welcome back, freakish powers.

it's the finale.

"All you have to do is stand in that tube room, and relax. Don't touch the walls, you might get shocked. Just close your eyes." Zelo told me.

"So just stand there and avoid the walls?" I confirmed.


I nodded as I walked into to this cylinder shaped room. Definitely not for the claustrophobic. I actually don't have that phobia, but I was paranoid not to touch the walls so I shrunk into a stiff pole and just stood in there.

"You ready?" I heard someone yell from outside.

"Yep!" I yelled back.

"Okay, the lights will be a little bright so close your eyes!" I heard the voice yell back.

I shut my eyes and stayed still. I could still see a bit of glare through my eyelids. It must have been blinding.

The door was swung open and I walked out. To test, I formed a basic forcefield around myself.
The familiar feeling of my energy I thought I would leave forever. Welcome back, freakish powers.

"Working okay?" Zelo walked by to check on me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded. "Just... I just thought I'd never have to do this anymore."

Zelo patted my back. "For your planet and mine, Jeongna. And for the innocent people who might get captured for future battles."

I smiled and nodded, but I could feel my body brain and heart just tiring out. Honestly, I didn't want to be some powerful warrior, I wanted to be the normal girl I was before all this happened. These stuff were just too overwhelming.

But like what Zelo said, we have to do this, or everyone might just die.

All of us had our powers and we met in this huge empty room, which was the training room. It was the size of the previous training arena we had in exoplanet, but it didn't have the same technology where the room could chage into different scenarios. It was just a big blank room with invincible walls.

I saw the B.A.P team taking out shining metal weapons. "Don't you guys have powers too?" I asked curiously.

"Well for our year's battle, they wanted to do something a little different. They decided not to give us powers, but instead train us in various weaponry and skills. We won, but it got boring so they revoked the change." Himchan explained.

"So basically, I can't throw some iceball like you guys but I am relatively okay with a spear." Yongguk said, before swiftly picking up the huge metal spear and coolly flinging it like a javelin to the opposite wall. It struck straight into the wall with a fatal-looking stab. The whole blade was dug into the wall. Relatively okay with the spear? I bet hardly any of us could lift it. I could almost hear the mental gasps from everyone watching.

"For me, its nunchucks." I raised my eyebrow curiously. I've never seen anyone handle such things before. Himchan lifted two metal nunchucks that made deadly clangs as they hit each other. With skillful turns and a forceful swing, he flung the nunchuck at the wall and it made a huge dent on the wall. That would've really made a broken skull. 

Daehyun sort ofknew that it was his turn to show his skill. So he took a sword from a rack and drew it from the scabbard. It was long and it looked really heavy, but Daehyun handled it so swiftly like a feather. The sound of the sword cutting the air was loud as he swung it left and right with crazy speed. And before we knew it he forcefully dug the sword into the wall, making some huge cracks.

Youngjae just graped this huge, long gun. "I'm a sniper." He said simply. He grabbed an empty scabbard and fung it in the air. Quickly, he aimed and pulled the trigger. The scabbard fell back to the ground, with a bullethole right in the middle.

He looked at Jongup, indicating it was his turn. Jongup jumped a little to lax himself before he did this Samurai flip and kicked the whole rack of weapons. That kick wouldn't be just an ordinary kick if it could send the whole rack carrying heavy metal weapons accross the room.

We unconsciously expected Zelo to follow up but we couldn't find him. Puzzled, we turned around and glanced around for him. But he couldn't be found. 

Suddenly, he appeared behind Kris and grabbed his shoulders, causing him to jump in shock. All of us laughed. 

"I was trained in stealth and strength." Zelo explained.

"So these are basically our abilities." Yongguk wrapped up. "With all of us working together, we should be a relatively powerful bunch. We will kill them. All of them. We will kill the raven."

"...What?" One of us asked.

I cocked my head. "What's with the ravens?"

"Oh." Daehyun said. "You guys probably don't know. But ravens are the most commonly found birds in Exoplanet. In fact, they are so common that they've become some useful things to the people of the planet. They train these ravens to become messengers, mimicking their voices or passing notes. They're pretty important in Exoplanet. And because of their importance and commonness, they are the symbols of exoplanet. So a raven would refer to the Exoplanet in these terms."

That was something new. I did see a few ravens in the forest arena during battle, but never really did take special notice.

"We should get to training by ourselves so you guys can warm up your long lost powers, eh." Yongguk said in his low voice and dismissed us.

I walked to the corner of the room. I still remembered how to use my power clearly, but my forcefieds were relatively weak. I tried to focus more but making my forcefield reflective was taking quite some time. I got a bit worried and decided that I really needed to train hard, and fast.


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sebuff #1
Please update, I love this series!!
Chapter 3: update soon :)
sebuff #3
Chapter 3: This is it. BAP and EXO + Jeongna joining forces.
Please update soon. I love this series!!
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Im so excited for the training and stuff !
hahahahah.. update soon. ;)
MY FEELS!!!! B.A.P and EXO!! Omg! Hahaha. Update soon. :)
Chapter 2: I love it !!! <3<3<3
idontevencare #8
Chapter 2: at the first I thought BAP are from exoplanet, but this is much cooler! I love it <3