
Under the mistletoe


It was a small party put together by the heads of SMent; but one would argue that it could never be called "small" considering that most guests are in the center of the K-Pop wave. Nonetheless, it was a simple dinner that had no program, no emcee, and no stage. The management decided that a get-together dinner where the artists can mingle freely would be a good choice. "Just give them some time to talk to each other like friends and co-workers, no schedule, no cameras, and no work for tonight for any of them," they thought. And all the artists loved the idea as they talked loudly and comfortably with one another. All were happily chatting and eating the night away, well unless for one dark-skinned boy.
"Kai-ssi, what's wrong with you?" Chanyeol asked Jongin as the older noticed that the younger looked pissed. "You look like you're going to murder someone or someone hid all your Pororo CDs." Jongin really did look terrible; his eyes read anger. Although he was playing with his lips like he always did whenever they were being interviewed or signing albums, his gaze was deadly. 
"Shut up, hyung. Not in the mood." Jongin answered simply.
"Yah! Don't tell me to shut up. And look at me while you're talking to me. Where are you looking at anyways?" Chanyeol asked as he followed the younger's line of sight. "Ah, I get it." The older exclaimed as he saw the reason behind the dancer's mood.
There were three people were standing near the buffet table.
"Uhm, Luhan-hyung..." Kyungsoo said awkwardly. "Why are smiling so weirdly at me?" he asked as he took a step backwards the older.
"Kyungsoo..." Luhan cooed. "Can't you see where we are?" He asked, grinning mischievously.
"At.. the party?"
"No," the older grinned even more. "We're standing under a mistletoe, look!" he said as he pointed to a leaf that was hanging on the roof. It wasn't even a mistletoe; it was just a random leaf shape that served as a design.
"I don't think that's a mistletoe, hyung." Kyungsoo reasoned.
"It sure seems like it to me," Luhan said as he stepped nearer the younger. "So, you do know what people who are under a mistletoe are supposed to do, right?"
"Uhmmm. I don--" Kyungsoo uttered before being cut by Chen's loud voice. 
"Not fair, hyung! We were the ones standing here first, so if anyone can kiss Kyungsoo, it's me!" Chen exclaimed as he pulled Kyungsoo away from Luhan.
"No way! I was the one that noticed the mistletoe first." the oldest said, grabbing Kyungsoo's arm.
Kai was about to stand up and approach the three when he saw the person seating beside him rush angrily to the three. 
"Looks like you weren't the only one not enjoying the scene, bro," Chanyeol said, laughing.
"So Kyungsoo, what about my--" Luhan said before being pulled away. 
"Your what? Can you finish your sentence, Luhan-hyung?" Sehun asked very angrily. His eyes were glaring, and he looked as if he's daring the older to complete his statement.
"My kiss," the older said smiling. Luhan's eyes were also smiling; it was as if he had won something, making him so ecstatic.
"There will be no such thing," the maknae said syllable per syllable through gritted teeth as he tugged Luhan by the arm away.
"HAHAHA! Maknae is angryyy~" Chen sang as he watched Sehun drag a happy Luhan.
"I don't see what he is jealous of..." Kyungsoo said softly and confused.
"Of course you don't, if you did, you would've done something earlier," an angry voice said from behind Kyungsoo. The tone and toughness of the voice startled Kyungsoo, causing him to look back instantly.
"Jongin," the dark-skinned boy corrected. He preferred people who are close to him address him by his real name.
"What... What's wrong with you? Why do you seem angry?" Kyungsoo asked as his eyes became wide because of confusion.
"Nothing. I just feel a little dizzy and I want to go home. Let's go home. Now," Jongin said firmly. His tone had this feel of a pissed-off boss telling his employee to work double-shift, with which the latter has no choice but to obey.
"Uh, sure... okay." Kyungsoo managed to say.
Jongin and Kyungsoo were the first EXO members to leave the party. Their manager wanted to drive them home but the two insisted that they would just take a cab home since it's still early.

The trip home was quiet. Kyungsoo was staring emptily at the stores they pass by, while Jongin was busy calming himself by watching the cars at the other side of the road. 
"Breathe. breathe," the younger said to himself as he closed his eyes to concentrate. 
When they arrived at their dorm, Kyungsoo paid the cab and followed the younger inside as Jongin was already halfway inside the building.
"Hey, wait up!" the older shouted as he thanked the cab driver and walked towards the building.
Jongin did stop walking and looked back at his hyung. However, as soon as the older was three to four steps away from him, he continued his walk. The silence continued until the two of them reached their room and had the door closed.
"So, why are you so angry?" Kyungsoo asked as soon as the door was shut.
"I'm not angry." Jongin said calmly. The mini-yoga session he did inside the cab was effective, he thought to himself.
"If you say so..." the older said.
"FINE! I'm angry, okay?"
"Jealous, weren't you? Because Luhan-hyung was playing around and asked me to kiss him?"
 "You know I'm the possessive type." By the time Jongin said this, the two of them were already standing in the living room, facing each other.
"I know that."
"Then why do you keep doing this?"
"Cuz a jealous and a pouting Jongin look cute," Kyungsoo said.
"Hmpf. So tell me, if the maknae had not pulled Luhan-hyung away, what would you have done?" the younger asked. But at least Jongin was now feeling calm.
"I would've waited for you to pull me away."
