Chapter 19:: Hyukjae

Accidental Love


"Aren't you going to ask me what my plan is?" Eunhyuk asked as he propped down onto the sofa next to Donghae, who was happily munching on his Hershey's white chocolate bar while watching television.

Donghae absent-mindedly swatted his chocolate bar in front of Eunhyuk's face, not tearing his eyes from the television. "Later," he simply said.

Eunhyuk frowned at the lack of enthusiasm that Donghae displayed. Why did he not seem as excited as him? Perhaps he just needed a little bit of prompting to get interested. "Come on, I planned it out really elaborately!" 

Again, Donghae did not tear his eyes away from the television glaring in the room. "Sure you did," he said. "Megamind's on, it's a really good movie," he explained hastily, as if not wanting to waste a second of the show's dialogues and animation.

Eunhyuk scrunched up his face in annoyance when he realized that Donghae was prioritizing that stupid cartoon for himself. Moreover, Donghae was a grown- man, so why the hell was he watching cartoon films? No wonder he always seemed so childish. Seeing that Donghae was not going to give anything up for the stupid show, Eunhyuk got up from the couch and went into Donghae's room to catch a quick nap. He was, after all, tired and worn out from driving all the way to Donghae's apartment, cooking soup for Donghae, and nursing him back to health (or rather, his foot). As he walked into the room, a familiar wave of comfort surrounded him and it only took a minute for Eunhyuk to drift off into sleep.

It was odd, because usually, even in his own house and luxurious bed, Eunhyuk found it hard to sleep.



When Eunhyuk groggily awoke, it was already morning. He looked over at the bedside table and read the clock; it was eight in the morning. Had he slept through the night? Why didn't Donghae wake him up? Where was he, anyway?

Pushing off the blanket that was draped onto his body (he doesn't recall using those blankets before he fell asleep), he stood up from the bed, his toes feeling cold from the flooring. Switching off the fan, Eunhyuk slipped outside and it takes less than a second for him to spot Donghae. 

Donghae was sleeping on the couch (as he always had when they were living together, Eunhyuk noted), without any blankets to cover himself and only two pillows to surround him. Eunhyuk tip-toed to Donghae's position and realized that Donghae was sleeping with his mouth slightly opened. He smiled at the sight, finding it cute. Without any thought, almost as if it were natural, Eunhyuk reached for his phone in the pocket of his pants and rushes to take a picture (or pictures) of Donghae's sleeping position. He was careful not to make any sound that would wake his victim up.

When Eunhyuk was finally satisfied with the pictures that he had secretly took, he kept his phone back into his pocket and tip-toed away to the bathroom. There, he stretched himself and mentally thanked God for it being a Saturday (hooray for weekends!). Eyeing himself in the mirror, he quickly washed his morning face with Donghae's facial wash and when he wanted to brush his teeth, he realized that the spare toothbrush that Donghae had bought for him was still there. He smiled at the gesture, wondering if Donghae had purposely put it there the night before so that he could freshen himself up when he awoke. Eunhyuk made a mental note to thank Donghae for his thoughtfulness while he stripped himself of all clothing, getting ready for a shower.



"Good morning!" Eunhyuk greeted chirpily when Donghae finally awoke at ten that morning.

Donghae squinted his eyes and almost covered his ears at the greeting. He was not used to such loud and cheerful voices in the morning (yeah, those irritating birds annoyed him too); but he let it go, considering the fact that hey, Eunhyuk was the one wishing him a good morning. 

"Good morning," he mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes. 

"I made breakfast for the two of us," Eunhyuk announced, "oh and thanks for placing a toothbrush for me!" 

Donghae frowned at the sudden gratitude that Eunhyuk had given him and asked, "Toothbrush?" 

"Yeah. When I lived with you, you bought me a spare toothbrush right? I thought you'd have thrown it away, but seems like you didn't. So I wanted to thank you for placing that toothbrush for me yesterday!" Eunhyuk explained with a smile.

Donghae shook his head at his explanation. "I didn't place it there yester..." but soon trailed off when he realized what it was that he wanted to say.

I never removed it -- when you left, it was the only thing that kept me happy, as strange as it sounds.



"Call me Hyukjae."

Donghae stopped munching on the pancakes that Eunhyuk had cooked for him and stared at Eunhyuk. "What?" 

"Hyukjae; it's my name," Eunhyuk said.

"I can't call you that, you almost fired me when I called you that on my first day at work," Donghae deadpanned, frowning at the memory. .

Eunhyuk laughed. "That's in the past! Call me Hyukjae now!" 

Needless to say, Donghae was taken aback. Why did Eunhyuk want to be referred as Hyukjae all of a sudden? Where was this coming from?

Maybe it's because he wants to be closer to me.

Donghae brushed the thought aside and mentally slapped himself. How absurd; why would Eunhyuk want to get closer to him? Nonetheless, it was confusing Donghae, so Donghae did the easiest thing to clear up his confusion.


Eunhyuk did not seem surprised at the question and smiled. "If you're going to be my pretend boyfriend, we have to make it sound real!" 

Instantly, Donghae's mood fell. He was sure that his face had darkened and that disappointment was evident all throughout his face as well as body language. 

Pretend boyfriend... of course.


A/N; it's so very super duper hearwarming to see many old readers still reading this story. 

to all my old and new (hello there!!!) readers, i love you so so so so so much! 

possibly more than how much eunhae loves each other (other maybe not no one loves each other more than those two idiots)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo ♥♥

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jo0ody #1
Chapter 23: I wish if there an update on this ! It’s so good ?
moonlight_bat #2
Chapter 23: Just reread all of it. Aren't u going to update?
Sylphide890807 #3
Chapter 23: L'histoire est géniale. Pouvez-vous mettre à jour, s'il vous plaît ?
Chapter 23: Update please.. :)
HanBaram #5
Chapter 23: Update juseyooooooo
Chapter 23: you moron moron moronic hyukjae DD; stop pulling donghae into your mess, he has sold his heart for you whatelse do you expect unfg. thanks for the update~
Chapter 23: I feel like hitting hyukjae because, really, the dumbest person here isn't donghae like he calls him, but hyukjae. Like he separated him from his fiancee and told him he was gay right then and there for a reason. Ugh really.
I wonder what will happen next! Thank youuu ♡
And lucky you meeting b1a4!!
Chapter 23: lemme know when i should start hitting with my baseball bat like i am so prepared for these idiots especially hyukjae ><

i reckon you are busy(me too coz i have been schooling no, juggling between school and work is hard T______T) that is why you couldn't update but thank god you did hahaha

AND OMFG YOU LUCKY BISH YOU HUGGED MY BABY CHANNIE(well baro is my fave in b1a4 and i consider the rest as babies hihihihihi) THREE TIMES ugh

i officially hate you!


i was suppose to go to their roadtrip concert but financial issues happened.. T____T you so lucky you got to see them still T_____T
Chapter 23: Good Luck to Hae to pretend to be Hyuk's boyfriend just hope he really doesn't get hurt at the end

Lucky you with the boys to bad about the poster
Chapter 23: HAHAHA!!! They should know what likes and dislike having said it for 2hr.'s even I don't remember my husbands dis or likes any more lol.