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Memorizing Mnemonics




It wasn’t like he was going to give up Kyungsoo that easily.


Jongin might not be a genius, but he’s smart enough to know what to do with Oh Sehun and his infuriating infatuation with Kyungsoo—which seemed to grow every day, much to Jongin’s disappointment. Sometimes, he would mentally give himself a pat in the back for not choking the life out of Sehun whenever this caramel-haired boy would see Kyungsoo around and go all isn’t he adorable oh my god, can I just marry him already or why are you so perfect Kyungsoo.


Every day, Jongin has to remind himself that he’s doing this in order to get Sehun farther away from Kyungsoo. He tries, and God knows how much he tried. The first attempt was to supply Sehun with not-so-nice things about Kyungsoo (they might be negative, but Jongin still finds them adorable), hoping that it would turn Sehun off.


 Unfortunately, the plan backfired, leading Sehun to spazz harder about Kyungsoo, calling his imperfections cute and unique.


When Plan A failed, he proceeded to plan B which involved him badmouthing Sehun on Kyungsoo.  


“I have this classmate who picks his nose in public,” Jongin had tattletale one night.


“Really? That’s not very nice.” Kyungsoo had shaken his head, and continued to rummage through the desk covered with papers and post-it notes.  


“I know right! His name is Sehun and he has a lisp.” There was something in Jongin’s voice, but Kyungsoo couldn’t put a finger on it at that time.


“That’s too bad; I hope that people don’t because of that.” He had sighed and looked at Jongin in a way that made the younger look down on his lap out of shame. Whenever Sehun’s back is turned, Jongin’s voice would always be the loudest when it comes to imitating the way that Sehun says thienth, clath, and theth. Having Kyungsoo stare at him sadly did not make Jongin guilty about his juvenile attitude. No, not at all.


Seeing as how Kyungsoo is too occupied to pay attention to plan B, Jongin started to formulate plan C.






Kyungsoo is trying his best to rise from a sea of notes, terms, definitions, and mnemonics. Examination week had always been the hardest part of every semester for him. There are times, like when he’d highlight a passage in a book, when Kyungsoo would wonder why he’s trying this hard in the first place. His major course is medicine, and it’s not really a necessity to study the different layers of soil.


After all, you don’t really need to learn where to O horizon is placed when you’re conducting a heart surgery or something. It’s not vital, but he still tries hard just because he can and why not aim for the top when you have a chance, right?


Although this man might be busy with school work, he’s not the type to block out his surroundings. Just because his nose is buried in between pages of a thick book doesn’t mean that he doesn’t notice how Jongin’s been a bit of fidgety around him lately. Kyungsoo doesn’t like it. It makes him feel uneasy.


Did he mention that he finds it annoying how Jongin keeps on murmuring Sehun, Sehun, Sehun?


Kyungsoo is grieving over this while dropping Jongin’s favorite biscuits on his cart. It’s Friday and Friday meant grocery shopping. Jongin would usually accompany him (he’d always be the eager one), but when Kyungsoo asked earlier, Jongin refused saying that he’s got a few things he needs to work on. Jongin looked concentrated over a single piece of paper that Kyungsoo hadn’t bother pointing out that the paper is blank and just walked out of their dorm quietly.


A force bumps against his cart, and when Kyungsoo looks up; he wishes that he hadn’t. It’s a guy with a cart-full of goods. His tongue looks like it can’t be shoved back in his tongue. And there’s a cheesy grin that tells Kyungsoo that this guy is the Sehun that Jongin keeps talking about. People like him are remarkable.


“Hello! You must be . . . Kyungsoo, right?” the guy named Sehun is a little bit too bubbly for Kyungsoo’s liking.


He nods, unsure of what to make of Sehun. “I am, did Jongin tell you about me?”


“He did! I feel like I know you personally already.” Sehun laughs and Kyungsoo laughs along just to be polite. “My name is Sehun, by the way.”


Kyungsoo starts to walk slowly, hoping (not really) that Sehun would follow him. He did. “Oh, so you’re the one that Jongin keeps on telling me about.”


“What did he say about me?”


“That you’re nice, and really funny plus a great friend.” Kyungsoo lies. He doesn’t think it would be appropriate to mention the nose-picking thing.


“Not really,” Sehun blushes and tries to be modest. Much to Kyungsoo’s disappointment, Sehun keeps on opening up new topics to talk about as they wheel their carts forward, pausing to get an item here or there. Sehun isn’t really Kyungsoo’s cup of tea; he’s too noisy, too optimistic, too everything for Kyungsoo. If he wasn’t Jongin’s friend, Kyungsoo would have made up a ridiculous excuse just to get out of here immediately.


