How Could This Be?!

How Could This Be?!

"Oh please Dad!!!" I practically begged on my knees. 

"I have money and everything for it!! And I don't even have school, just on Monday! Please!!!"

He looked down at me.

"Why? Why do you want to go on vacation anyway? Its the middle of winter and your busy with school." He said sternly.

"I kind of..... Told James I was going to California so I wouldn't have to go to the dance with him?" I scrunched my shoulders to prepare for yelling.

"Ohhhhh, yes, James... I dislike that kid. Well, you do have an aunt who lives there with her husband and 2 kids. Or wait was it her friends kids? I can't remeber, but anyway I suppose it's better than that...... James." He was almost growling.

My eyes instantly brightened and I almost jumped off of the walls because of my excitement.

"OH THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hugged my father tightly.

"Ok ok..... Keep acting like that I will change my mind." He wink.

"Tsk, way to make me feel better dad." I rolled my eyes.

"You bet." He ruffled my hair.

I started happy dancing my way up to my room. I was to happy and after all, who wouldn't want to get away from school for a week and be like on the other side f the country?!

Watch my room be a mess or something because I'm going somewhere.

I closed my eyes and opened the door expecting for the worse. My door creaked open and I look at my room. Nothing. NOTHING?! How is that possible- wait.... I walked over to my window and noticed a rose. There was a paper tied around it.

"Hmmm" I tapped my chin and debated if I should open it or not. "Ehhh what the heck"

I grabbed the rose ly and untied the paper.... Which was rather heavy.  I set the rose down and opened the paper. It was a picture.

It was the place where My dream took place. I looked on the back when I noticed the blue ink. It was a letter.


If you get this consider this as a gift from beyond the dead. I know who you are.. You are ____ The reason why I died.

This stung me. Who sent this? How did it get here?

Don't take it personally, I know you are shocked. I didn't want to die before I met you, but it happened that way. And I'm sorry for that.  I will be your guardian spirit... How about that? I know the messages were harsh, but honestly, sometimes I can't control my emotions and do something that I didn't intend to do. _____ I know your name. Yes that is correct....

Please dream of me again, well, I will make you dream about me.... How about that?



"WHAT?!" I yelled.

I was astonished. How was I the reason he died? How was it my fault? And well duh, I know he knows my name! Hes been haunting my for how long? He even said it in a dream! Dreams.....

I love the dreams about him. About how he shows me things he cannot do in real life. But how does a ghost have emotions? How is it possible? 


*   *  *

I yawned and stretched my arms. I was currently ready to sleep and rest. I lay relaxed as ever. It felt like I was being drowned into my blankets and bed. I let my drowsy eyes shut and head off to dream land.

"You know you really didn't have to beg." LuHan laughed at me.

"Well I wanted to go to California and get away from James." I pouted.

"Yes I know" He chuckled. "But will you let me come to California with you?" he asked.

"You don't need to ask, you can do whatever you want... You are free." I said.

"I wish, but as long as your alive and well I won't be free..."

What?How could he not be free? How am I stopping him?


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inspirit_beauty #1
Chapter 19: sequrl plssssssssssssss ;~;
Chapter 17: What???! It can't just end like this! The last part got me crying....but it can't end just like this. Sequel?
Chapter 19: I can't stop crying!!! How can you end like this~ ugh so good....
Chapter 17: D_______________O
Chapter 16: Oh my god... what's with

"You think you can get away with what you did!!!
And I always thought that you were role models !!
but look at you, you are lying to a very special person I care about !
you agree with her mother! How dare you come here!!"

This is creepy~~~~~~
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOO Please UPDATE SoOoOoOon I Want to Know what they are screaming at !!!!!! Oooooooh MY Feelings Akjjbnlfpuwtv *dies*
Chapter 14: Cliffhanger?????? *le dies* Don't tell me.. That Luhan is "BACK"
Chapter 13: This is heartbreaking.. She's facing a really painful truth... Her mother hates her.. Luhan...
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD !!! This story is so interesting.. I love this !!!! btw new reader here... update soon author-nim... ^___^
Chapter 10: Ewwwwwwww James is so creepy ... I'm Looking forward to the TALKING between them :)
Fighting Author-nim <3 <3 <3