C h a p t e r : 7 - -

The New Supply Teacher ( hiatus )

The moment the bell went, Kai dismissed his class and gathered his things. He shot out of the main entrance along with several groups of girls, who all giggled at him and bade him goodbye.

‘They’re so sweet,’ the boy thought, smiling as he ran out of the gates at to his bike. In the first few days at the Girls’ Academy Kai had taken a taxi, but soon found out that it was faster with bike, plus the view was great. The old school building was surrounded by trees, mainly cherry blossom, and old French-style houses (the Head Mistress had a passion for France, you see).

Some of the girls had told him that it’s best to ride your bike when the cherry blossoms are falling, because it was just unbelievably pretty. Some blossoms were falling at that moment, and the girls had been right; Kai thought it looked absolutely stunning.

The boy stopped at the public toilets to get changed. There was no way he would let Chanyeol, Luhan and Sehun see him in a tie, whiteshirt and work trousers. He put on a T-shirt and some baggy jeans, feeling like himself for the first time in a while. The park was just ahead, and even from a distance Kai could see his giant best friend, Chanyeol
The Giraffe. Chanyeol was doing some sort of tribal dance and was scaring the hell out of Sehun, making Kai laugh. He chained his bike to a gate and ran the rest of the way to the park.

“Hey, Yeol! Guess who’s here~” Kai yelled from the park gates, making all three boys turn their heads to him. Chanyeol’s face broke into a smile and he came running over, his arms outstretched. Kai chuckled and met Chanyeol’s hug, patting the latter on the back. “How’ve you been, my giraffe?” Kai said warmly, poking the older’s nose.

Chanyeol grinned and said, “I’ve been good - my basketball team’s gotten into the finals!”
Chanyeol’s height had often brought him down, but a few years ago Kai, Luhan and Sehun found a basketball team he could join and the giraffe’s height was a great advantage now. He walked around proudly instead of with his shoulders hunched, and it made the other three boys infinitely happy.

“That’s great, Yeol! You should try to do a slam dunk, that’d be really cool,” Kai joked, laughing when Chanyeol pouted and h it the latter lightly.

“I can do slam dunks all the time, you idiot,” the giraffe retorted, but he was grinning. Kai stupidly remembered that Luhan and Sehun were actually there as well.

He waggled his index finger in between them, connecting the two. “So are you guys finally a couple, or what?” he said in an exasperated tone. Luhan and Sehun blushed like crazy and moved away from each other, which was a clear answer.

“We’re still working on it,” Chanyeol said, resting his arm on Kai’s shoulder. The two frowned at what they called ‘HunHan’. (Chanyeol screeched this every time he saw the two alone together, it was becoming quite annoying).

Luhan looked dangerously close to cursing in Mandarin, which had gotten him banned from the mall once, so Sehun quickly changed the subject. “So Chanyeol told me you were picking up a ‘cute chick’ earlier, Jongin. Come on, tell us about her,” the youngest said icily.

Kai shrugged, relaxed, and said, “Sure. She’s called Do Kyunghee. My age, goes to the Girls’ Academy down the road from here. She’s cute. I think I’m serious about her.”

The other 3 boys gasped in genuine surprise. Kai, although naturally shy, used to be a playboy and was still never serious about any of his girlfriends. And Kyunghee wasn’t even his girlfriend yet. Kai grinned; he was pleased he had shocked his best friends.

“Wow, are you. . .being serious? You’ve had about 1000 girlfriends and none of them meant anything to you!” Luhan exclaimed, his mouth a small, round ‘o’. He made Kai pout and kick the elder’s stupid shin. (the elder squealed in pain, much to Kai's satisfaction).

“You make me sound like a heartless monster. Of course my ex-girlfriends meant something to me. Just not as much as this girl,” the young teacher said huffily, making Chanyeol laugh and ruffle his hair. The giraffe had always been Kai’s best best friend, and around him Kai could literally get away with murder.

“C’mon, don’t bully my baby, Han,” Chanyeol reasoned, smiling warmly at the Chinese, who immediately relented.

“Fine.” He grumbled, wrapping an arm around Sehun’s waist, making the younger blush. Kai and Chanyeol smirked, creepy smiles on their faces.

“Are you sure nothing’s happened between you two? Wasn’t there that one time where you had to live together for a week? Ohoho, that must’ve meant a lot of cleaning up afterwards, don’t you think, Jonginnie-”

Kai wheezed with laughter while Luhan attacked a grinning Chanyeol, tackling him to the ground and swearing at him loudly in Mandarin. Sehun wasn’t trying to stop him - he was just standing there awkwardly, biting his lip.
When the youngest made eye contact with Kai, something clicked inside the teachers mind.

No. You, Sehun? You got banged by Luhan? Wait, no, you probably topped, right?” Kai said eagerly, throwing his arm around Sehun’s shoulder.

Sehun blushed a million different shades of red, but nodded. Kai cheered and slapped him on the back, grin filled with respect.

“That’s m’ boy! I knew you’d top! Chanyeol, we were right. Sehun does top!” Kai yelled at the top of his lungs, making sure the whole park heard, naturally.

Chanyeol pushed a swearing Luhan off him and dusted himself off, only realising what Kai had said a minute later. “Whaaat? Sehun and Luhan had a bang session? Ohoho, way to go, lispy!” His laughter boomed around the park, no doubt would a mother be calling the police by now, and he slapped Sehun's back with pride. Looking over the embarrassed younger's shoulder at Kai, Chanyeol mouthed, Three. Two. One.

And then the two of them, with scary unison, shouted:


Sehun was absolutely devastated. He grabbed Luhan's hand and together they ran out of the park as fast as they could, faces practically sizzling. Chanyeol and Kai almost tripped over themselves with laughter, that would have to be the most successful public embarrassment yet. After the two recovered, there was a comfortable silence. Then Chanyeol turned to the younger with a warm smile.

I’m glad you've found a girl you really like,” he said happily, eyes curving into crescent moons. It made Kai's insides warm up instantly, because Chanyeol was genuinely happy for him. But what if he had made a mistake? Maybe Kyunghee wasn't the one for him. The teacher had started thinking she was, but now he wavered. Who knows what she really feels like about him? She didn't even know his real identity.




» Note




hey there, long time no see. ; u ; things have been very busy lately. like seriously. it's not even funny.
as well as that, aff hasn't been working lately on my laptop ( I have a bad feeling my father has something
to do with this ==; ) and like you already know, I had an awful writers' block. ugh. but, i'm back! and this is
a kai chapter featuring the erted trio. there'll be more of them, seeing as it was more like kaiyeol bullying
hunhan than a chanhunhan bullying kai. i'm such a lovely person. well, see you around kiddies. stay happy.

and sorry that it's so painfully short. next update should come sometime soon. o u o;;



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[continued] but I am back on the 13th of April and will update soon after that c: (I swear, I've had the worst writers' block in history orz)


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eunhae99 #2
Chapter 9: please update
ohtshn #3
Please update ^^
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the update, Author-nim
kawaii-gizibe #5
Chapter 9: You're back!!! Yay~ I missed you!
Chapter 7: Love it! ~
lola8601 #7
Chapter 7: Love it!!!!!!!
imsocool #8
love your updates <3
Chapter 7: I love this fic~ please continue soon!!
herashin #10
Chapter 7: I seriously dont have any idea how would theyre gonna tell the truth of their identities thats why i like this fic♥♥