Truth be told, Kyungsoo isn’t normally like this. He’d be polite and respectful, but somehow, he can’t bring himself to show any form of sympathy towards a person who Jongin might like. Call him bitter, jealous, or even possessive; none of that will matter. Jongin might like Sehun, so Kyungsoo might not like Sehun.




Even when he arrived home three hours later, Jongin’s gaze is still fixed on the empty piece of paper. He probably wouldn’t have noticed Kyungsoo if he didn’t remark. “I bumped into Sehun today. Literally.”


As if saying a magic word to break the spell Jongin’s been blinded in, his head snaps up and here comes the onslaught of questions after questions. “Where? How? Did he say anything to you? Did he do anything to you? Tell me he didn’t. What did he tell you? How long have you been together? Are you within touching distance? Tell me you didn’t touch him.”


Kyungsoo wishes that his cheeks aren’t as red as they felt. He’s appalled, thinking that Jongin felt strongly for this Sehun person. He spat out his answers, shocking himself and Jongin. “Don’t worry. I didn’t touch him. He was the one who did most of the talking, and I don’t think that you have to worry about your boyfriend. He seems to be really fond of you.”


With a rage hot enough to burn down their dorm, Kyungsoo storms off to his room. He leaves behind a startled Jongin who stares at his back as if it’s sprouting embers.  




“So only the only similarity between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theory is the theory of acquired traits and the variety, is it right or wrong?” Baekhyun peers over Chanyeol’s shoulders to look at his boyfriend’s notes.


“I’m only sure about Lamarck. I’m not sure of Darwin’s. I wondered if I copied it wrong. I probably did.” Chanyeol shrugs. Baekhyun snuggles against Chanyeol’s arm affectionately. Kyungsoo imitates gagging noises in front of them.


“You’re making me sick.” Kyungsoo whines, slamming his head atop his notebook.


“Did anything happen?”


Chanyeol leans closer. “No offence, but you look like a wreck.”


“It’s Jongin,” Kyungsoo confides. “There’s this guy whom he might like.”


“This is a serious symptom of a Jealous Housewife.” Chanyeol imitates an old man’s speech and Baekhyun laughs, just like he always does. “The only cure would be to Jongin as soon as possible.”


“Cut it you two. I’m just worried, that’s all.”


“Worried that someone might get Jongin first?”


“He has a nice .” Baekhyun chips in.


“I don’t know what to do. What if Sehun gets him first?” Kyungsoo groans and shakes his head. He can’t believe he’s saying this. “I shouldn’t be bothered, right? I should just concentrate on studying.”


It’s at this moment when Baekhyun rests his head against Chanyeol’s shoulders that Kyungsoo hears the smartest thing he’s ever heard Chanyeol said. “So? Having perfect marks can’t compare to having someone to come home to. You might be the highest, but what’s the use if the person you want to share the joy with isn’t there?”


No one spoke after that. Baekhyun and Chanyeol went on with studying, and Kyungsoo kept on staring at the window. Outside, the wind keeps on flirting with the branches, shaking its leaves like it had just discovered something sacred. Everything is more vibrant under the warm covering of the sunlight. Inspired by Chanyeol’s words and the truth behind them, Do Kyungsoo makes a decision that may or may not determine his relationship status.





His plan is to seduce Jongin. That’s one of those things that are easier said than done.


He’s never had a to-die-for-body, but Kyungsoo doesn’t mind as he enters their dorm after running outside for more than two hours. Sweat makes the light gray cotton shirt he’s wearing cling to his glistening skin. Hours of being under the sun somehow made some parts of his skin redder, and he’s breathing heavily.


Jongin is aware of all that when he looked up from his book.


“You’re studying?!” Kyungsoo isn’t able to mask the surprised look on his face.


Jongin would have been offended, but not really.  “You’re working out?!”


“I just need a little break before studying again. Tomorrow’s the first day, right?” He walks and plops down beside Jongin on the couch.


Jongin nods and tries his best to not ogle at how Kyungsoo looks right now. He gulps when he feels a hot stirring in him that he shouldn’t feel towards his dorm mate. Kyungsoo sitting beside him doesn’t make things any easier. “Do you need any help?”


“N-no, I’m fine. Thanks.” Jongin shouldn’t have stuttered but he did, and it makes Kyungsoo smile slightly.


“You’ve got a piece of paper on your hair.” Kyungsoo’s hands reach up to take it off Jongin’s hair. When fingers brush against strands, Jongin shivers. He could feel Kyungsoo breathing near his ear and it fills his mind with thoughts that would be considered rated. He wanted to kiss the daylights out of Kyungsoo more than ever.





That night, Jongin didn’t sleep. I should have kissed him when I got the chance.

That night, Kyungsoo fell asleep with a smile on his face. At least I’m one step closer.




