Exo K's Dorm

I became a Prince Charming accidentally

But there's one problem. If Ive taken over Suho's body, where had his soul gone? Naturally and logically, I thought to myself. My body. His soul must be in my body now. Well, I really do want to live under Suho's skin for as long as possible. Afterall, he's so damn good looking, the total opposite of me. But there's something thats bugging me. I still do worry, a little, that I'll never be able to return to my true self anymore. 

I decided to sneak home. My real home. To spy on "myself"; my body. But before that, theres something more important to do. I just regained my composure and hey, this is Exo K's dorm after all! A wry smile appeared on my face. Hehe.

Im not gay, really. But still. it would be totally amazing if I could come into so close contact with any kpop idols. Any of them would do. Just the thought of it made me hyperventilate so heavily. Plus, Exo K just debuted recently. I always like rookie groups with the fresh image.

Excitedly, I left the bathroom and then intruded one of the rooms in the dorm because the door wasnt locked. And whoa. Its so messy. Well, not messy with stuff and belongings scattered all over, but rather, overcrowded with fan gifts. Dog plushies everywhere. I immediately knew who the owners of this room are. Baekhyun and Chanyeol! Two beds in this room, side by side. With trembling hands due to over-excitement, I lifted the pillow from one of the bed which covered Baekhyun's face. Man....he....is almost beyond recognition, without his thick eyeliner as we always see when he performs on the stage. But nonetheless, his skin is milky and almost flawless. 

I proceeded to take a look at Chanyeol who is sleeping with his mouth wide open, showing off his dazzling set of teeth even during sleep. I wonder which brand of toothpaste he uses. And I thought I heard him murmur something in his dreams. He is actually sleeptalking. Hehe. "YA BAEKHYUN! That plushie is mine...." I giggled to myself silently, afraid of waking them up.

Next. Kai's and D.O's room. I pushed the door slightly open and stuck my head through. There I see, D.O is already awake, doing his bed meticulously with the O_O expression. No doubt that is D.O's room. So neat. So clean. Not a single speck of dust. D.O spotted me. "Annyeong hashimnikka! I slept well last night" Trust me. I. almost. fainted. That was the first ever time a kpop idol talked to me. Oh gawd. And I froze on the spot, almost giving myself away because Ive almost forgotten that I have assumed Suho's body currently. "Hyung, are you alright? Why do you seem so...so amused? O____O" "Err..errm...nothing, good morning to you too!" I stood there, almost at a loss for words. And I see kai over there, still lying on his bed, with the top half of his body . I didnt know Kai sleeps like this.

So with the important thing done, I need to check out how my so-to-speak, body, is doing now. I grabbed a bite and then left the dorm, heading to my home anxiously via a cab.

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dudukuma #1
Chapter 14: update soon~~~~
minnikimmi #2
Chapter 12: Something about the hae ri girl irks me... Other than that keep up the good work
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 6: I like Evil Suho.
Update soon. :)
minnikimmi #5
Chapter 5: Lawwwwwwwwwwlll
Oh! This is really adorable! Looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 3: It's really good. I like it, so UPDATE!!! :)
minnikimmi #8
I like it ^.^ please updateeeeeeeee
Please Update !!! :)