Don't be so CLICHE!

Don't be so CLICHE!


*Zelo's POV*

Ah, everything has to be perfect! EVERYTHING!
From the perfectly trimmed grass, to the view of the orange sunset cascading above us... ah. 


Chocolate covered pretzels?


American Kit-Kat bars?

Her favorite books?
Checkity check check!!!

I stand back at the sight of my work and stand back impressed. 

"Ah, everything is PERFECT!"

*Your POV*

I wonder how they do that, authors that is.  They come up with those sequnces in books, where the main charecter always HAS to have some type of love interest and it's in EVERY book. It's very repetitive. Either the main charecter is a female and has some type of "Crush" on a guy and relises she's infactuated with her best friend, or that who she loves loves her back, or even the "Super Hero" sequence, where a girl goes through some sort of bad break-up and then some guy comes by and sweeps her off her feet or saves her from some bad predicument and they fall in love.
So Cliche. And girls would KILL for those sorts of things.

I however, would not. I'm not a hopless romantic! I won't fall into the whole "Aww! He bought me flowers! Aww how cute!" No. Not at all. And I'm not even bitter! Flowers are pointless anyway!? All they do is die and smell. "Oh he bought me chocolates" Expensive chocolates are nasty too...I rather have a Kit-Kat. 

And I dislike seeing hopless romantics in action, I've seen a A LOT of this from Junhong's bestfriend, Jong-Up we call him. EVERY time he gets a new girlfriend, he showers them with flowers and candies and this stupid embarresed look on his face and they fall head over heels for him. I mean, he honestly has a legitament crush on them but it's so corny how they react. I would never react like this, never in my ENTIRE frickin LIFE-

"Ohh danjjag!!! (Pal)" I hear a sing songy voice before my door busts open.

I look up and Junhongs standing at the door with his cute baby face and eyesmile, grinning at me while still holding the door handle.

"JUNHONG-AH!" I yell with my legs crossed looking up from my book.

"Yeh!?" He replies still grinning his goofy grin.

"I told you to knock first you BABO!"

"Ah! Sorry!" He replis bowing and closing the door again.

A few minutes later I hear her a few knocks on the door, followed by beating of a song.

"OK! OK! COME IN!" I say getting annoyed.

He re-opens the door with the same stupid grin plastered on his face.


I roll my eyes and look down at my book ignoring his prescense.

What's he even doing here...wait, what is he ALWAYS doing here. Annoying me as usual since hmm...what...ALL MY LIFE. Everyday, he comes around and buggs me. "Noona!? What are you reading?" "Noona! Read to me!?" "Noona! I'm hungry!" ahh, so annoying. But sometimes I like his company, I have to admit. He is very close to me and I'd be upset if anything happens to him.

Suddenly the book I was reading was flipped out of my hand.


His face remains snug as he pulls my arm.

"Noona! You have to get up! We are leaving somewhere!"

I glare at him. "I don't want to go anywhere."


"Are you asking me or telling me!?" I cross my arms.

He looks at me seriously. "Telling you."

I gasp, cross my arms, then sit on my bed.

"Then I'm not going!"

"Ok! OK! Asking you!" He leans down to my level. "Noonaaaa, would you please come with me!?!" He batts his eyes using his ageyo to the fullest.

"UGH!" I push his face away getting up.

"YAY!" he cheers.

"I didn't say I was going, I'm not even dressed and-"

"You look PERFECT! LET'S GO!" He grabs my arm and leads me out, rushing as we go.

*Zelos POV*

Ahh, she looks so pretty...I wonder how her face is gonna be when she see's this...

A picnick JUST for her... with all of her favorite stuffs... and music from her favorite idols! She's gonna be like "AHH! Junhong-shi! This for me!?!" 

Ah, wait...she's never been the type to fall for that types of things. She's really pretty anf gets asked out a lot, well not a lot but  more than I enjoy seeing. The guys do it right in my face to, Confess to her. But luckily, she always says no. I am always thankful for that. I think those guys only confess to her to see which one will actually win the prize that is un-reachable, her heart. But they don't really want her heart, they want to brag. It angers me. 

Well, in the end I'LL be the one whose going to be bragging.


*Your POV*

Looking over at Jonhung I give him and awkward look. "Why are you laughing?"

He shakes his head and smiles. "Just thinking...of things." he giggles to himself more.

I roll my eyes. "Ok, but Jonhung?"


"As we've been walking together something has been bothering me... why have been holding my hand the whole way?"

He removes his and awkwardly and places his other hand behind his neck. 

"Ah, Sorry Noona but I had forgot..."

I nod as he suddenly takes interest in something else.

"OH WERE HERE!" He grabs my hand and bolts again. 


*Zelo POV*

I try to read her face as I show her a the picknic.