Relieved sighs, muffled conversations regarding the answers, flipped pages, scraped chairs, and eager footsteps echo inside the classroom. This was a scene that would be found anywhere in the world. More often than not, the first few minutes right after the exam are probably the most nerve-wracking moments one could ever experience.


I was wrong in the multiple choice, the fifth question.


I wrote the correct answer but I replaced it because I wasn’t too sure.


Mr. Bang is pretty tight when it comes to essays. I hope that he’d be a bit okay this time.


I seriously think I might flunk this one.



Those lines trail after retreating students. Kyungsoo leans comfortably against his chair, thanking God for Chanyeol and mnemonics. He’s pretty sure of his answers for both the Environmental Science and English exams. With the aid of mnemonics, and associations; he’s pretty much memorized all the much-needed terms and facts. Like how in English upbraid would remind him of braids and other severe hairstyles like Mohawks and how teenagers with Mohawks would be scolded. Upbraid means to be rebuked or scolded.


“I’m famished. Let’s go grab something nice to eat.” Chanyeol, accompanied by the loyal Baekhyun, offers. His bag is already slung over his shoulders.


“Let’s get something fancy to celebrate, even though it’s just the first day. Rewards can never hurt.”


Kyungsoo was about to reply when a painfully familiar voice calls out his name.



“Where’s Sehun?” Jongin never thought that he’d ask this question, but what with the clingy dude’s absence after the exams he can’t help but get curious. It’s unusual for Sehun to not bug him.


“Oh, he left.” Luhan replies, shoving a pen in his bag. “He’s going to confess today to that Kyungsoo person. He kept muttering about being too late or you taking a long time. Says he’ll do it his way.”


Luhan’s reply caused Jongin to bolt out of the class as fast as he can. Luhan stares at the scattered stationary that Jongin left behind, awestruck at how love can move Jongin to do something like this. In the ten months that he’s known Jongin, the younger had always been a bit secretive in a way that he keeps himself mostly to himself.


And it really doesn’t take a genius to realize that the way Jongin acts toward Kyungsoo is questionable. Luhan knew how Jongin felt; he’s a classic observer. He just chose to not react when Jongin got closer to Sehun to drive the mousy-haired boy away from Kyungsoo.


And now the universe decided that it’s the right time for these souls to find rest in each other. Luhan fixes his things, and goes out of the classroom, completely glad that he has at least witnessed a messy love story unfold. He crosses his fingers, wishes Jongin good luck, and reminds himself to buy a box of tissues for Sehun.




I really like you, Sehun’s blurted confession drew a huge, question mark on Kyungsoo’s mind.  


After politely asking if he could have a private time with him, Sehun walked them to the quiet part of the campus grounds with hands that shook behind his back.  Kyungsoo’s hands are shoved in his pockets, and his eyebrows are raised, asking a question that needs an immediate answer.


“I think that you’re really nice and adorable and really really amazing. I probably don’t know you that well, but if you’d give me the chance then I’d like you better than I do now. I’m sorry if I’m saying all this in a rush, I just feel really nervous because I’m, you know, saying this stuff. Oh god, this is really embarrassing.” Kyungsoo thinks that Sehun’s words can rival the speed of light. Is he a part-time rapper?


“So, what do you think?” After three minutes worth of fidgeting in place and brief glances, Sehun finally asks the frozen Kyungsoo. The older doesn’t reply. He’s puzzled, shocked, with just a hint of giddy because it’s his first time hearing something like this.


“I think that if Kyungsoo doesn’t say a thing, I’ll buy him a diamond ring. Because you know, I think I love him.” It’s Jongin and he’s panting heavily, as if he just ran from Pluto and back. He walks toward Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo wishes that Jongin would stop because he might hear how loud his heart is beating.


There’s also a tribe of eager butterflies, fluttering against the walls of Kyungsoo’s stomach, that are threatening to burst out if Jongin does as much as smile at him.


“What is this ery?” Sehun quips, and for the first time, Kyungsoo agrees with something that Sehun says.


“Look, the reason why I got closer to you is because I don’t want you to go anywhere near Kyungsoo.” Jongin explains, and Sehun is starting to hear the sound of jigsaw pieces snapping together in his mind. The reason why Jongin’s always trying to paint Kyungsoo in a negative light for him, why Jongin’s tone turns softer when he’s talking to Kyungsoo, why Jongin is always eager to go home right after classes all contributes to the scene unveiling in front of him.


“Oh,” was all Sehun could say. And he feels like he’s been thrown a bucketful of acid, but Sehun doesn’t mind.


“You’re really nice, Sehun.” Kyungsoo stammers. “But I kind of, sort of, really like Jongin too, even though he’s not as nice.”


