Twenty two

Twisted Fate

Kris’ car skidded to a stop in front of a small tent. Grumbling something about the size, he stepped inside. Almost immediately, his eyes landed on a familiar figure. “Hey,” he said as he sat down next to her. She looked up and he frowned at how upset she looked. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Can I please have two more bottles, ahjumma?” Eun Mi ignored his question and continued drinking.

Kris raised an eyebrow at her. “Did you tell me to come here to watch you drink?”

Eun Mi glared at him and he raised his hands in defence. She grunted and poured some soju into a cup. “Here,” she said and shoved it to him.

He drank the small cup in one shot and turned to her. “So why did you need me?” he asked curiously.

“I don’t know,” she replied carelessly.

“I don’t know?” Kris scoffed. He went through all that crap at home to get here and all he gets is an ‘I don’t know’?

Eun Mi pushed another cup towards him. He drinks if effortlessly. “Now can you please tell me why you want me here?”

After he left Luhan’s workplace, he had gotten a text from Eun Mi with an address and a request. Without hesitation, he followed her request and ended up in this small tent. This was a chance and he wasn’t going to lose it.

“Can you just sit there with me?” Eun Mi almost sounded like she was pleading. “I won’t even make you pay, just be here.”  

Kris stiffened at the unusual side of her but nonetheless nodded. He watched as she continuously gulped down bottles after another. His eyes widened when she started drinking straight out of the bottle instead of using the cups. “Yah, don’t put your mouth on the bottle it’s dirty!” he chided and took the bottle off her hand. He poured the soju into a glass cup and pushed it to her. For the first time, he didn’t feel like drinking.

Eun Mi pouted and chugged down the cup. She wanted to get her mind off everything but her high alcohol tolerance level was making it hard for her. “Give me another glass,” she demanded.

Kris rolled his eyes. *Yeah, call me here to serve you wine,* he thought as he poured and gave her another glass.

About 30 minutes later, Kris was still pouring glasses for Eun Mi. The only difference was that she was no longer drinking as fast and her cheeks were slightly red. She hiccupped and dropped the empty glass onto the table. Kris rolled his eyes and moved the glass away from her.

“You!” Eun Mi pointed at his face. “Didn’t you want to know why I didn’t want to go into the pool?”

“As a matter of fact, I did,” Kris replied as he poured himself a glass.

Eun Mi stared at him for a moment. *Can I trust this kid?* “When I was 9, we were on a day trip,” she started.

“A what? Don’t you mean field trip?” Kris mused.

“Shut up and listen!” Eun Mi growled and he shut up. “We were all at the swimming pool. Me and my friends were in the wave pool. It was hot, and we were at the deep end on floaties.”

“Swimming rings you mean?”

“SHUT UP!” she roared and he snickered. “I was talking to one of my friends when…” she stopped. Kris noticed the fear in her eyes. “When… I got pulled down. I got pulled away from my floatie and into the deep water.”

Kris leaned back. “So? Can’t you swim?”

She scoffed. “Swim? I was a wonderful swimmer. That day was 3 days before the national swimming competition, I was supposed to be there to compete and represent my school.” He stayed quiet to let her continue. “But the grip that pulled me was too hard. I sprained my ankle and couldn’t swim myself back to safety.” Eun Mi sniffled. “I was 9 for god sakes! I was too young to know how to react. While I was in the water, I tried reaching out for my friends but none of them held onto me… They acted as if I wasn’t there and swam off.”

*What bastards.* Kris thought angrily. “So what happened after that?”

“A teacher walked pass and saved me,” Eun Mi replied. “But that wasn’t it. You know what hurt the most?”



Kris stared at her with an accused expression. *But she just asked me a question!*

“Gosh, rude people these days,” Eun Mi rolled her eyes and continued. “I couldn’t participate in the swimming competition. My friend replaced my spot. A few days later I overheard them talking in the toilets.”



“Hey, how was the swimming competition?” a little girl asked her friend as the four of them were standing in front of the taps, washing their hands.

“Eh it wasn’t even special,” the short haired girl shrugged. “But I liked it.”

The other three girls snickered. “At least we got to hurt that Eun Mi girl,” a girl with light brown pig tails snorted.

“Yeah, did you see her face when she was under the water?”

“Man Jiyeon sure has strength; she pulled so hard the girl couldn’t even swim back up!”

“Damn Mr Baek for walking pass at that exact moment. He should’ve just let her there to die.”

“I know right! She deserved everything. Acting all cool in the water and everything, she couldn’t even swim at the time when she most needed it. Champion swimmer my .”

“Hey are you guys done, let’s go.” Laughing and chatting. The little girls went back to class.

Once they were out of sight, a little figure stepped out from one of the toilet cubicles. Her eyes were puffy and there was snot coming down her nose. For a person, hearing those words from your friends was just a simple back stabbing incident. But for a young 9 year old girl, those harsh words were her nightmare. Her own friends, whom she had considered the family she chose, had gone out of their way and harmed her. They had put her life at risk just because another friend wanted something. They had forgotten all their friendship promises because of some swimming competition. They had killed her childhood.

-End of flashback-


“Ever since then, every time I saw water it’d remind me of that,” Eun Mi pouted. “I really liked swimming, they just ruined it. They ruined everything. They always do.”

Kris softened at the sight of her. After hearing her story, he felt like a jerk. A jerk that had judged her without hearing her side of the story. Guilt filled him up like thick honey in a jar. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I’m so so sorry.”

She hiccupped. “Ew. Why are you apologising?”

He smirked at her funny reaction and brushed away a lose strand of hair from her face. Eun Mi pushed his hand away and frowned at him. “Don’t touchy me!”

He laughed and shook his head.

“Don’t laugh at me!” she sulked. “You don’t know how I’m feeling.”

