Chapter One: So This Is Jinyoung



Diversity Chapter One: 

 Jinyoung was happily surprised when Sunhee agreed to come and finally meet him, promising to visit the moment she could afford it. This took about 3 months and then they had everything set out so that Sunhee could finally come meet the young man that had changed her life.

Sunhee's Point of View:


"Bye!" I yelled out to my coworkers for the billionth time today as I finally stepped foot outside the office. I work as a journalist for a children's magazine. My job is one of the greatest jobs I could ever imagine myself having. Writing has always been my biggest passion, and to think that children all over Korea would be enjoying my work sent a smile to my face. The job definitely kept me busy, always trying to find new things to write about, then the action of writing also taking up a good majority of time. But none of that bothered me, I found every bit of it fun, even if it did get hard. I was pretty lucky to enjoy my job that much I guess, but Jinyoung was the one that told me to go for it. It was really his fault I was always so happy. I figured that's why I had agreed to come see him so quickly. So right now I was waiting for my fiancée to come and pick me up and drive me to the airport. But when I checked my watch, Joon was already running five minutes late. He always did this to me, but I often brushed it off. Joon was very busy, so I had learned when I would have to wait for him, though I did wish he would come on time for something like this, if he was to late I would miss my flight. As I stood there consumed in my thoughts, Joon finally pulled up. I thankfully climbed in and was welcomed with a short kiss.


"Sorry," He said, his voice hinted at annoyance, "I had to run something by the office." I sighed at the last word but forgave him. I was used to it by now, and as his wife I would put up with it, but Joon's work was always a big topic on his mind. He always had to mention the office, or leave our dates early because he had to go to the office, but I managed to be okay, besides, I loved Joon so I could deal with it.


"It's fine, I shouldn't miss the flight if they check me in fast enough." I smiled and waved my hand as if I was dismissing it. He let out and agreeing sound and nodded, eyes focused on the road.


"So who is this boy again?" I had told him a billion times, but Joon was really overprotective, he didn't really like the fact that I was going to visit Jinyoung.


"Only my best friend for the past five years." I said with a hint of sarcasm and the same attitude he was giving to me.


"I, am your best friend, Sunhee, that's why were engaged." My eyes rolled a little but I nodded.


"Yeah. I know." The rest of the ride was silent as I thought about Joon. He was what I had considered my dream man, maybe with out a very perfect attitude, but that was fine. He was able to support a family, he smothered me in gifts, he said he loved me, his looks weren't bad. I frowned, maybe my brain was running short because of excitement, my list of reasons hadn't turned out as long as I had expected. Joon followed me until I had checked in and we had to separate. I expected a sweet, meaning full departure, but that wasn't what I got.


"Hurry up and go, I have people waiting for me at the office." I hugged him and turned away without a kiss or an "I love you", disappointed. I finally got my baggage checked and went to wait for the plane.


The plane ride was pretty enjoyable. I sat the whole time and thought about Jinyoung. He had done so much for me, and I was so excited to finally meet him. When I had met Jinyoung I of course hadn't expected to still talk to him after 5 years. But our friendship had managed to last that long, something that made both of us very happy. Jinyoung was one of the sweetest people I had ever met. He was sweet to me, and he understood and helped me solve all my problems. I had found myself trusting Jinyoung with everything that every bothered me, everything that made me happy, just everything about me. Jinyoung never made me feel uncomfortable, and he did everything that he could to make me feel happy. Jinyoung was the kind of friend that you could be sure that they would always be there, almost always support you, and of course tell you when you're wrong so you don't make a fool out of yourself. The kind of friend that would never judge you, and was ready to do whatever they could for you, that was the kind of friend Jinyoung was.


I knew I should have spent the flight sleeping, but I just couldn't. Suddenly I wondered why Jinyoung was so quick to invite me over. Maybe he had been wanting to for years, but was to scared. I smiled, thinking about how cute it probably was when he got shy. What was I thinking? Happy about a guy getting shy over me when I was engaged. Isn't that a bad thing? Plus, I was pretty sure Jinyoung wouldn't get shy over me. I was just some girl he had met over the Internet, I was nothing. The flight was long. I didn't like having to wait so long to see my best friend. The fact I had already waited over five years boosted my excitement and lowered my patience a great deal. I wanted to see him already, waiting was getting super hard.


I began thinking about how he looked, trying to get in straight in my head before I got there. I didn't want to have a lot of trouble finding him. It had been a while since we had video chatted and I wondered if he looked any different so I mostly focused on his face in my head. Hopefully he would see me first and recognize me. I had gained his cell phone number earlier and I was luckily able to call and text him if there were any problems. Like me getting lost. Getting lost seemed to become my talent at a young age, something Jinyoung found extremely funny every time I mentioned it. But of course he'd get worried after and ask multiple times if I was okay. The flight finally came to and end and I began getting very nervous.


What if he was really weird or something? What if he was annoying or smelled like feet? I sighed shaking my head, I needed to stop telling myself these things. This boy wouldn't be any of these things, I could just tell. I ignored what the speakers were saying about directions to baggage pick up, all my bags were carry ons anyway, and exited when they finally opened the airplane doors. When I got out I called Jinyoung to see where he was.


"Hello?" His beautiful voice came from the other side of the phone, causing my smile to grow.


"Hi, Jinyoung Oppa! Where are you?" He chuckled lightly after I spoke.


"I'm by baggage pick up, okay?" I felt my face fall. Crud. I dug myself into a hole.


"Um, yeah okay! I'll see you soon!" I hung up and scratched my shoulder nervously. I didn't want to ask for directions. I'd sound retarded, so I decided to try and find it myself. I guess I'm just really stupid, because my tendency to get lost kicked in quickly. The airport was a couple stories and very large. Anybody could get lost here, especially me. I sat at a burger joint and pulled my phone out.


"Hey, did you get lost?" I could hear the smile in Jinyoung's voice as he spoke.


"No. . . yes." I sighed in defeat and waited for him to finish laughing at me, even though I enjoyed hearing it.


"Where are you?" He finally asked, and I sighed again.


"The burger place." There was an odd silence on the other side of the phone.


"There is no burger place, Sunhee." He said, a worried tone to his voice.


"WHAT?!" I began freaking out and he tried his hardest to calm me down until he could speak.


"Hang up, and I will try and figure out where you are." I sighed and did as he said, laying my head on my arms. I was lost, and Jinyoung just decided to hang up on me?! I heard someone sit by me but I ignored them until they decided to speak to me.


"Can I offer to buy you something, miss?" Their voice was soothingly familiar and I looked up quickly. Jinyoung sat next to me, his sweet smile placed on his lips.


"JINYOUNG OPPA!" I hugged onto him in relief and surprise. "So, you lied to me!" I pointed at him accusingly with a cute pout. He tilted his head back a little bit and let out that amazing laugh.


"Please forgive me, I wanted to surprise you." He winked and I blushed lightly putting my face in my hands. Forgiveness was instantly given.


"Okay, Okay, I forgive you!" I laughed too, hugging him again. So this was Jinyoung. I smiled as he returned the embrace, both of us wanting to stay like that. His cologne filled my nose and I smiled at the smell. . . it was. . . comforting. It felt good to finally have his arms around me, to know I could spend time with the man that would always protect me. What the heck was I thinking? Joon would always protect me, right? I pulled out of Jinyoung's hold and smiled at him. I was really excited for this trip, to be with my Jinyoung. I just wasn't ready for what was actually ahead of me.  


A/N:  So this was the first chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! Please S&C thank you!!

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