“I don’t mind. As long as Jongin takes care of you, it’s fine.” Sehun shuffles away, smiling a sad smile. He thinks that the atmosphere is getting tense and that he’s emotionally unstable. Have you ever dropped a hammer on your toe? Sehun’s heart hurt like that, except that it’s a million times worse. He needs to talk to Luhan about this.


“Do you think he’ll be okay?”


“He’ll be fine. Now, worry about me.”


“Yes, I should be worried about where you’ll get the money to buy that diamond ring.” Kyungsoo teases, elbowing Jongin’s side. Jongin smirks then stops. He looks at Kyungsoo and squints.


“You have something on your lips.”


Kyungsoo’s fingers fly up to brush them.  He can’t look like a mess in front of Jongin. Wait, I’ll get it. Jongin whispers, halting Kyungsoo’s wrist with his hands, trapping Kyungsoo’s lips with his own.


Kyungsoo had always imagined what it would be like if he and Jongin ever kissed. He thought that he’d feel magic smoking beneath his limbs; sort of like what Cinderella must have felt while dancing the night away with Prince Eric, or how the Beast felt when he’s released from the evil spell. It wasn’t like the movies, neither. No fireworks, no electric shocks, and even the butterflies died down.


As Jongin promised forever to him using soft flesh, all Kyungsoo could feel was comfort. It was so natural like breathing he wondered how he missed it. It’s almost like Jongin’s lips were meant to be there. And for Do Kyungsoo, this feeling could beat any fairy tale ever written.  





I’m eternally lost. Lost and all alone, and it’s your love that leads me home.  


The speakers are set in a low volume, and Jongin likes them that way. He also likes how light the newly-purchased curtains are against the morning sunlight. The fresh air streaming from the window isn’t that bad, too. It makes this moment perfect. It’s one of those memories that would be remembered even when his hair would turn salt-and-pepper gray.


Kyungsoo is half- and his back is facing him. Jongin allows himself to fall into the temptation of engulfing Kyungsoo’s skin. His long and thin fingers trace series of letters against the flesh protecting Kyungsoo’s spine.


“WYBMF? Is that what you’re tracing? Is that a term in mnemonics or?” Kyungsoo mumbles, still not looking at Jongin. It’s the morning after their first session of love-making, and Kyungsoo’s cheeks and ears are as red as Santa’s hat.


Kyungsoo feels the pressure of Jongin’s fingers leave his back, only to be replaced by his lips. Jongin traces WYBMF again and again using his lips, as if doing that would tattoo those letters permanently on Kyungsoo’s fair skin. “I guess it’s the shortcut for Will You Be Mine Forever? WYBMF is easier, don’t you think?”


“I think Will you be mine forever is easier to memorize.”


“So, will you?”


Kyungsoo turns to look at Jongin straight in the eye. He’s a tangle of scarlet cheeks and quivering lips accompanied by a clumsy tongue, but he somehow managed to make Jongin’s heart move in ways he never could have thought it would. “I will.”





There are three things that Kim Jongin can’t stand: Missing episodes of his favorite shows, when Kyungsoo purposely cooks his least-favorite food, and examinations.


There are three things that Kim Jongin likes: Kyungsoo’s eyes, Pororo nights, and Kyungsoo’s mouth on him.


There are three things that Kim Jongin uses to study: mnemonics (thank god for Park Chanyeol), highlighters, and coffee-stained notebooks.

There are three things that Kim Jongin learned a month after the examinations: Kyungsoo is prone to walking in on him when he’s showering, memorizing mnemonics isn’t as easy as Kyungsoo makes it out to be, and that Kyungsoo is the one Jongin wouldn’t mind spending forever with.





This is dedicated to everyone who liked this. Hello, have a nice day & may god bless your soul.

I hoped this satisfied your kaisoo feels /It did mine/

Comments are appreciated & loved.

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Chapter 2: Omg oh my kaisoo feels! I wish I could write this well this is really amazing!!


Chapter 1: Okay. So I love how you put it as Kyungsoo falling in love while Jongin is sleeping - it is downright cute as heck xD and why aM I NOT ALL CAPSING OKAY HON PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE SLEEPYSEIUL CAPS ATTACK
PigRabbit1912 #4
Chapter 2: Lol soo cute!! I use mnemonics all the time to memorize thing but their just really y~
Chapter 2: you just trampled on all my kaisoo feels
can u feel it exploding
i shall crey and continue writing hunhan
bc sehun is a loner now and he needs somebody to love
Chapter 2: Poor sehun </3
I feel for him but kaisoo ftw
He can go find luhan and get together or something ;)
this is so sweet.
Mnemonics never work for me bcoz then I only remember the letters and forgot the actual words OTL
Chapter 2: I loved this!! I love the characters and specially Kaisoo <3