Chapter 20

Once upon a time


Mrs. Bae's POV


Am I a bad mother for caring about another person more than my own child? Am I a bad mother for secretly happy to see my daughter in law with somebody else? For secretly wishing that they'll be together somehow?


Seeing how Yi Yun cares about Soojung is making my heart happy, but bleed at the same time. Yi Yun acts more like the father of the baby more than Jonghyun. I laughed out loud as Yi Yun wanted to carry Soojung everywhere so she won't be exhausted. Soojung hit his arm and said that she's pregnant and not crippled. I love seeing how Yi Yun always talk to Soojung's belly, somehow convinced that the baby is a girl and always call her 'Little Princess'. Soojung's pregnancy is going well, it's been almost 3 months, other than light morning sickness, she doesn't have any problem.


I taught Soojung how to knit, to make baby clothes. Yi Yun insisted that it's all should be in pink, because it's going to be a baby girl. After some bickering, they settled with lime and light yellow. While Soojung and Yi Yun are enjoying the pregnancy, my son is seeing another woman. A married woman. Nobody dares to tell us in person but news spread quickly. There is nothing we can do about it. Jonghyun denied it, saying he's going out to stay at friends and his friends are backing his story. Soojung and Jonghyun don't share a room anymore. Jonghyun moved to north wing, in one of the guest room.


Yi Yun always escorts Soojung to her room, waited outside until she closed the door and went to his own room. His eyes lit each time we talk about Soojung or about the baby. I can feel how he loves them both unconditionally, even if the baby is not his.


Am I wrong to wish them to be together?










I turned around and saw Yi Yun walking towards me


“Hey you”


“Hi” she said


“I didn't see you the whole day”


“Sorry, had to prepare everything.”




“Yeah. I'm leaving tomorrow”


“What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?”


“It was unplanned actually. I just got the news. I'm leaving first thing in the morning. Uncle and Auntie don't know either, I wanted to tell you first. Take care of little baby for me, okay?”


“Where are you going?”


“You remember I told you I promised my dad to do somethings for him?”




“That's why I have to go”


I hate to see her leave, but she wanted to go before all these things happened. Beside she already said, she'll be back as soon as posibble.




“I'll come back soon, this won't take long. Maybe a week or two”


“You take care of yourself, okay? Don't get into trouble or hurt yourself”


“I won't. Promised. You and little Princess stay healthy, okay?”


I nodded.





The next day I woke up early to be able to say goodbye to her. I walked to the stable to find Mom and Dad already there.


“Soojung?! What are you doing here?” Yi Yun said


“I want to say goodbye”


“It's still early. You should go back to sleep” she said


“I'll do that afterwards. Promised”


We all walked together to the front door.


“Take care of yourself, Yi Yun” Mom said


“Yes, Auntie”


“And come back soon after you finished”


“I'll do that”


Mom and Dad gave her a hug.




She walked and stood in front of me. We were both a little awkward. I was on the verge of tears, I stared at the ground so she can't see my face.


“See you” she said to me. I was staring at the ground the whole time.


“Dong Gun, let's go back” I heard Mom said and they left.



After they left I felt Yi Yun's hand on my cheek “I'll come back for you and little Princess. I promised. Don't cry”


I wiped my tears and forced a smile. I don't ever want to say goodbye to her, I want her by my side forever. Her hand moved to my belly and gently it “Be good, little Princess. Take care of mommy for me”


I bit my lips to prevent myself saying that I love her. That I love her more than anything in the world.


She climbed on top of Thunder “Take care, Soojung”


I wave her goodbye. Please come back safe home, Yi Yun.








Uh oh *hiding under the bed*

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 42: Part 2 ? 2021
Chapter 42: Yiyun fell in water RIGHT? Yiyun limbs are still attached RIGHT? Empty grave RIGHT? Soooooo that means yiyun is still alive RIGHT??? Fufufu well I hope so at least ^^
Chapter 39: I knew it from the moment su ji just let yiyun go, I knew she by the next one. She was the most suspicious, like how you gone to have all these nice fluffy chaps after she change that quick. After seeing that I knew something was up.
mymh_bee #4
Chapter 42: Arrrgghhh.. Why should be a sad ending? I thought Soojunh and Yiyun would live happily with their little family with Yoogeun and Jeehun :'(
kimpie136 #5
Chapter 42: And...........that's it?! Huaarggh.. Ahjumma u are bad u know T.T but it is super interesting . Thumbs up for u byuntae xD
AeshaNic #6
Chapter 42: Just in case u don't what's std is 'ually transmitted disease'
AeshaNic #7
Chapter 36: The siwon guy must have STD'S cuz hes way too many people
lukianara #8
Chapter 42: oww...T.T why why
lukianara #9
Chapter 42: oww...T.T why why