I Will Be

EXO Songfic Drabbles [indefinite hiatus]
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Avril Lavigne - I Will Be




[Word count: 488 ]

I Will Be


Joonmyun breaks up with him on a rainy sunday afternoon. Well, it wasn’t really a breakup, Lu Han reasons, since they weren’t ever really dating. However, it sounds like a breakup and has all the components of a breakup. They’re in a coffee shop that they frequent around the corner from their college. Joonmyun has a foaming cup of latte in front of him, but makes no effort to drink it. 

“It’s not fair for you, the way I hang around,” Joonmyun mumbles, eyes fixed on his hands. “Just because I love you, it’s selfish of me this way. Guys who are interested in you sometimes think that we’re together and they don’t approach you. Maybe - they could be the one for you. I’m keeping you from finding your happiness.” He takes a deep breath and finally looks up. He stares into Lu Han’s eyes, as if searching for an answer, a sign. Whatever it is he’s searching for, he doesn’t find, because a moment later, Joonmyun gives a soft chuckle and stands up, pushing his untouched coffee away to pick up his umbrella. 

“Wait - where are you going?” Lu Han asks, hand reaching out desperately. He hasn’t even had the chance to order yet - weren't they supposed to get coffee together? 

Joonmyun gives him a sad smile. “That cute waiter over there has been staring at you since you got here,” he says, tilting his head toward the back of the shop. “You should call him over; ask him to give you a recommendation.”

With that, Joonmyun takes long strides out of the coffee shop.

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Chapter 30: this would have been perfect if it emerged as a full-blown fic T_T
Chapter 24: "Maybe next time" lol ~ XD
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD you have really good taste in music!! >.< Its totally something I listen too and would. Plus all your drabbles are also really amazing. I loved the one where the girl BAekhyun liked was actually Jongins sister and all the Luhan and Lay ones.
Chapter 6: You know I really love your stories. Especially these "drabbles" though I kinda wish they were longer. They make me crave for more. Also your songs really fit your stories, like completely. I'm also really inspired with music, its the main reason I can actually do my work and it gives me a lot of inspiration to write.
Chapter 30: The ever so cute Zhang Yixing.
Chapter 30: Haha ! This is so true ! He'd totally be like, eyy, no way. And then wave it off :p
Chapter 2: This chapter reminds me of this chinese fic I read in Baidu... in which Kyungsoo meets Kai who likes to dance in the rain because Luhan dumped him or what not. Lulu comes back but K&K are already together. Just saying.
Chapter 6: This is soooooooo true
darkyoung #9
Chapter 29: Thank you! This was great! You never disappoint!