“Then how are you feeling?” he asked.

“How am I feeling?” she laughed by herself. “I feel horrible. Horrible. Horrible,” she shook her head repeatedly. “I feel like a cupid that’s messed up her job. It’s like if shot the wrong arrow at the wrong person.” Images of Luhan and Yeomin flashed through her mind and she groaned. “Ottokae?! How am I supposed to do this? He’s my friend but she’s also my friend. I don’t want any of them to get hurt. Why is this so confusing?!”

“Girl what the hell are you saying?” Kris asked, confused out of his brains. “What cupid? What girl? What boy?”

“What am I saying?” Eun Mi asked herself. She tilted her head and stared at him. Something in her mind buzzed and she started moving closer to him.

Kris stopped smiling when she realised what she was doing. He sat up straight and leaned back away from her. “Y-Yah, what the hell are you doing?”

She smiled at him. “You know, you’re actually really pretty.”

He shot her a dirty look. *Pretty?! Does this woman think I’m a girl or something.* He yelped when he realised Eun Mi was only a few centimetres away from him. Her eyes were on his lips and she didn’t even blink.

“Oh! She kisses the first person she sees when she is drunk!”

Kris remembered Luhan’s words and gulped. He tried leaner further away from her but any further and he’ll be off the chair. “Yah, you’re drunk,” he said to Eun Mi.

“Shh,” Eun Mi hushed him, her eyes were still on his lips. She her own lips and closed her eyes.

Kris’ heart leaped when she started leaning in even more. When they were merely millimetres away he shut his eyes. He knew it was wrong but waited for her soft lips.


Kris opened his eyes and looked down at Eun Mi, who was now asleep on his lap. *Of course.* He rolled his eyes. He paid the ahjumma for the drinks and lifted her up.

Seeing her sleeping face made him smile. ‘Babo,” he muttered as he flicked her forehead gently. “Worry about someone else’s love life to the point where you get drunk.” Yet, he couldn’t help but have a silly smile on his face as he wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her up onto his back. Why?

Because out of everyone, she had called him to accompany her.


“Luhan,” Eun Mi called as she stepped into the chicken store.

“Again?” he sighed dramatically as she sat down.

Eun Mi groaned and rubbed her temples. She couldn’t remember anything from yesterday. The only thing she knew was that Kris had taken her home after she got her drunk.

Luhan sat down opposite her. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked with an amused expression.

She frowned and messed her hair. “My head hurts,” she whined. “Hangover.”

He rolled his eyes at her and stood up to go into the staffroom. A few seconds later he came out with a tablet and a glass of water. “Here, silly Mimi.”

“Thanks,” she accepted the water and gulped the tablet down.

“Why would you drink so much anyways?” Luhan frowned at her.

She glared at him.

“Oh yeah!” Luhan said and pulled out his phone. “Do you know what happened to Yeomin, she won’t pick up my calls or return my text.”

*Yeomin?* An idea came through her mind and she smiled. “I think she’s going on a date.”

“Date?” Luhan tilted his head cluelessly. “She’s going on a date?”

“Yeah I think so,” Eun Mi nodded. “She’s recently been seeing this guy. Heard his really attractive,” she giggled.

“Oh really?” Luhan asked, there was a slight sting in his heart but he ignored it. “That’s good. She’s going to find a good man.”

Eun Mi tsked and shot him a look. *Man this guy and his poo brain.* “Hey Luhan,” she called.

“Hmm?” he hummed as he played with his phone.

“I’m going to tell you a story and you tell me what you think okay?”

“Go ahead.”

“Well I have this friend, she likes my other friend but is scared to confess or even face him because she overheard him talking about how he doesn’t like her.”

“Ouch,” Luhan cringed.

“Yeah. She’s hurt. And now she doesn’t know what to do. What do you think she should do?” Eun Mi asked, Luhan didn’t catch the mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

“That’s a stupid question,” Luhan chirped. “Of course she should tell him! Just because he says he doesn’t like her mean he’s telling the truth. She should tell him anyway and if he doesn’t accept her then at least her feelings weren’t bottled up.”

Eun Mi shook her head. “People have been giving hints, but he still doesn’t know that she likes him.”

Luhan frowned and placed his hands on his hip. “Well isn’t that guy an idiot.”

“Urgh,” Eun Mi groaned. She reached over and whacked his head. Hard.

“Ow!” he whimpered and held onto his head. “What was that for?!”

“For being the idiot,” she muttered, low enough for him not to hear.

“Hey Eun Mi,” Luhan called after a while.

*Better not be one of his jokes again.* Eun Mi thought as she looked up. “Hmm?”

“Do you think something is wrong with Yeomin?”

Eun Mi sighed inwardly. “No, why?”

“I don’t know,” Luhan frowned. “She usually answers my calls no matter what. If she was really busy then she’d usually text me.”

“Maybe she’s just busy,” Eun Mi replied half heartedly. *Busy getting over you.*



A/N: Well that's 5 chapters from us today, hope you liked them! The 5 chapters were to celebrate on getting past 50 subbies. Yay~ *throws confetti*
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ohshytsitzmarina #1
Chapter 66: awww, I wanna know his reaction! LOL

Good story, I loved it! It was cute and sad and lots of crying on my end. LOL
erica_1610 #2
update please :-(
MissMong24 #3
Chapter 62: I am crying oh my goodness my poor little heart is in pain
Chapter 60: Wow okay tears rolling down my face okay. why Eun Mi why?
Chapter 58: -.- wow no this is just not cute
sakuraroory #6
Chapter 58: thanks for the update and please update more :)
Chapter 57: Nooo Lulu you're misunderstanding </3333 URGH MY HEART!!! </3 MY POOR POOR HEAR ;-;