
Check Mate

I woke up in a cold sweat at 6 in the morning. I was happy that it was time to get up, not that I was waking up too early.

I sat up and crawled out of my big bed, walking over to my closet and grabbing my school uniform. It was my first day of school since the accident. My mother had decided that I was ready after a long dispute of therapy and a few stupid bottles of pills. I was ready last month but she insisted on home schooling me for a little bit longer.

I slipped out of my pajamas and put on the skirt, tights, shirt, jacket, and tie the school provided for us. I walked to the kitchen to see my mom already up and coking me pancakes. Pancakes were my least favorite food to eat. They were soggy and wet with syrup. I hated them, but couldent bare to tell my mom that I did. I sat at the table and stuffed a whole pancake in my mouth. I was trying to eat it without suffering.

"Is it good honey?" My mom asked as I gulped down half a glass of banana milk.

"Yes. Its really good!" I said cheerfully and put on a fake smile.

"Good, now go brush your teeth, the bus will be here any minuett. You should hurry!" She said and rushed me into the bathroom. I combed my perfectly stright hair, put on a little bit of makeup, brushed my teeth, and ran to the front door to put my winter coat, mittens,a beannie, and my boots.

"Mom I dont understand why I have to ride the buss with all those underclassmen and die on the way over to school!" I yelled as I put the last touches on my appireance.

"Because I dont think your ready to drive yet!" She yelled. I compleetly ignored her response and saw the bus through the window.

"I have to go mom! Bye!" I yelled and ran out the front door, backpakc in hand, and to the bus.

Once I was on the bus I picked a seat, alone, and sat down. I pulled out my headphones and phone to listen to music, scrolling through my favorite playlist consisting of every b2st song I knew about when I found my newst favorite. It was 'not me' by beats. I clicked on the song and let the amazing sould flow through the headphones and into my ears, sending waves of pleasure with every beat and note.

When the bus got to the school I had noticed that the whole ride over everyone had been wispering and looking at me. Noone bothered to say 'hi', they only pointed fingers and wispered. When i walked into the school a wave of gasps was heard from every sing person who looked at me.

"Oh my god! She's back!" I heard one person yell.

"Yes im ing back. You must be a ing geinous!" I said sarcasticly.

I walked as fast as I could to my locker, noticing somethign new around every corner. I looked for faces I could recdonise.

Luhan! I mentaly shouted. He was the closest frien I had and I could talk to him about anything. He spoted me as soon as I had spotted him and he walked towards me.

"Hey Eunjie!" He said and hugged me. I accepted the gesture and smiled.

"Hey Luhan." I said and started to walk again. He followed closely behind and started to blurt out random questions. I was not paying attention because I was staring at someone. I did not recdonise the cute face. The guy was tall and skinny. He had redish brownish hair and was smiling cutely. He looked over at me for a brief moment and smiled. I blushed and looked away, trying to listen to Luhan again.

"Eunjie. Eunjie? EUNJIE!" Luhan yelled and waved his hand infront of my face.

"Huh? Oh, yeah Luhan?" I said and snapped out of my long daze into a man of space.

"Why the long look?" He asked when I looked around the hall again.

"It... it just reminds me of him..." I wispered and walked over to the door to the history class room, resting my hand on the door handle and thinking about opening it.

"Eunjie... You know that you do not want to open that." Luhan wispered slowly, watching my hesitation go on, my longing for my father.

Luhan knew alot about me, like the fact that my father was the best history teacher in the country, or the fact that my favrite color was brown because it reminded me of old books.

Luhan knew how my father had dies. He knew what I had done afterwards. He knew basicly everything about me.

I also knew him. I knew everything about him.

I knew he liked the color yellow because It was a happy color, but he hated wearing it or painting a room it because it made him think about being happy when he was sad. I aso knew he was really good at soccer but chose to deny it on any occasion.

I knew that he was overprotective and babyish at the same time. I knew he was a great student but loved to joke around. I knew he tryed his best to be an when someone was an to him but usualy just ended up punching someone out.

"Your right, I dont, but my dad always said curosity killed the cat and I feel like a ing puma today so Im going in there Luhan." I said and opened the door and walked in. The smell of paper and old books filled my nose. My dad always managed to find a new book every day. He loved to read.

"EUNJIE!" Luhan yelled and ran into the room with me.

"Its so nice to think about him." I said and breathed in the sweet sent of my father. I could see him standing at the front of the room with his bowtie and glasses, pointing to somewherre on a map and telling everyone an exciting story about what had happened there. Everyone had loved my fathers teaching skills. No class of his was ever booring.

"Eunjie you are killing yourself on the inside." Luhan wispered.

"I know I am. But i need to leave now..." I wispered. I walked out of the room, Luhan following me, and locked the door with the key the school had givven me as a 'present'.

I walked to my locker with Luhan following me.

"So.. I plan on going in there every day... Will you come with me?" I asked and looked at him. His eyes looked sad and his body looked almost dead.

"Yes. Anything to support you." He said and smiled.

I hugged him and got my books. We both walked to the same class and tryed to inore all the looks from people. The wisperes about 'she's back'.

When we got to the new classroom, filled with new books, and new students I frowned.

"History.." I wispered and looked on the board to the maps.

I sat down next to Luhan at a desk and looked around.

"Um.. Hi.." A guy said as he walked up to me, he was holding books aginst his chest, he was tall, his arms looked small and thin, and he was smiling.

"Hello!" I said sweetly and smiled.

"I-im Baekhyun." He said shily and pointed to Luhan. "A-and I dont mean to be mean or anything, b-but i usualy sit next to him.."

