And Hara, she was quite annoying here. She even made Jess remember about the rumors but she can't fail to be a cause of HellSica's sudden emerging. Jelly Sica is sooo cute. :PPP She even denied that she's not jealous with her angry self seeing Yuri and Sooyoung being touchy-touchy. :PPP This story is sooo fluff and drama. I like the combination. :DDDD I regret reading this just now...
Anyway, thank you.
Chapter 8: hi, i just read this.. like it.
unitha #7
Chapter 8: Finally got around to reading the latest update. *-*
OMFG SOOSICA <3 I loved how Jessica got jealous when Sooyoung "thought" Hara wrote the letter. xD I'm so glad everyone's together now. ^-^
EMT0304 #9
Chapter 8: Thank you for ur story..
No more "What ifs" but I want be "How if" as the sequel ^^