She's going to abseloutly love it! I'm SURE of it. Sure of it.

I grinn starry eyed at her.

*Your POV*

Studying the picnic set out I look up at him whose face has nothing but an estatic grin swept across it.

"Do you like it noona!? I did it for you?" 

"Yes! Thank you." I bow respectfuly and take a seat, as does he on the oppisit side of the blanket.

What is his motive for doing all of this...this is some sort of prank, he usually drags me some place like an arcade to watch him play video games, or the skatepark to watch him do tricks. But never anything like this.

His smile doesn't deplied as he goes to open the picnic basket.

"Look Noona, all of your favorites! Sweet strawberries cut up, blue berries, and grapes!" He shows me the container of fruit. "And I made Chocolate covered Pretzels that you're crazy about, I remember the time you were angry at me for eating yours so I made you some myself, well  with a little help from Jong-Up Hyung!" He scratches the back of his head again.

I study the containers of food skeptically as he goes back into his basket.

What's with all of this?

"and I got your two favorite books! I didn't know which one you wanted to read so I brought them both." He eye smiles and hands me both.

I put down the food and recive the books from him, staring at the covers.

Indeed, it is my favorite books.

I take out a chocolate covered pretzel and try it. Taste is amazing. Sweet and Salty, my favorite combination.

"And noona!" I turn my attention to him "Your favorite Idols! I've made a playlist of all your favorite songs from them!"

He presses the button and music cascades to my ears.

"I thought you couldn't stand that song?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Ah, but noona, you love it, so I am willing to deal with it for just one day."

I drop the chocolate covered pretzel and lean into him.

*Zelo's POV*

Her face is getting closer to mine!



"What are you trying to do? What, are you in some type of trouble Junhong!" She yells sternly.

"NOONA!" My eyes widen. "Of course I'm not in any sort of troubles!?"

"Then why'd you do all of this?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"All of what?" I ask confused.

"BABO! This! The chocolate cover pretzels, and the basket! And the fruits! and the books!" She eats anothe pretzel while still staring at me. "And the chocolate covered pretzels...which are REALLY good by the way!"

I giggle a little. "Because...I can't do anything sweet for my noona?" I batt my eyes at her.

She squits at me still chewing her precious pretzels like the cutest thing ever.

"Heh heh." I giggle watching her.

"You know... Imma find out anyway." She suddenly says, snapping out of my gaze at her.

"hmm?" I say dreamily.

"I said I'm going to find out what you did..." she bites her strawberry "and when I do, I will kill you and watch you decompose."

I lean back. "Viscous!"

She shruggs.

"Trust me Noona! I haven't done anything wrong! I just really wanted to spend time with my amazing noona at a picnic watching the sunset." I point at the sky.

She glances. "Ah, it is pretty." She agrees nodding.

"Not as as pretty as you." My cheeks heat up.

*Your pov*

"AISH!" You throw down your grape you bit off of. "Why are you being like this today?"

"Like what?" He looks up sincerly.

"You know!!!" I wave my arms around frantically trying to describe what I want to say. "ALL OF THIS!"

He grins. "I already said, I wnated to spend time with my amazing Noona, ...whose also pretty!" he adds.

"STOP!" I point at him

"Stop what?" He raises an eyebrow almost smirking.



"Complementing me! and doing these things! And stuff!" I try to explain.

"Noona, you deserve to be complemented though!" He smiles.

I glare. "STOP. IT."

"Stop what? Gazing at your pretty face? Hmm?" He leans on his hand and winks at me.


"What...flirting noona?"He smirks again, growing bolder by the minute.

"YES!" He exehale relaxing again. "Next then I know, you'll be confessing to me."

*Zelo POV*

Oh, a confesstion she wants, a confesstion she gets!

"But Noona," I tilt her face toward me. "I am confessing."

Her eyes widen. 

"I have always liked you noona, but I felt as if you were un-touchable, seeing the way you decline them. I have always liked that as well though, because I wanted you to be MINE. And I really like you, say that you like me too noona?"

She looks around shocked as my heart beats faster.

*Your POV*

"Jun-Junhong-shi!" I begin. "You are one of my great friends, but I don't think...I like you more than that." 

I probably just broke his heart.

I study his face and suddenly...a smirk grows on his face.

"What is this!?" I ask confused. is this some sort of sick joke!?

"You like me." He says

What is wrong with this kid. "No, I don't-"

"Ah, but nonna, you do." He gets up walking around sighing. "I can tell."

My eyes follow him around, wondering what he'll come up with.

"By the way you always accept me, no matter what time of night it is when I cannot sleep. You sneek me through your window."

"That's because you'll keep me up by texting me."

"How you come with me to whatever I ask you to, no matter how much you hate skateparks, you come just to watch me skate!"

