
Check Mate

"Grab the ing tray you idiot!" Luhan yelled at me in the lunchline.

"No! I brought my own lunch! God! Listen from now on!" I yelled at him. He had his ears turned off.

"Oh... Well I wasnt listening.." He siad and smiled at me.

"What an idiot." I said and smiled back, walking throught the long line with him. There were so many people I didnt know in the line. They all lookad at me like I was the saddest wet puppy in the ing world. I was starting to get fed up.

"Oh my God people. Im not a ing sad sack. Keep your eyes to yourself!" I yelled to everyone.

All of them except 1 guy looked away. I decided to ignore him as me and Luhan were going to sit down.

"So Eunjie. Im going to make you meet more people." Luhan said as we sat down with a table of people.

"Well ." I said sarcasticly as I sat down next to a random guy. I smiled and looked around the table.

"Hi." I said. "Im glad Luhan can make friends without me."

Luhan started laughing. "Wow. Well Ill introduce you. Ill just go around the table and point and say names. Think you can handle that?" He asked and giggled a little.

I laughed and nodded.

"Okay. Thats Chanyeol... Hes a creep. Thats Lay, D.o, and Kris." Luhan said and pointed to all the pople around the table. "Oh, and here comes Kai."

I looked behind me to see the same guy from in line who had decided to stare at me.

"Hi!" I said, smiled brighter than ever, and waved.

"Hey." Lay said and smiled.

"Oh woopsies! I forgot to introduce myself! Im Nah Eunjie!" I said and smiled "Im sure you have all heard about what happened to me but dont treat me any diffrent because of it! I hope im a normal person to all of you, not a sad puppy."

They all smiled at me. I felt... accepted, in a sence.

"Well Hello Eunjie." Kris said and held out his hand for me to shake. "As you know, Im Kris, and its a pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you too!" I said and gladly shook his hand.

3 other guys walked up to the table and sat down.

"Tao, Xiumin, and Chen." Luhan said and shoved a pdumpling into his mouth.

"Luhan! Have some table manners!" I said and smacked the back of his head. Just as soon as I did a glimps of myself being cut with a small knife poped into my head.

"I-i..." I wispered and covered my mouth.

"Eunjie. Its fine. Think about befor when we would joke like this. Calm down." Luhan said. I must have been freaking out more than I thougt I was.

I took a few deep breaths and the world around me came back into focus.

"Sorry.." I wispered and sighed.

"Dont be budd." Sehun said and patted my back lightly.

"Holey ! When did you and Baekhyn get here!" I said and jumped in my seat.

"Just now." He said and laughed a little bit. I smiled and looked around.

"Lol im so stupid. Halo Tao, Xiunim, and Chen. Im Eunjie. Blah blah blah dont treat me diffrent blah blah blah im normal." I said and laughed a little bit and smiled to thiem.

"Correction. Xiumin, not Xiunim." Chen said and smiled.

"Woopsies. Silly me!" I said and smiled. I looked up to see a handsome guy walking towards the table. He had y redish brownish hair. I recdonised him from this morning when we exchanged smiles and I got lost in his eyes.

"And that's Suho." Luhan said and pointed to the y beast standing behing an empty chair. He sat down and smiled to me.

"Hey." He said and picked up his chopsticks.

"H-hi." I said and smiled back, "Im Eunjie! Nice to meet you Suho."

I tryed to sound calm. Immages of my dad flashed into my mind. 

"You remind me of him..." I said directly to Suho.

"Huh?" He asid confused.

"You remind me of my dad." I said and tryed to keep my smile on as tears came to my eyes.

"Oh... um.. good?" He said.

"Sorry, im a little emotional today. This is my first day back at school for 5 months now." I said to Suho.

"Oh, what happened?" He asked, oblvious to the whole situation.

I looked at Luhan with wide eyes and a huge smile. He got the same glint of hope in his eye as I did.

"Oh nothing.... Maybe you can find out some day!" I said.

This was my chance. I knew it, Luhan knew, and everyone knew it.

"Oh, Okay. Well nice to meet you!" Suho said and smiled.

I smiled back and opened my small white lunch pail to find chopsticks, dumplings of some sort, some rice, and kimchi stew with beef and redbeans. My least favorite meal ever.

I opened the bottom compartment, the secret compartment, to find a teabag and a roll.

"History tea with rolls. Thanks mom." I said and smiled. My favorte tea in the whole entire world. I found a note with it and smiled.

"Dear Eunjie. This is the laast bag of history tea your dad ever made. Please make it last for yourself. Sincerly Mom. Silly mom, I have a whole box of history tea dad made in my room!" I said and laughed to myself.

Luhan smiled.

"The famous history tea. Your dad and you make that togther?" He asked.

"Yeah, and this is one of the hundreds of hand made bags that we still have. Mom thinks this is the last! Unless... Oh my god. It was in a black box." I said and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I dialed my mom's number.

"Hello?" She said as she answered her phone hesitantly.

"How could you. You gave away the history tea. Why couldent you give him a bowtie or a glove!" I said enraged.

"I gave a bowtie, calm down. You have some history tea?" She asked, shocked from the notification.

"Yeah like a huge box full in my room. Its newer too, likr 6 months old. It should taste good! Theres like... maybe 400 bags.."

"Okay... well get back to your school work." She said. I hungup and started to eat the rice she had packed me. I hat a dumpling as I walked over to the trashcan to dump out the stew and act like I ate it. I ate 3 more dumplings as soon as I got back.

"So... Just a question Eunjie.. Whta is history tea?" Sehun asked.

"Um its a tea that me and my dad used to make.. It uses a lot of older spices and things like that."

He smiled and nodded in understandment. I smiled and handed him a tea bag.

" Here. Try some."


Sorry for the long time between updates and the short chapter. I have a lot of studding for finals to do and im soooooo tiered for cheerleading!!  I will try to update as soon as possible. Oh and P.S i am looking for proof reader. I make a lot of mistakes :D :D :D lol anyways. Im going to catch up on some sleep!

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exomania #1
so cool..