My life saver.

The way you look at me
Tiffany POV... Now,I'm on my way to SM Entertainment from my apartment.My apartment was not too far from SM.Within 5 minute i will arrived at SM.From far I could see my fans were waiting for me.No matter boys or girls.When i was arrived in front of SM,my fans were screaming and saying my name.Especially boys.They will say "Tiffany!Nan saranghae!" I felt annoying everytime i heard that.My driver opened the car door for me and before i went out,i looked at SM building.I still don't believed that i'm an artist now.When i want to walked through the main entrance,all of my fans were running at me and want my autograph.But were stopped by the security.The only thing that i can do were smile and say 'annyeong' to my fans.Finally,I can go in to SM building.I used lift to go to my manager's office.Less than 5 minute i was arrived at my manager's office. At manager's office... I go in without knocking first and sat on sofa.While my manager he was standing in front of the window. "You don't know how to knock?" I didn't answered his question.Instead i was busy with my mobile.He then sat on the sofa opposite me. "How's your day?" "As usual.Fans are waiting for me in front of this building."i said.But my eyes still at my phone.Not long after that,someone knocking and go in to met my manager.That person handed the papers to my manager then go out.My manager put that on the table in front of me.I looked at the papers. "What's that?" "For your comeback" Hearing my manager said that,i looked back at my phone. "Again?do i must comeback after a few months?" "It's for your fans.The more you have a fans,the more your popularity will increase" I stood up and took that papers then walked to the door. "Give me a few more weeks to rest.Then i want to practice"I then went out from my manager's office.Once again i used lift to go down. At lobby... I was walking then suddenly three boys were came to me.They gave me flowers,presents and what so ever in it. "Tiffany,mmm..." "Yes?" "Here"he handed me the flowers. "Oh?thank you"then i walked leaving them.It seems that boy was so happy i'm taking his flower.I looked at that flowers and felt so irritating with it.I saw this girl,she seems so sad.Then i gave her that flower. "For me?" "Yes for you..please accept it"That girl then took the flowers in my hand then go leaving me. "Yah!"I can heard that boy was angry at me.I turned around with annoying faces. "W-why you gave that flowers to that girl?" "Because she seems so sad.Why?is that wrong?" "Ne,it's wrong.You know it's my love for you."he said with his sad face. "Is it?Then find a new love easy right?"i turned around and suddenly that boy grabbed my hand.He squeeze my arm and started to mad at me. "Yah,you think you who?!You'rd just an arrogant artist!" "Let me go!" "Why don't you apprieciate it.You know what?no one wants you if you're not an artist!" "Let me go!" Suddenly a boy shouted and ran towards us. "Please let her go"said that boy to those boys. "Who are you?!Please don't disturb us!It's none of your business.So go!!" "I know.But please,people were looking at you guys" Those boys then let me go and walked away from there. "Are you ok?" "Yeah"I walked from there and went in to my car. "What the-Huh..I saved her life and she don't say anything?Aish.."
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Chapter 1: update soon please