"That's called being a good friend." I reply swiftly.

"The way you stare at me when I have on a batheing suit when we go swimming in the summer.

I turn my head studying a flower.

"I was making sure you weren't drowned."

"Ah-huh, and by the way you are blushing right now."

I glare and get up to face him.

"AISH! BUT I CAN TELL YOU LIKE ME TO!" I yell at him glaring up at his stupid little....cute face.

"Yes noona," his smile widens "But I've already confessed to you...and you just admitted you like me too!" he laughs.

"AISH! You...babo!" She spins around crossing her arms.

*Zelos POV*

Laughing, I wrap my arms around her shoulder and squess her tight.

"Mm, just confess noona!" I say into her ear. "Who wouldn't like me? Right?" I chuckle a little, rocking her.

"GET OFF ME!" She suddnely spins around pushing me, her face turning pink.

"LISTEN! BABO! AND LISTEN GOOD!" She grabs up at my collar. "I don't LIKE YOU. I Never will! GOT IT!?!"

She looks so cute angry, I just want to... hmm, why don't I?

My eyes lock with hers as a warm smile spreads across my face, and hers easins up.

Before I know it my lips touch hers and my eyes close as i feel hers flutter.

Pulling back I see her look confused as she touches her lips with her hand, then looks up at me.

I wiggle my eyebrows and she lets me go auto-matically and pushes me away.


"Oh please! You didn't pull away, you must of liked it as much as I did!" 

"You liked it?" Her voice softens.

My eyes widen.

"I mean- it doesn't matter! I DON'T LIKE YOU!" She tried to recover.

I laugh and grab her arm and turn he back around.

"Tell me you like me too!"

"NO! I DON'T - MPPH!" I pull her in another kiss.

"TELL ME!" I say after releasing


I kiss her longer then the last time.

"If you don't tell me, I'm gonna keep kissing you!" I threaten.

She looks down.

My face moves closer to hers again.

"ok!...." She says.

I stop inches away from her face, staring into her eyes.

she glances away. "...I like you." she whispers.

I smile and kiss her again but this time longer.

"STOP!" She pulls away. "You said you stop."

I smirk. "I couldn't help myself, your just to cute to me."

She rolls her eyes with her face turning cherry tomatoe red.

"I'm not you're girlfriend though." she mutters.

I glare at her.

"Ok...then" I silently turn the music off and close the fruit containers placing it back in the basket.

"What are you doing?" She says confused.

"Nothing." I sigh, putting the books in next. "I'll just find some other girl to be my girlfriend..."

She stares at me intensly.

"Oh, and maybe she'll like these!" I say picking up the pretzels.

"NO!" She yells.

All of a sudden I'm laying down and she's pinning down from ontop of me.

"Junhung... Naekkeoya!" she says staring me dead in the eyes serious as day.

I smile up at her. "Noona, do you really like me that much."

She rolls her eyes and get's off of me, and insted laying next to me as we both stare up at the sky.

*Your POV*

"Why do you like Chocolate pretzels so much?" He suddenly asks as you stare at the sky munching.

You take your time answering. "Because...I like the combanation."

"Huh?" He suddenly faces you.

"Sweet and salty....they go together." 

"Oh....." he's quite for a few secounds. "Noona, feed me one?"

"Aigoo, you're such a baby today!" I pinch his cheek and he smiles showing his dimples then faces me, staring in his eyes.

"Here." I place one in his mouth.

He chews and makes a suprising face. "It's great."

I roll my eyes. "Aish! You surly had to taste them already!"

"Yeh! But everything tastes better with you!"

"So cliche!" I roll my eyes.

He sits up a litte. "I'm serious! reminds me of us."

I sit up.


"Me, the chocolate...sweet and, the pretzel, salty, yet still delicious."

I laugh. "Ah, you are really to much!"

He laughs too then blinks. "Hmm...."


He grabs the book out of the basket and hands it too me, then places his head on my lap.

"Read to me?"

"Such a baby!" I laugh again opening the book.

After not less then 13 minutes of reading, he falls asleep on my lap.

"Ugh, this boy really." I try uncomferably. "Junhong...wake up."

He does look kinda cute when he's sleeping...maybe it's not totally terrible dateing him.

I lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek but suddenly, he leans up and kisses me.

"AIsH!" I push him off.

He laughs controllably.

"YOU'RE SO CLICHE! REALLY!" I wipe my mouth while my cheeks burn red.

"Ah, I could get used to this." He smirks.

I could too.... now I get those authors...

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Chapter 1: I really like the story line. ^-^ It's different. Though you do have some spelling and grammar errors in this story. Not sure if you want me to point them out.
Chapter 1: haha this is cute ^^ and such a crazy Zelo tho xD