I looked at Luhan and blinked a couple times.

"Oh shoot! I forgot!" Luhan said and looked around the room. I followed his eye's to an empty seat.

"No." I said bluntly.

"Oh my gosh. You didnt even let me say anything!"

"You were going to tell me to go sit down there by a compleet stranger. It could be the guy who killed my father!" I said and gave him a look.

"Its not Eunjie. I know who that is. Its Sehun. Just go, hes nice." He said and urged me down.

I sighed and stood up. I walked up the stairs and to a desk in the compleet back of the room. I sat down next to Sehun.

"Hi." I said and smiled as sweetly as I could.

"Hello.." Sehun said confused. "Are you new?"

"No... Iv gone to this school my whole life.." I said and felt a little betryed.

"Oh... well I just started going to this school like 2 moth's ago, Im suprised I haven seen you here before, your beautiful." He said and smiled. "By the way, Im Sehun."

I smiled at the compliment. "Im Eunjie. Nah Eun Jie."

"Oh... I know who you are... Um, welcome back." He said as the smile faded off his face and dread filled his eyes.

I looked to Luhan and he was looking back a me at just the right time.

"Oh my God." I yelled to him and threw my hands up.

"WHAT?" He yelled and looked confused.


"Yes it has been Mrs.Nah. Would you mind comming to the front of the room and explaining to the class what happened so that we dont need to treat you any diffrently." The teacher walked in at the moment I was yelling and called me down to the front of the room.

"Sure. Why not." I said and stood up proudly. I walked to the front of the room and sat on the new teachers desk.

"IM Nah Eun Jie Mr teacher dude. This is how I would talk to you if you were our old sweet history teacher." I said and waited for his response.

"Yes well I and not him. Im Mr Hwan to you." He said. I waited for him to slip up, to say one bad thing baout my father.

"Okay Mr. Hwan, Im going to tell you what happened. Ill tell you what happened 5 months ago. Ill tell yout the tragety that nearly ended my life and ended my father, Mr. Nah's, life." I said and smiled as I stood up on the desk and grabbed a peice of chalk.

"See it all started here." I said and drew a house on the chalk board. I labeled it 'His House.'

"This is his house, the house where I spent 2 weeks locked in a small box. I wondered every day weather or not anyone was out there looking for me. I wondered every day if I was going to live. I wondered every day where my father was." I said and walked accrost the desk a little to drawl another house. I labeled it 'My House'.

"See the day I went missing i was walking home from school on a nice fall day, I was going to get some spices for my dad's history tea. My parents are divorced so I used to go 3 weeks with him and 3 weeks with her. It made them both happy. SO it happened to be the day where I would switch and go to my dads." I said and walked over to the other side of the chalk board to drawl 2 more houses. I drew one and labeled it 'Mom's House.' and i went ovet th 'His House' and drew my dads house next to it. I labeled it 'My House'

"This is where my dad lived with me. Right next to his own killer, or so we thought." I said and looked to the class. The only person who knew all of this was Luhan.

"So I stopped at the marked down the street and watched dad's car pass by as I got ingreedints for history tea. I continued to walk home after that and when I got home dad's car was in the driveway and I had automaticly assumed he would be inside heating up a pot of water on the stove for the history tea. I was wrong. I walked in and felt my mouth being covered. I fainted and woke up in the small cage I would spend the next 2 weeks in." I said and pointed to my nebighors house. "At his house."

"See, when my dad got home 'he' was waiting for him. 'He' took my dad next door and locked him up quickly. He came back and waited for me. And he took me. Over the 2 weeks he had me I had to plan an escape or some crazy like that. I knew nothing about 'his'. I was stuckk in a closet. I only saw 'him' every once in a while. He brought me a blanket once and that was mostly it besides bring me out to beat me. I was tiered, and gawd was my mind blown when I finally got my legs and arms untied. It had taken me through all my fathers screaming. I just wanted to save him, but I had known the whole time that It was too late. I had heard a gun shot as I jumbled out of the closet. Then I heard another and felt the blood. then I heard another as I broke through a large window and ran down a hill. I fell in a hole and passed out." I said in a jumbled mess of mixed emotions. I was pissed but sad at the same time.

"The last thing I heard my fahter yell was I love you. The last thing I felt befor he died was his blood splatted onto my legs and arms. The last thing I said to him befor he died was its all going to be okay. The last thing I saw befor he died was a gun to his head." I said and looked to the teacher.

"Now everyone knows my story, besided the little tidbits I left out, like the fact that my father was our old history teacher, who you are repacing. Or the fact that I was in there and starved nearly to death in there." I said and let a tear slip doen my face as I lifted my shirt a little to show everyone my caved in stomach and healing cuts with stiches and staples. "But that doesent mean I want people to treat me sensitavely from now no. It means I want my old life back. I want my friends back. I want a normal life. I dont want any of you to treat me ANY diffrently. I would aprecate it if you would all treat me normaly."

I jumped off the desk and onto the floor, wiped the stray tear form my cheek, and smiled.

"So If we could start over, Hello everyone~ Im Nah Eun Jie! Nice to meet all of you except Luhan." I said and giggled a little.

"Thank you Mrs. Nah." Mr. Hwan said and smiled to me.

I returned to my new seat next to Sehun.

"That took guts." He wispered and smiled to me.

"Thanks. It killed me on the inside but I just want you to treat me normaly." I wispered. We smiled at eachother and looked back to the front.

We went throught the whole class not paying attention to the teacher and passing notes anout random things.


"Lunch Time!" Luhan yelled to me as the bell rang.

"Oh God. Lets go."

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exomania #1
so cool..