





"I'll buy this place." SuHo flashes the land owner a smile. 
"Then this will be yours. Thank you for coming here." She announces sincerely.
"No, thank you. I'll bring in my belongings by the end of tonight. Is that alright?" She nods her head.
"Tonight is fine. Feel at home while staying here. I'll be off now." They bid each other farewell.
"I can get myself some...sleep..now.." His words turn into mumbles and his lids close, ceasing him to sleep. 
"SuHo..." He wakens hearing his name. "I'm Kristy. Nice to meet you." She smiles flashing her teeth, holding her hand out while kneeling beside him. 
He jolts from his spot widening his eyes. "What?! You're who?!" 
Lol jk Here's the start of the story. :B I'm gonna upload the whole story tonight. Meh. ;p 
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Chapter 2: is there a sequel or something?
i like please make a sequel...
Chapter 2: At first im like " da fuq?thats it?!? >:O" then im like oh nevermind XDDD
Chapter 2: Woooooooo.... Suho is brave! i will freak out if a ghost appeared out of nowhere even if he is a handsome and cute ghost who is my bias..
Chapter 2: …I see I see.