"What? You wouldn't just walk away?"
"Nope. Cuz if I did that, I wouldn't be able to see this." Kyungsoo said before pointing to Jongin's face--which now had a pout.
"Hmpf. I hate you."
"Yeah, I know." the older said as Jongin sat on the couch and sulked more. "So, you said you were feeling dizzy? Was that true or did you just make that up to be with me?" Kyungsoo said while smiling.
"Don't flatter yourself to much, dear main vocal." Jongin said but without having that oh-I'm-busted look.
"Knew it."
Jongin responded by turning his face to the right to avoid the gaze of his hyung.
"So!" Kyungsoo exclaimed suddenly. "I don't know about you, Kai-ssi, but I'm still hungry. I'll look for something easy to cook for me and for anyone else in this room that wants my cooking."
"I don't want your bribe. I'm still angry at you," the younger said before sticking his tongue out. He also crossed his arms and looked away.
"It's not a bribe. I really am hungry, and I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten that much yet since we left the party early," Kyungsoo explained. "So, follow your hyung and let's find something to eat."
"I want a kiss! Three kisses! No, ten!" Jongin shouted happily as he smiled widely. He was now looking at Kyungsoo, and no longer feeling angry. Jongin was weird like this sometimes. They weren't really mood swings, but he just can't stand being angry at someone for a long time, especially if that someone is Kyungsoo.
"You would need ten mistletoes then, Kai-ssi."
"Stop calling me by my stage name, D.O." the younger said. "Cmon, a kiss to make it feel better?" he continued as he reached his arms out for a hug and flailed them randomly.
"Hmmm... I don't know about ten, but I do have this..." Kyungsoo said as he pulled out a leaf design (whichlooks exactly like the one Luhan pointed to earlier) from his jacket's pocket. Jongin can only smile but he did stand up quickly.
Kyungsoo held the "mistletoe" with his left hand and stretched as far as his arm's length would allow, attempting to make it look that the mistletoe was hanging on top of them. "This is as far as my hands can go..." Kyungsoo said seriously.
"I don't care," Jongin said softly as his lips suddenly but slowly found the other's, catching Kyungsoo by surprise. It was gentle; very gentle. It didn't seem that Jongin was ever angry that day. It seemed like it was their first kiss because of the passion it contained. It was magic; Jongin concluded by himself, that their kisses never lost their spark and intensity. He was still feeling anxious every time he kissed Kyungsoo.
A few seconds passed and Kyungsoo's arm slowly lost strength. A few more passed before the two broke the kiss. 
"So, now, food." Kyungsoo said softly with his head down. He was attempting to hide the blush he had because of the kiss.
"K! But I'm gonna go place this somewhere or display it somewhere you often walk under..." Jongin said as he reached for the mistletoe in Kyungsoo's hand.
As Jongin walked happily around the room, evaluating where the best place is to hang the mistletoe, Kyungsoo made his way to the kitchen and had tied his old apron on his waist.
Roughly a minute passed and Kyungsoo had some ingredients out and was waiting for the pan to heat up properly.
"You look best like that," Jongin said suddenly as he stood near the kitchen, watching his hyung.
"What? With a dirty apron in a messy kitchen; without makeup and tired from the day?" Kyungsoo said as a matter-of-factly.
"Yup!" Jongin smiled as he took steps closer to Kyungsoo--who was facing the stove.
And then Jongin's arms made their way around Kyungsoo's waist for a hug. The older welcomed the hug happily.
"You look best when you look like this. When you look like you're taking care of me, worried if I ate or something, doing things for me..." Jongin said softly.
"I AM still your hyung, Kai-ssi."
"Don't ruin the moment." the taller one said as he hugged the older harder.
"I do take care of you, and will until you grow old and not be able to dance anymore."
"I'd like that." Jongin said as he buried his face in Kyungsoo's shoulder.
"You better," the older said smiling as he let the feeling of Jongin's arm around him sink deep into his heart.
After some time, Jongin never removed his arms around the smaller one's waist. "Jongin, I need to cook now, let me go." Kyungsoo said.
"No" Jongin said, pouting. "Not letting go, cook with me around you." he continued stubbornly and using his cute voice.
Kyungsoo can only sigh in defeat because he knew a snuggly Jongin is a stubbornly snuggly Jongin.
A/N: Just edited. I think I got all grammatical errors... I guess. I hope. T.T
Hope you guys find time to read my other fics as well. :)
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eunhaekaisooftw #1
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sweetness and cuteness overloaded !
demmit kyungsoo u're naughtier than I thought !
and awww jongin ah u're still such a cutie and clingy !
Chapter 1: OMG. "snuggly Jongin is a stubbornly snuggly Jongin." *melts*
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww..
How sweet and beautiful and cute~ /cries of happiness/
Amazing story author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: This is too damn cute!! so Fluffy!!!!! I loved this side of Jongin and Kyungsoo!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute !
Chapter 1: a jealous Jongin is the cutest thing ever ^^ this is the first KaiSoo I ever read...I often ship Jongin with Sehun..but I loved it.thanks for writing this ^^
Byetha #7
Chapter 1: That's so sweet :)
xXRasberryJellyXx #8
Chapter 1: OMG!! T^T So much fluffy!! Everything about this spells C-U-T-E!!
Chapter 1: Too cute! OMMONA xD My KaiSoo feels xD