C h a p t e r : 1 - -

The New Supply Teacher ( hiatus )

Kai isn't the sharpest crayon in the box. He has swagger, he has style - but he doesn't really have brains. That's what everyone always says to him.

He's used to it, though.

It doesn't help that he shares a flat with Seoul University's cleverest student, Kim Joonmyeon, or Suho. That dude is really clever. Studying astro physics, apparently. Kai doesn't even know what that means.

“Hyung! I bought food~” Kai shouted from the door, throwing his keys on the coffee table and taking his shoes off.

“Mhmm, coming!” Suho shouted indistinctly, and Kai guessed he had been chewing on a pencil for a while.

Shaking his head, the younger started to unpack the carrier bag of food he had bought in the kitchen. He took out ready-made Kimchi and bibimbap and threw them on the table lazily. Usually Kai cooks something, but today he was too lazy and tired after a hard dance session.

“Hey, hey, did I just hear you throw food on the table, Jonginnie?” Suho asked, walking into the room and getting two pairs of chopsticks out.
Kai pouted and shook his head innocently as Suho laughed and ruffled his hair.

Kai found himself smiling warmly at his clever roommate. 'I never thought I would say this, but Suho's not that bad,' Kai thought, sitting down at the table.

Suho sat down soon after and they started silently stuffing their mouths full. “Ah, Jonginnie, you'll never guess what I saw today,” Suho said, mouth full.

Kai nodded for him to go on.

“It was a dance class flyer! I thought you might like to go - they teach boy band dances and simple things you could easily learn-” Suho finished cheerfully, but Kai was rolling around the table groaning.

“There he is again, my geeky roommate,” Kai muttered and Suho hit him lightly, pouting.

“I though you like dancing, Jonggie!” the older said, still pouting and shoving food in his mouth.

The latter rolled his eyes and answered, “I do, but I'm not an average kid who doesn’t have a clue about dancing. You can go with all your little geeky friends and afterwards show me how good you can dance to ‘Sorry sorry’.”

“Hey! That’s mean! We’re not “geeky”, we’re highly intelligent adults who can earn a living.” Suho fired back at Kai, who laughed and flicked a grain of rice at the other.

“Yeah yeah, just finish your food, hyung.”

After both had finished, Kai stood up and stacked the dishwasher obediently. Suho went to his room and pinched the Kai’s cheek on the way. Kai pouted and pretended to bite his fingers – but he could feel his face glowing red.

‘What the heck? I’m not into guys, so why am I blushing when hyung pinches my cheek? It’s never happened before…’ Kai thought as he entered his room and threw himself on his messy bed. He rolled around, making clothes fall all over the place, and listened to Suho talking on the phone next door.

“Ah yes, hello? Can I help you?” Suho said cheerfully. There was a slight pause before he started speaking again. “Yes, this is Kim Joonmyeon speaking. Ah, a supply teacher space is free at Seoul's Academy for Girls? You'd like me to take it?”

Kai was about to stop listening and go to watch TV when he stopped. 'Did he just say what I think he said...?' he thought and pressed himself against the thin wall. The dancer had been right; the job was paid very well – and Suho was rejecting it!

“I'm sorry, I'd love to, but my best friend is very ill in hospital. I am leaving on the day you want me to start. Hmm? No, I don't know when I'll be back. Sorry again. Yes. Okay, have a nice evening!”

The door to Kai's room suddenly opened and Suho blinked at Kai, who was still glued to the wall. Kai threw himself from the wall to his bed, hastily rearranging his messy covers.

“What were you doing, Jongin?” Suho asked suspiciously, eyeing the latter.

The younger shook his head and quickly said, “N-Nothing, hyung.”

“Right...Well I'm going out for some drinks with Jonghyun and BoA, I'll be back late. Bye!”

As the door closed Kai breathed out thankfully. “He doesn't know I was spying, well, maybe he doesn't. I hope so. But now it's time to find out who he was talking to...” the boy said to himself in a mischievous manner and slipped from his room into Suho's.

It wasn't wrong, accepting that supply teacher job. Suho couldn't do it, so why didn't Kai take his place? The older was always nagging him to get a job. Teaching girls couldn't be that hard. Right?

“Yes, hello? It's Kim Joonmyeon speaking again. I just got notice that my best friend is a lot better and will be discharged from hospital tomorrow morning. ...Yes, that means I'll be taking the job as supply teacher.”


“Kyunghee! Are you ready yet?” one of Kyungsoo's roommates, Yuri, shouted from downstairs.

Kyungsoo jumped and dropped his mascara. “C-Coming, just a second!” he shouted from his room, hastily adding the finishing touches to his make-up. A lot of boys had told him that he was a pretty girl and it has always pleased the cook to hear that. That was the reason why he always tried hard when he was going out with his nine girl friends.

Racing down the stairs Kyungsoo quickly grabbed his handbag and caught up with the others. They immediately pulled him into the conversation and soon all ten of them were laughing loudly as they walked down the street.

“Hey, Kyunghee, you're mascaras smudged a bit,” Yoona said cheerfully, nudging up close to Kyungsoo. He blinked and said, “Ah, really? Could you fix it, please?”

“Sure!” Yoona said, giggling, before sticking her finger out at the latter. Kyungsoo it gingerly and Yoona started scrubbing gently at the side of his eye.
“There, all gone.” She said and Kyungsoo smiled at her.

As the group continued walking into the city, Kyungsoo found himself smiling again. 'What any other boy would do to be here with them, I wonder? How many of them would kill to be able to Im Yoona's slender fingers?' he found himself chuckling, 'Haha, too many to count, I should guess.'

This time it was Jessica who ripped the cook out of his thoughts. “Kyunghee! You were thinking so intensely; were you thinking of the Kim Joonmyeon~?”

The other laughed as Kyungsoo's cheeks turned bright shade of red. “N-No! I wasn't...” he protested, but Jessica shook her head.

“Honestly, Kyunghee, you only saw him once and you've totally fallen for him? That can't go well.”

Hey! Don't bring down our Kyunghee's hopes, it might work!” Sunny said encouragingly, wrapped her thin arms around Kyungsoo's shoulders.

The other girls nodded, and Jessica shrugged.

'That's right, Sunny. It will work with me and Joonmyeon, someday! I just hope I'd get to see him more...' Kyungsoo thought sadly, but in the next moment he was laughing again.

He wasn't going to let a guy ruin his time with his best friends!

() - You have one, new, messaji from: Kendare.

Hello! I'm so so so so soooo sorry that the first chapter is this late - but I was seriously ill

and my mother wouldn't even let me speak  about my computer. I hope you liked it

anyway orz It will usually be like this  - one half of the chapter is Kai, the other Kyungsoo.

Is that ok? I'll be updating soon! (I hope!)
P.S. Yes, SNSD are Kyungsoo's best friends e u e


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[continued] but I am back on the 13th of April and will update soon after that c: (I swear, I've had the worst writers' block in history orz)


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eunhae99 #2
Chapter 9: please update
ohtshn #3
Please update ^^
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the update, Author-nim
kawaii-gizibe #5
Chapter 9: You're back!!! Yay~ I missed you!
Chapter 7: Love it! ~
lola8601 #7
Chapter 7: Love it!!!!!!!
imsocool #8
love your updates <3
Chapter 7: I love this fic~ please continue soon!!
herashin #10
Chapter 7: I seriously dont have any idea how would theyre gonna tell the truth of their identities thats why i like this fic♥♥